A Machine Learning Approach to Left Ventricle Mesh Prediction from Multi-Slice MR Images
Thomas Joyce1, Stefano Buoso1, Yuerong Xu1, and Sebastian Kozerke1
1Institute for Biomedical Engineering, University and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland


There has been considerable success applying deep learning to cardiac MRI segmentation. However, segmentation masks have several shortcomings. In particular, they are discrete (voxel-based) representations of continuous anatomy, and are hence not suitable for use in biomechanical simulation. Mesh representations can potentially overcome both of these drawbacks. We demonstrate an approach to predicting left-ventricular (LV) meshes from short-axis MR images. The proposed approach: (i) works robustly on data with differing slice numbers, slice thicknesses, and left-ventricular coverage, (ii) has no test-time optimisation loop, but rather directly predicts the mesh from a mask, and, (iii) generalises to real data with pathology.


Many methods exist for producing voxalised segmentation masks. Here we focus instead on predicting shape meshes, which are continuous, and therefor suitable for use in biomechanical simulation. Such simulation of the heart has significant potential, especially if patient-specific models can be easily created. Extracting accurate simulation-ready meshes from cardiac MR images is a key step in the progression towards personalised cardiac healthcare. Previous work1 has shown the potential for cardiac mesh prediction using neural networks. However, here we are interested in predicting a volumetric meshes suitable for biomechanical simulation. Additionally, we explicitly consider multi-slice data, partial ventricle coverage, and explore generalisation to real (pathological) data.


As existing segmentation methods already produce high-quality mask predictions, we propose a network to predict meshes directly from voxalised mask data (Fig.1). For mesh representation we use a volumetric mesh suitable for simulation composed of 6066 points with a fixed connectivity. As previously demonstrated2 we use Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) to define 11 'modes' that capture the expected variation of cardiac shapes to within approximately 2mm accuracy. Our network predicts the weights of these 11 modes, which we then convert to a cardiac mesh with the POD model.
We make use of the MMWHS dataset3-5 which provides 40 labelled 3D cardiac volumes (20 MR, 20 CT). We take the myocardium mask from 35 of these volumes (five volumes were not usable due to quality) and cut them below the outflow tract of the LV with a plane parallel to the mitral valve. Then a reference mesh is registered into all shapes using an approximation of prolapse ellipsoid coordinate system6. We apply POD to all meshes, and retain 11 modes. Example reconstructions of the meshes using the POD model are shown in Fig.2.1. As can be seen the 11-mode POD is able to accurately capture the myocardium shape.
We use two approaches to expand out training set. Firstly, by sampling from a generative model obtained by fitting a Gaussian distribution to the modes of the original 35 meshes (Fig.2.2). We create the corresponding mask by "filling" the mesh and rendering it to a voxelized grid. We call this the "synthetic data". Secondly, we apply augmentation to the 35 original shapes. We perform heuristic warping/scaling on the meshes (and their masks), then recalculate the modes for the deformed mesh. These modes then serve as the labels for the deformed mask. We call this the "augmented data".
Using both approaches we generate 2800 diverse high resolution masks, all of size 128×128×128 with 1mm isotropic resolution. We then artificially down-sample the data in the long axis direction, choosing a random number of slices (5-12), slice thicknesses (8-14mm), and initial slice position. We only allow combinations of these choices that result in at least 75% ventricle coverage in the down-sampled image. This process results in varied mask volumes, however the number of long axis slices and the z-resolution differ between masks. To create a standardised input for the network we up-sample the low resolution masks to 32 4mm slices. Examples are shown in Fig.3.
Our network architecture is shown in Fig.1. The architecture was designed with few weights to alleviate over-fitting issues. The exact architecture and hyper-parameters were chosen through a simulated annealing7 inspired parameter search (evaluating on validation data). The final network was trained for 40 epochs using Adam8 to minimise the mean-squared-error (MSE) between the ground truth and predicted mesh (although the network only predicts the modes, mesh reconstruction using the POD was performed inside the loss function).


The network takes 30 minutes to train on a single GPU. We tested the network on a held-out test sets of augmented and synthetic data, achieving an average MSE of 10.06mm and 6.69mm respectively. Thus, the average mesh point was approximately 3.2mm (2.6mm) away from the ground truth. However, as can be seen in the qualitative results, the errors are not uniformly distributed, but rather tend to occur at the base or apex. Examples predictions are shown in Fig.4. To evaluate generalisation performance of our approach we also tested the model on the ACDC dataset9, which consists of short-axis MRI from 100 patients with varying cardiac conditions. The lack of ground truth meshes and presence of slice misalignment make quantitative evaluation hard for this dataset, thus we give qualitative examples in Fig.5.

Discussion and Conclusion

Our results demonstrate the potential for fast, resolution agnostic prediction of meshes suitable for simulation. Specifically, a model trained from a small number of cardiac shapes (35) can produce accurate mesh predictions for both synthetic and real data. Moreover, we have shown that the model is robust to slice misalignment and abnormal cardiac morphologies, neither of which were seen during training. Accurate mesh prediction opens a number of research directions: For example, the model can be directly extended to produce a probability distribution over meshes, rather than a single prediction, allowing characterisation of the uncertainty. Further, exploration with the model could allow a quantitative characterisation of the relationship between ventricle coverage, slice thickness, number of slices, and mesh prediction accuracy.


No acknowledgement found.


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An overview of the proposed approach and network architecture. Our network takes a low-resolution voxalised mask as input and predicts a low-dimensional representation of the corresponding mesh. Here we use an 11 mode POD mesh model (see text). The mesh is then constructed from the modes. The network diagram details the parameters (number of filters, filter size, stride) of each convolutional layer, and the number of neurons for each dense layer. We use ReLU activations throughout.

Section 1: (a) original meshes obtained from high-resolution 3D images, (b) reconstructions of (a) using the 11 mode POD model, and, (c) visualisation of misalignment between the original and reconstruction (original shown in pink, reconstruction shown in blue, overlap shown in purple). Section 2: example synthetic meshes generated by sampling from a Gaussian over the POD modes. Section 3: example augmented meshes. Images are sliced down the central plane to show both epicardium and endocardium shape.

Four examples of our data generation pipeline (scale in mm). The top two examples show augmented data, the bottom two examples show synthetic data. In each example the rows show different views. Columns show the ground-truth mesh, corresponding high resolution mask, and down-sampled mask, respectively. Orange lines show base and apex positions, and red lines indicate randomly generated slices for down-sampling. Note that the ventricle may not be fully covered by the slices, for example approximately 15mm of base is missed in the bottom right example.

Four randomly selected example results from the test set (scale in mm). The top two examples show predictions on augmented data, the bottom two examples show predictions on synthetic data. Each visualisation shows (x,z) and (y,z) views of the example in its two rows. The columns show the original mesh, the multi-slice voxalised mask, the predicted mesh, and a visualisation of the alignment, respectively.

Example network predictions for MR data with cardiac abnormalities (scale in mm). The figure shows images from four different patients. It can be seen that the model copes well with abnormal anatomy and inter-slice misalignment. For each example the rows show three axis-aligned views, and columns show the central MR slice, the corresponding mask slice, a 15mm thick slice of mesh-points overlayed (in blue) on the mask (or image for the in-plane view), and the predicted mesh sliced centrally.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 28 (2020)