Lara Schlaffke1, Robert Rehmann1, Martijn Froeling2, and Johannes Forsting1
1Neurology, BG UK Bergmannsheil, Bochum, Germany, 2Radiology, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
diffusion tensor imaging is a quantitative magnetic resonance image (MRI)
technique, which can provide information about muscular microstructure and
integrity. Due to high intermuscular variability, the manual separation of the
muscles is essential. Here, we have compared three methods, which allow
assessing of diffusion properties of the thigh muscles. In each of the three
investigated methods, two independent raters performed the muscle segmentation.
We could show, that volume-based tractography proved to be the most reliable
and robust method (ICC = 0.923-0.985) and has the advantage to achieve
additional information about muscle architecture.
diffusion tensor imaging is a quantitative magnetic resonance image (MRI)
technique, which can provide information about muscular microstructure and
integrity. Separation of different muscles is essential to evaluate
intermuscular differences and variances, which have been described by different
anatomical, ultrasound and DTI studies. The commonly used methods to assess DTI
metrics in different muscles are manual segmentation-based parameter maps, ROI
based tractography or volume-based tractography. All these methods require
manual intervention by either drawing ROIs to segment fibers gained from
tractography or by segmenting the muscle tissue slice-by-slice on an anatomical
image and may therefore have a subjective bias. To circumvent this bias and to
allow pooling data from different cohorts, it is important to mitigate the
effect of interrater reliability. Therefore, the purpose of the present study
was to compare three different methods to evaluate diffusion metrics with
respect to their inter-rater reliability and their ability to detect
intramuscular differences. The three methods are i) manual segmentation
(MSB), ii) tract-based analysis (TBA) and iii) volume-based tractography (VBT).Methods
healthy volunteers underwent a magnetic resonance (MR) examination in a 3T
scanner and 16-channel Torso XL coil of the upper legs. Participants were instructed to lie still
in a feet-first supine position. The MRI protocol included T1-weighed (T1w) for
an anatomical reference, T2-weighed as well as SE-EPI DWI in an axial slice
order from proximal to distal (total acquisition time 27 minutes). To avoid
shimming artifacts due to large field of view (FOV) the upper leg region was
divided into three FOV’s of 480x264x150mm³ along the z-axis (stacks). For
accurate merging, the stacks had an overlap of 10mm.
was preprocessed akin to Schlaffke et al using QMRITools software (Mathematica
11)1–3. In short, DWI
data were merged, denoised and motion corrected by registration to the T2-data.
Tensors were estimated using the Matlab-based toolbox ExploreDTI and a ROBUST
tensor estimation approach 4,5. Subsequently, deterministic whole leg fiber
tracking was performed using ExploreDTI (Matlab)6 using a maximum
angle of 15°, a FA range of 0.1 – 0.6 and 1.5mm step size 3,7 and parameter
maps for FA, MD, RD and λ1 were calculated.
of six thigh muscles (biceps femoris, semimembranosus, semitendinosus, rectus
femoris, vastus lateralis and vastus medialis) was performed using three
methods by two independent raters each: i) based on the T1w images, the masks
were then smoothed, eroded, registered to diffusion space and overlaid on the
parameter maps (MSB). ii) by drawing gates within ExploreDTI based on the whole
leg tractography to obtain fiber bundles for each muscle separately (TBA). iii)
Masks from MSB were used to split the preprocessed diffusion data to perform
tractography within the resulting segments (VBT; see Figure 1 for schematic
inter-rater reliability was assessed using ICC analysis, Pearson correlations
and Bland-Altman plots.Results
scatter plots in Figure 2 illustrate the correlation of interrater measurements
including Pearson correlation coefficient (r) and intraclass-correlation
coefficient (ICC) in each graph. Inter-rater reliability for all methods in all
muscles was high, with all ICC greater than 0.864. Highest inter-rater
reliability for all diffusion parameters was found for VBT (ICC ≥ 0.923; see
Fig 3). Pearson correlation coefficient showed a strong correlation between
raters (r ≥ 0.775). The highest correlation between raters was found for VBT (r
≥ 0.861). Bland-Altman Plots show the lowest limits of agreement for VBT (see
Figure 3).Discussion
MSB each voxel is weighted equally, which means that one sample is obtained for
each voxel. Thus, in comparison to tract-based analysis less data points are
generated. Furthermore, in MSB analysis requires no tractography and is therefore
not susceptible to low SNR regions where tractography fails.
comparison TBA achieves similar robust results in the assessment of
intramuscular variability and rater dependency, but TBA weights the diffusion
information on tract density. In regions with reliable and homogeneous
diffusion signal - e.g. in tightly packed muscle belly of a healthy muscle –
more and longer fiber tracts are generated as in regions of muscle fascia and
aponeurosis. The diffusion metrics in tractography are calculated for each step
of the fiber tracts. Therefrore, regions with a higher tract density are overrepresented
and influence the result of total muscle diffusion data.
VBT interrater-reliability was found to be highest for all assessed diffusion
parameters (ICC ≥ 0.92). Here, the weighting of the diffusion information is
the same as in TBA, however, by restricting the tractography within a mask, no
fibers may be calculated outside the specified volume. This indicates that DTI
data should be analyzed by volume-based tractography to achieve robust and
reliable results, when multiple raters are taking into consideration or when
pooling data from different centers.Conclusion
data can be assessed by both tractography and manual segmentation with high
inter-rater reliability, with VBT proved to be the most reliable. Although volume-based
tractography as well as tract-based analysis have the advantage to achieve
additional information about muscle architecture, they may miss pathological
muscle regions in patients. This should be taken into consideration, when
choosing either one of those methods for muscle segmentation.Acknowledgements
thank Philips Germany for continuous scientific support and specifically Dr.
Burkhard Mädler for valuable discussion. JF and LS received funding from
the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Projectnumber 122679504 SFB874 (TP-A1 to JF, TP-A5 to LS).References
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