Longitudinal brain connectome reorganization in a tauopathy mouse model of Alzheimer's disease
Laetitia Degiorgis1, Marion Sourty1,2, Julien Lamy1, Vincent Noblet1, Meltem Karatas1,3,4, Thomas Bienert4, Marco Reisert4, Anne-Laurence Boutillier5, Jean-Paul Armspach1, Frédéric Blanc1,6, and Laura Harsan1,7
1University of Strasbourg and CNRS, ICube Laboratory UMR 7357, Strasbourg, France, 2The University of Sydney, Faculty of Engineering, School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering, Sydney, Australia, 3CNRS, University of Strasbourg, INCI, UMR 7168, Strasbourg, France, 4Department of Radiology, Medical Physics, University Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 5Laboratoire de Neuroscience Cognitives et Adaptatives, Strasbourg, France, 6University Hospital of Strasbourg, CM2R (Memory Resource and Research Centre), Day Hospital, Geriatrics Department, Strasbourg, France, 7Department of Biophysics and Nuclear Medicine, University Hospital of Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France


MRI is a unique tool to understand the complexity of the brain functional and structural communication evolution over time. Among the main mechanisms of AD, tauopathy remains poorly studied in preclinical imaging. We used graph theory approaches and DTI analysis in a longitudinal study of Thy-Tau22 mice, associated with behavioral evaluation. Alterations of the cholinergic septal circuitry, supporting memory and emotional processes, were found as the main hallmark of the progression of the pathology, associated with default mode network dysfunction, both starting before the first memory deficits.


Longitudinal brain MRI studies in rodent models of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) offer the unique opportunity to explore the brain structure and function even before the emergence of cognitive decline, and to follow-up modifications of the connectome across lifespan. Such approaches may lead to the identification of vulnerable pathways or cerebral network hubs, triggered by the main mechanisms of the disease. However, a comprehensive analysis of the evolution of the brain connectome reorganization in specific tauopathy models - a crucial pathological mechanism in AD1 - wasn’t proposed before. To provide a comprehensive insight of the Tau pathology evolution and its impact on the brain connectivity from early onset to the late stage of the disease, we combined graph theory analysis2 of brain functional networks and structural connectivity investigations along time in a mouse model of tauopathy, with behavioral assessment.

Material and Methods

Two groups of wild-type (WT) C57Bl6/J mice (n=13) and Thy-Tau223 (n=16) mice were characterized at 5, 9, and 13 months via resting-state functional MRI (rsfMRI), DTI and behavioral tests to explore early, intermediate and late stages of the disease respectively.
Behavioral tests:
At 5, 9 and 13 months, cognitive abilities of mice were tested using two object exploration paradigms, and the Morris water maze (MWM). Those tests are related to hippocampal and associated areas functions, reflecting memory capacities of mice4–6.
MRI experiments and data analysis:
After behavioral evaluation, brain MRI was carried-out in mice using a 7T small bore animal scanner (BioSpec 70/30, Bruker, Germany) and a dedicaded, room-temperature, mouse head surface coil. RsfMRI data were acquired using single shot GE-EPI (TE/TR = 15ms/2000ms, 27 axial slices of 0.4mm thickness, FOV: 2.12x2 cm², resolution: 0.14×0.22mm2, 500 volumes). DTI data were acquired using a DTI-EPI sequence (30 directions, 2 b-values, resolution: 0.1x0.1x0.5mm3). Scans were realised under medetomidine (MD) sedation (subcutaneous bolus of 0.6mg MD/kg body weight followed by s.c. infusion of 0.3mg MD/kg-BW/hour) for rsfMRI acquisitions, and under isoflurane for DTI acquisitions. Data pre-processing was performed using SPM 8 for motion correction, coregistration to a study-specific template and spatial normalization to the Allen Mouse Brain Atlas7. For rsfMRI data, a spatial smoothing of 2 voxels, a frequency filtering (0.01 to 0.1Hz) and a regression of ventricles signal were applied. To perform structural analysis, a global tracking8 of DTI data in association with statistical analysis of DTI maps were realized. Functional connectivity changes were evaluated by generating group comparison matrix of 20 region of interests (ROI) that were represented as graphs. Several comparisons between time-points and between groups were performed revealing the most changed nodes using Stouffer’s method9, modifications in degrees, and most changed edges. Longitudinal seed-based analysis was further performed using a full factorial approach to statistically compare functional networks of selected ROI between groups and timepoints.

