Martin Schwartz1,2, Petros Martirosian1, Günter Steidle1, Michael Erb3, Bin Yang2, and Fritz Schick1
1Section on Experimental Radiology, University Hospital of Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany, 2Institute of Signal Processing and System Theory, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany, 3Biomedical Magnetic Resonance, University Hospital of Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany
Retrospective measurements of muscular contraction in diffusion-weighted
imaging are inherently asynchronous leading to an unknown time point of
acquisition during the muscular motion. Therefore, prospective imaging is investigated
based on surface electromyography signals derived during the measurement. Fast
and more robust real-time activity detection is achieved by a neural network.
Imaging during active muscular contraction can be prevented by analysis of the
muscular state; however, sampling at different time points of the muscular
contractions is also possible.
Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) is sensitive to
record incoherent muscular motion like small spontaneous mechanical activities
in musculature (SMAM)1. Simultaneous recordings of DWI and surface
electromyography (sEMG) have shown high correlation between both modalities.2
Furthermore, a high variation of the visualization capability was revealed,
depending on MR sequence parameters.3 Therefore, improved detection
and visualization of muscular motion was investigated by sEMG-triggered MR-DWI
in previous studies4,5. A tradeoff between average systemic delay
between onset of sEMG activity and MR-DWI4, and computational
complexity has to be considered5.
In this work, an improved system combining a
short systemic delay with a highly adaptable noise-robust detection by neural
network architectures is investigated to overcome limitations of previous works4,5.
Moreover, preliminary results regarding the influence of the trigger time delay
on the visualization of spontaneous activities and active muscular contractions
are presented.Methods
Model-based event detection and MR system triggering
is achieved by adaption of a sequence controller5 for fast signal
processing. The system is depicted in Fig. 1. Sequence Controller: The sEMG signal is sampled with fs = 1 kHz
and processed galvanically decoupled on a microcontroller system (ARM
Cortex-M3). For pre-processing the sEMG signal is filtered (fband-pass=20-500 Hz
and fnotch=45-55 Hz) and rectified before it is sent to the
host system for storage and visualization and to the detection unit by serial
communication. The sequence controller triggers the MR system by a fiber
optical connection after receiving information from the detection unit. A
flexible delay between sEMG onset and start of DWI measurement can be set to
record motion in different states. The acquisition scheme is illustrated in
Fig. 2. Detection unit: A single-board
computer (Raspberry Pi Foundation, Cambridge, UK) is utilized for sEMG signal
classification. For real-time detection, the inference time is reduced by a
Coral Accelerator with an Edge Tensor Processing Unit (TPU) (Google LLC,
Mountain View, CA, USA) and quantization-aware training6. Therefore,
the neural network architecture is restricted to layer types which are supported by the accelerator device: Multiple layers of strided 1D convolution layers (encoder
structure) with batch-normalization7 and rectified linear unit
(ReLU) activation was utilized with a dense layer as output (softmax
activation). Classification output is: "sEMG activity"/"no sEMG activity" (corresponding
to a "trigger out" or "no trigger out" to the sequence controller). Training Data: The training procedure
is outlined in Fig. 3. sEMG signals for training were acquired during
simultaneous DW-MRI with an MR-compatible amplifier (BrainAmp ExG MR, Brain
Products GmbH, Gilching, Germany) from 10 healthy subjects (age: 34±13 years, gender:
8m/2f) from previous work2. sEMG signals were semi-automatically
annotated.8 For simulation of a sEMG stream, a pre-trained signal
generator9 (generative adversarial network10,11 based on
long short-term memory cells12,13) was utilized to generate sEMG
samples which are superimposed on resting sEMG signals recorded inside the MR
system. For a more robust detection, data was augmented by additive white
Gaussian noise and harmonic distortions (sinusoidal signals from 1-500 Hz).
After offline training, the trained model (TensorFlow Lite, Google LLC) is
transferred to the detection unit. System
evaluation: sEMG signals were derived from the skeletal musculature by
MR-compatible Ag/AgCL electrodes (BrainProducts GmbH, Gilching, Germany) during
MR-DWI (3T MAGNETOM Prismafit, Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany) measurements with a 15 ch. Tx/Rx knee coil from 3 healthy subjects (age:
42±21, gender: male) with following parameterization: TE: 36 ms, b-value:
100 s/mm², 6/8 readout, matrix: 64-80x64-80, no fat-suppression, spin echo
or stimulated echo excitation (diffusion-sensitive time: Δ = 145 ms).Results & Discussion
An average inference time on the TPU of 0.4 ms was
measured with a test-accuracy of 71.7 % on noisy data. Time between sEMG
onset and MR trigger output was 5.4±2.8 ms in average leading to an
overall minimum systemic delay of 12.6±4.5 ms due to the necessary trigger
pulse length of around 10 ms which is much lower or comparable to previous
works4,5. Non-triggered MR-DWI, MR-DWI triggered by spontaneous
activity and MR-DWI triggered by active movement are exemplarily depicted in
Fig. 4. Clear differences are visible in the near-surface region of the sEMG
electrode. Recording of active movements can be prevented by MR acquisition
after muscular contraction (prolonged trigger time delay). Fig. 5 shows the
influence of the trigger time delay on spontaneous activities. It is shown that
with a larger trigger time delay the contraction patterns of spontaneous
activities are almost fully relaxed after 175 ms.Conclusion
Robust sEMG activity detection enables studies of small muscular
movements or contraction pattern analysis by triggered MR-DWI measurements. Further
work should investigate systematically the influence of the neural network
architecture, e. g. sequence length and types of layers (dilated temporal
convolutional networks), on the detection capability and robustness regarding
signal distortions as well as the effect of the trigger time delay on the
muscular contraction pattern. Furthermore, the real-time classification can
improve the quantitative assessment of spontaneous activities by discarding
time periods of active movement14.Acknowledgements
work was supported and funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) under
Grants SCHI 498/11‐1 and YA 28/16‐1. We thank Feiweier, T., Siemens Healthcare,
Erlangen, Germany for his valuable technical support on this project.References
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