Mohammed R. S. Sunoqrot1, Sandra Kucharczak2, Magdalena Grajek2, Kirsten M. Selnæs1,3, Tone F. Bathen1,3, and Mattijs Elschot1,3
1Department of Circulation and Medical Imaging, NTNU, Norwegian University of Science and Technolog, Trondheim, Norway, 2Department of quantum electronics, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland, 3Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, St. Olavs Hospital, Trondheim University Hospital, Trondheim, Norway
Inter- and
intra-observer variability are current limitations of radiological reading of
multiparametric MR images of the prostate. Deep learning (DL)-based
segmentation has proven to provide good performance, but little is known about
the repeatability of these methods. In this work, we investigated the
intra-patient repeatability of shape features for DL segmentation methods of
the prostate on T2-weighted MR images and compared it to manual segmentations.
We found that the repeatability of the investigated methods is excellent for
most of the investigated shape features.
Inter and
intra-observer variability are two of the main limitations of multiparametric
MRI radiological reading in prostate cancer.1 For applications based on multiple scans in time, such as active
surveillance and response monitoring, good repeatability is paramount. Computer-aided
detection and diagnosis (CAD) systems can help by providing standardized and
repeatable decisions.2 Fully automated segmentation is an essential step for prostate CAD
systems.3 The inter-observer variability of deep learning (DL)-based segmentation
methods and expert radiologists was shown to be approximately equal to that of between
expert radiologists.4 However,
little is known about the (intra-patient, inter-scan) repeatability of DL-based
segmentation methods. Therefore, the aim of this work was to investigate the
repeatability of shape features extracted from DL-based segmentations of the
prostate on T2-weighted MR images.Methods
In this study, we used two datasets with transverse
T2-weighted MR images:
challenge dataset (N=50), which consists of multi-centre and multi-vendor images obtained with different
acquisition protocols, field strengths and coils, including reference
segmentations.5 This dataset was used to
train the DL segmentation methods.
An in-house
collected dataset (N=27) of pre-biopsy 3T MR images from 27 patients
(median age = 63; range: 47 – 74 years) acquired at two different time points:
first, at initial visit for detection of prostate cancer (Scan 1) and second
during an MR-guided biopsy procedure (Scan 2). The median interval
between scan1 and 2 was 7 days (range: 1 – 71 days). This dataset was obtained
from St. Olavs Hospital, Trondheim University Hospital, Norway between March
2015 and April 2016 and its use approved by the Regional Committee for Medical
and Health Research Ethics (REC Mid Norway; identifier 2017/576). This dataset was used to
investigate the repeatability of shape features extracted from the segmented
prostate, as explained below.
Manual segmentation of
the in-house collected dataset was performed by a non-expert reader (SK) using
DL-based segmentation was
performed using two publicly available methods, Mirzaev7 and nnUnet.8 Both of the methods were trained on the
PROMISE12 dataset to generate the 3-dimensional
prostate volume segmentations for the in-house collected dataset. Model
training and validation was performed using Python v3.6 on a single NVIDIA
GTX1080Ti GPU. The Mirzaev model was trained for 20 epochs with batch size of
32, whereas the nnUnet model was trained until the learning rate dropped below
10−6 (≈500 epochs) with batch size of 250.
In addition, manual
adjustment was performed on Mirzaev segmentations, termed Adjusted-Mirzaev.
A researcher with three years of experience with prostate imaging (MRS)
adjusted, using ITK-SNAP,6 what were judged to be poorly segmented 2-dimensinal slices by visual
The dice
similarity coefficient (DSC; Equation(1))
was calculated as a metric segmentation performance
$$CoV = \frac{2\left | R \cap E \right |}{\left | R \right |+\left | E \right |} \quad (1)$$
$$$\qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad$$$Where R is the reference
segmentation and E
is the estimated segmentation.9
Thirteen (13) shape features (Table 1) were extracted from the 3-dimensional
segmented prostate volume, using Pyradiomics.10 The coefficient of variation (CoV; Equation(2))
was used to measure the inter-scan repeatability of each feature and for each
$$CoV = \frac{\sigma (Scan 1, Scan 2)}{\mu (Scan 1, Scan 2)} \quad (2)$$
$$$\qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad$$$Where $$$\sigma$$$ and $$$\mu$$$ are the standard deviation and mean values,
The CoV was considered excellent, good, acceptable and poor when
CoV≤0.1, 0.1<CoV≤0.2, 0.2<CoV ≤0.3, and CoV>0.3, respectively.11
Wilcoxon signed rank test12 followed by Benjamini-Hochberg correction for
multiple testing13 was used to assess the differences in DSC between scans and CoVs between
methods. P-values<0.05 were considered statistically significant. MATLAB R2018b (Mathworks, Natick, MA, USA) was used for statistical
Figure 1 shows
an example case segmented with the four investigated methods. Figure 2 represents the performance of the segmentation methods in
comparison to manual segmentations. Mirzaev performed significantly lower than the Adjusted-Mirzaev and nnUnet
in both of the scans.
Figure 3 demonstrates excellent median repeatability for 13/13, 10/13, 12/13
and 13/13 features for Manual, Mirzaev, Adjusted-Mirzaev and nnUnet,
respectively. The repeatability was significantly lower than that of manual
segmentations for 12/13, 2/13, and 4/13 features for Mirzaev, Adjusted-Mirzaev
and nnUnet, respectively. Discussion
Our results
show that nnUnet had the best overall segmentation accuracy and highest
repeatability of the investigated fully automatic segmentation methods,
comparable to that of manual segmentations. This work extends previous studies showing
the excellent performance of nnUnet on a wide variety of medical image
segmentation tasks.8 However, none of the DL-based methods was perfect, leading to
unacceptable segmentations in some cases. To improve repeatability and quality
of automatic segmentations, poorly segmented cases can be detected and adjusted
manually. This was applied to the Adjusted-Mirzaev segmentations, resulting in
CoVs more in agreement with the manually obtained segmentations. To automate
the detection process of poor segmentations, a quality control system as the
one we previously proposed,14 can be used.CONCLUSION
repeatability of the investigated DL-based segmentation methods of the prostate
is excellent for most of the investigated shape features. Acknowledgements
No acknowledgement found.References
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