Results and Discussion

Transgenic mice started to underperformed at behavioral tests from 9 months, worsening at 13 months (Fig.1, A, B), reflecting progressive memory alteration. Although no memory deficits were detected at 5 months, DTI analysis showed a significant decrease of fractional anisotropy values in Thy-Tau22 from this age, and at all stages of the pathology, compared to WT (Fig.2 A, B, C). Particularly, two cholinergic tracts involving the septum connectivity were found increasingly altered over time: the fornix/fimbria, involved in the septo-hippocampal communication and associated with memory processes10, and the stria terminalis connecting the amygdala to the septum, sustaining emotional behavior11. Functional connectivity changes between groups using graph theory analysis highlighted septal areas as vulnerable nodes at all time point (Fig. 3 A, B, C). These same nodes, in addition to the retrosplenial cortex, the hippocampus, and the amygdala, showed significant alterations over time in the AD model (Fig. 3, D, E). Moreover, we highlighted an altered functional connectivity between the septum and the retrosplenial cortex, detected as the most changed edge over time in Thy-Tau22 (Fig. 4). As the septum appeared to be early and longitudinally affected in Thy-Tau22 mice in both structural and graph theory analysis, we further explored the temporal evolution of this area’s functional network between groups, (Fig. 5) and revealed a global dysfunction of the whole septal functional system in transgenic mice.

The septal cholinergic pathways thus emerged as a crucial circuitry taking part in the brain network maladaptations prompted by Tau pathology, possibly bringing out behavioral signatures of AD pathology such as memory impairment. We showed persistent and progressive alterations of the septal connectivity towards three main brain complexes involving: memory areas; the amygdala, the integrative center for emotions; and the retrosplenial cortex, core area of the rodent default mode network (DMN) - all known to be affected in AD patients12–15. Septal connectivity with these key areas place this region at the intersection between limbic and DMN networks, possibly modulating their interactions along the installment of the pathology. Our results are strongly coherent with human findings, and the dysfunctions highlighted represent a strong lead toward the discovery of a potential biomarker of the disease or as a target for future treatment’s investigations that could be further explored in Human.


No acknowledgement found.


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Memory and learning assessment in Thy-Tau22 mice over time. A) Object in-place and novel object recognition showing the percentage (%) of time spent exploring the changed object in each test for both groups, at each time point, compared with the level of chance (one sample t-test, *p<0.05, **p<0.01, *** p<.0001; +/- mean standard error). In the Morris Water Maze (MWM) test (B) performances are evaluated in each group comparing the % of time spent in the target quadrant with the level of chance (25%), (one sample t-test, ** p<.01; *** p<.001; **** p<.0001; mean +/- standard error).

Statistical group comparison of fractional anisotropy at 5 (A), 9 (B) and 13 months-old (C) between Thy-Tau22 and WT mice (two-sample t-test, p<0.01, FDR cluster corrected). Color scale represents significant decrease in FA and FD in Thy-Tau22 mice compared to WT group. (Fornix: fx; internal capsule: ic; fimbria: Fi; Cpd: cerebral peduncles; stria terminalis: st; hippocampus: HIP; lateral septum: LSX; medial septum: MSC; bed nuclei of the stria terminalis: BST; thalamus: TH; caudate-putamen: CPu; hippocampus: HIP).

Graph theory functional analysis showing significant differences (two-sample t-test, p<0.05, uncorr.) between groups at 5, 9 and 13 months (A, B, C); and over time in Thy-Tau22 from 5 to 9 months old (D), and from 9 to 13 months (E). In the whole figure, significant differences are shown for the edges strength based on correlation coefficient; the degree according to the number of changed connections per nodes; and Stouffer coefficient assessing for the most changed nodes. Node size are displayed according to the Stouffer coefficient. Abbreviations are listed in (F).

Graph theory functional analysis showing most changed edges (p<0.05, uncorr.) from 5 to 9 months (A) and 9 to 13 months (B) in Thy-Tau22. Abbreviations are listed in figure 3, F.

Evolution of the septum functional connectivity (FC) patterns from 5 to 13 months between groups. Coronal brain slices and 3D representation of statistically significant group differences (full factorial, p<0.05, FDR cluster-corrected). Higher changes over time of FC in Thy-Tau22 compared to WT mice are illustrated with positive values (red). No higher changes in WT were observed (blue, negative values). (infralimbic: ILA; lateral septum: LSX; medial septum: MS; diagonal band nucleus: NDB; bed nuclei of the stria terminalis: BST, entorhinal: ENT; piriform: PIR).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 28 (2020)