Previously we developed an echo-state network (ESN) to predict the future temporal evolution of the rs-fMRI slow oscillatory feature from both rodent and human brains. In particular, rs-fMRI signals from individual blood vessels that were strongly correlated with neural calcium oscillations were used to train an ESN to predict brain state-specific rs-fMRI signal fluctuations. Here, the ESN-based predictive model was applied to classify rs-fMRI datasets from the Human Connectome Project (HCP). The ESN enables to decouple the brain state-dependent global rs-fMRI signal fluctuation from the intrinsic activity of the default-mode network.
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Fig. 1. Prediction system operation pipeline
Raw vascular data are extracted from fMRI data using venule and ICA masks. These temporal signals are inputs to the ESN. They are also bandpass filtered and shifted by 10 seconds to become target outputs of the network.The reservoir encodes the temporal dynamics of input signals into state vectors. The decoder interprets these states and generates a prediction of the slow fluctuation’s value 10 s ahead. After generating the full predicted time series the prediction is compared with the target output using Pearson’s correlation coefficient.
Fig. 2. ESN categorization of V1 temporal patterns
A. Predictions of signals with the three best correlations (CC1=0.65, tlag,1=-1s; CC2=0.61, tlag2=2s; CC3=0.61, tlag3=2s; black – raw data, green – target, blue – network prediction).
B. Histogram of prediction scores obtained by predicting slow fluctuations of 6558 single-hemisphere V1 ROI signals extracted from HCP data. Green and violet dashed lines mark the bottom and top 5% of correlation coefficients.
C. Mean PSDs of time courses whose predictions obtained the bottom 5% (green) and top 5% (violet) scores. Shaded areas show SD.
Fig. 3. Seed-based correlation group comparison
A seed region mask (here V1 marked in blue) was used to extract time series from each of the 5% best and worst predicted trials. These signals were then correlated with all other brain voxels to create seed-based correlation maps. The maps were averaged across groups and subtracted to create maps displaying correlation differences between the well and poorly predicted groups.
Fig. 4. Difference maps of seed-based correlations between well and poorly predicted sessions
A. V1 signals were the seeds (blue). Visual, sensorimotor and auditory areas display high increases in correlation. C. Average cortical signals were the seeds. The resemblance to the V1 result suggests that V1 signals of the “top” group were driven by the global signal. E. DMN signals were the seeds (white). Despite showing increased synchrony with most of the cortex, ROIs constituting the DMN don’t show significant differences. BDF. Same as ACE but insignificant differences aren’t masked.
Fig. 5. Difference maps of ICA seed-based correlation between well and poorly predicted sessions
A. V1 ICA component spatial map. B. Difference between the mean V1 ICA seed-based correlation maps of the two groups. The result resembles the pattern obtained by using V1 ROI seeds. D. DMN ICA component spatial map. DMN ROIs are marked by white borders. E. Difference between the mean DMN ICA seed-based correlation maps of the two groups. The intrinsic DMN ICA signals show significantly reduced connectivity with DMN areas. CF. Same as BE but insignificant differences aren’t masked.