William T Clarke1, Jamie Near2, Uzay E Emir3,4, and Saad Jbabdi1
1Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging, NDCN, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2Douglas Mental Health University Institute, and Department of Psychiatry, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada, 3School of Health Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, United States, 4Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, United States
FSL-MRS is a new Python-based
MRS fitting tool. The model is based on a linear combination of basis spectra, and
fitting is achieved with a sampling approach which gives full posterior
distributions of fitted parameters. Results are stored both as text files and an interactive HTML report. On
publication the tool will be open source and free as part of the FSL
package. The tool will be developed to handle MRSI and model fMRS
as time-series. Here we demonstrate an initial implementation in phantom data
and three brain regions of 37 subjects and compare against another fitting software.
Unlike MRI neuroimaging, MR
spectroscopy lacks standard analysis pipelines, which substantially hinders use
in research. For fitting of post-processed data, a number of expert-created
programs are available (1-3), but many suffer from a closed-source approach, or require high levels
of user interaction, or have significant expense. The currently available
software is not easily extensible to new uses of MRS such as high voxel count
MRSI or time-series modelling of fMRS.
Here we introduce a new Python-based
MRS fitting tool, FSL-MRS, working on the principle of linear combination of pre-calculated
basis spectra. This tool calculates full posterior distributions of the fitted
metabolite concentrations to estimate concentration covariances and
uncertainties. FSL-MRS incorporates an interactive reporting interface which
uses the latest data-science visualisation tools. The tool is open source, free
as part of the FSL software package, and operates with a command line or
configuration-file interface.
In this work we show an initial implementation of the user interface and
output and describe the fitting model and approach. A validation of the tool’s
concentration estimates is carried out in a uniform phantom, and its in vivo
performance is assessed in three brain regions of 37 subjects at 7T.Methods
The model for the
complex-domain spectrum is
$$M_{l,g}(\nu;\gamma_g,\epsilon_g) = \mathcal{F}\left \{ m_{l,g}(t)exp[-(\gamma_g+i\epsilon_g)t]) \right \}$$
where $$$B(\nu)$$$ describes an nth-order
polynomial estimate of the baseline, the second term applies a global phase
term and the final term is the sum of all scaled, shifted and broadened
metabolite basis spectra $$$M_{l,g}(\nu;\gamma_g,\epsilon_g)$$$.
To avoid overfitting there is no flexibility in the metabolite line-shapes
beyond shifting (ε) and broadening (γ), which can
be flexibly applied to NG groups of metabolites (all metabolites in a group are treated with the same ε and γ). $$$\mathcal{F}$$$ is the Fourier transform and $$$m_{l,g}(t)$$$ is the inverse Fourier transform of $$$M_{l,g}(\nu;0,0)$$$ and equivalent to the raw time-domain basis functions generated.
Initialization is achieved
using the truncated Newton algorithm in the SciPy package. The final fit is carried
out over all model parameters using Metropolis-Hastings (a Markov chain Monte
Carlo algorithm). An interactive HTML report (Plotly, Montreal, Canada) is
generated for each fit displaying the fitted spectrum, model fit, residuals and
concentrations (Fig 1) and concentration posterior distributions, metabolite
covariances and scaled basis spectra (Fig 2).
Validation of water scaled
concentrations was carried out in a uniform aqueous phantom (SPECTRE, Gold
Standard Phantoms, London, UK) containing six metabolites (NAA, Cr, Cho, Ins,
Glu and Lac) using a previously published STEAM sequence at 7T (4,5). The same basis spectra were used to estimate the concentrations of
six metabolites from 5 Hz line-broadened spectra from the phantom. Absolute concentrations
were calculated from referencing the integral of the scaled creatine spectrum
to an un-suppressed water spectrum taken to be equivalent to 55 M concentration.
In vivo performance was compared to LCModel (2) in three brain regions (ACC, OCC and putamen) in 37 subjects scanned
using a STEAM sequence protocol in a whole body 7T scanner (Siemens, Erlangen,
Germany). Fitting basis sets were created by density matrix simulation of 20 metabolites
using an extended 1D-projection method (6) in Spinach (7) with an in vivo measured macromolecular basis spectrum. LCModel was
used without concentration ratio priors.Results
Results of the validation of
concentration estimates are displayed in Figure 3. FSL-MRS correctly estimates
the water-scaled metabolite concentrations of three of six included
metabolites. This appears to match the performance of LCModel (ignoring a
global scaling offset seen with LCModel in this case).
The per-metabolite
correlation plots between FSL-MRS and LCModel are shown in Figure 4.
Concentrations are expressed relative to total creatine and scaled so that
total creatine equals 8. The mean Pearson correlation is 0.27. In the most
prominent metabolites (NAA, Ins, PCh and Glu) correlation was 0.59.Discussion
Here we presented an initial
implementation of FSL-MRS, demonstrating equivalence to a single existing tool.
Work will continue to evaluate with simulation data to confirm validity and against
other toolboxes in a wider set of data (different field strengths and sequences
and pathological subjects).
We will take advantage of the
tool’s flexibility to handle MRSI and incorporate time series modelling to fit
fMRS. This will also incorporate reading data from multiple formats, including
ascii and 4D NIfTI. We will also extend the current line-shape model to incorporate
a distribution of Lorentzian resonances.
We plan to distribute FSL-MRS in 2020.Acknowledgements
We thank Phil Cowen and Beata
Godlewska for providing the test data, which was funded by the MRC
[MR/K022202/1]. The Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging is supported
by core funding from the Wellcome Trust (203139/Z/16/Z).References
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