James R Golden1, Yicheng Chen1, Melanie A Morrison1, Kate Nelson1, and Janine M Lupo1
1Radiology, UCSF, San Francisco, CA, United States
Cerebral microbleeds (CMBs) are known risk factors of stroke and hemorrhage that can be a marker of cognitive impairment. Although CMBs are easily visualized with susceptibility weighted imaging, they are burdensome to localize and quantify manually. Image processing algorithms based on the radial symmetry transform have previously been used to identify candidate CMBs, and convolutional neural networks have been effective at distinguishing real CMBs from mimics with high sensitivity and specificity. A deep neural network was trained to carry out this entire pipeline and to predict CMB voxel masks using a dataset of radiation therapy-induded CMBs from patients with gliomas.
Cerebral microbleeds (CMBs) are known risk factors of stroke
and hemorrhage that can be a marker of cognitive impairment. Although CMBs are
easily visualized with susceptibility weighted imaging (SWI), they are
burdensome to localize and quantify manually. Image processing algorithms based
on the radial symmetry transform have previously been used to identify
candidate CMBs1,2, and convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have
been effective at distinguishing real CMBs from their false positive mimics
with high sensitivity and specificity3,4. The goal of this study was
to train a deep neural network to carry out this entire processing pipeline and
to predict CMB voxel masks using a dataset of radiation therapy-induced CMBs
from patients with gliomas. Methods
Dataset: 7T SWI
scans of brain tumor patients with radiation induced CMBs were acquired on a GE
7T scanner equipped with a 32-channel receive coil using either a standard SWI
sequence (resolution = 0.5x0.5x2mm, FOV. = 24x24cm, TE = 16ms, TR = 50ms, 49
subjects) or a 4-echo 3D TOF-SWI sequence5 (resolution=0.5x0.5x1mm,
TE = 2.7, 10.4, 13.2, 20.9 ms, TR = 40ms, 31 subjects).
Figure 1b shows the breakdown of the number of patients,
exams, and CMBs in each of the training, validation, and test datasets.
Pre-processing: To
acquire a labeled dataset to pre-train the network, the SWI scans were
initially processed with a fast radial symmetry transform algorithm1
to find candidate CMBs, which were then inspected using a user-friendly GUI2 before
segmenting the resulting candidate CMBs and false-positive mimics. The center coordinates
of these labeled masks were then used to extract 16 x 16 x 8 3D patches to use
as inputs to the ResNet CNN as shown in Figure 1a, with the target output of 1
corresponding to a true CMB patch. For the mask segmentation training, the same
CMB and mimic input patches were used, along with their corresponding segmented
labeled masks as target outputs.
Deep network model
strategy: A ResNet architecture with 3D convolutional kernels3 followed
by fully connected blocks was first trained to classify voxel patches as
containing either a CMB or a mimic feature. The residual blocks from this
network were then used as the pre-trained front end for a UNet architecture that
was subsequently trained to generate segmented voxel masks for CMB patches as
shown in Figure 2. The network was trained using a Nvidia Titan Xp GPU with
12GB memory and the Adam optimizer that began with a learning rate of 0.001 and
experienced a cosine decay over each epoch for ~100,000 iterations. A batch
size of 32 was utilized and a weighted binary cross entropy was employed as the
loss function, where the weight was equal to the number of voxels that were
part of a CMB divided by the total number of voxels in the training set. In
order to avoid overfitting, data augmentation including random rotations and
flips was carried out. Results and Discussion
The classification network used in pre-training achieved an
ROC area under curve (AUC) of 97.7% and an average precision of 93.5%. Figures
3 shows the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) and Precision-Recall curves for the results of the
mask segmentations. The mask prediction network achieved a dice score of 0.755
on patched-based predictions, but only 0.644
when given the whole brain at once in testing. The corresponding confusion
matrices are shown in Figure 4. A comparison of the network predictions for two
representative CMB and mimic masks for two extreme cases with very large
CMB/mimic features is illustrated in Figure 5.
After the UNet has been trained to predict CMB voxel masks,
it can still be used to classify patches by checking to see if any voxel in a
patch has a predicted likelihood of being a CMB above a threshold. Using this
method, the ROC AUC is 95.7% and the average precision is 84.8%, with only 12.6 false-positive
CMB mimics per patient. Although the classification performance was
reduced compared to the original classification architecture, the mask
prediction task is different because it must learn 3D position information about
CMBs and it requires a much larger network to reach the same performance
standard as the classifier. Including a second input channel corresponding to
the phase image4 during training did not improve classification or
mask prediction performance.
The whole brain prediction utilizes test-time augmentation
where the input data is flipped and rotated in a number of ways such that 32
different predictions for the same brain are averaged together. This
augmentation provided a benefit in mask prediction precision but extends the
total computation time on a Titan XP GPU to 80 seconds as opposed to 30 seconds
without augmentation.Conclusion
In spite of the apparently obvious appearance of CMB
features on SWI images, segmenting accurate CMB masks that exclude mimic
features is difficult. We trained a UNet architecture to predict the positions
of CMB voxels on a large dataset of SWI patches, and demonstrated high
sensitivity and specificity on test sets of patch-based inputs. The high
performance and short computation time of the network for automating CMB
quantification point toward a possible clinical application. Acknowledgements
Information: this work was supported by the National Institute for Child Health
and Human Development of the National Institutes of Health grant R01HD079568
and GE Healthcare.
1. Bian, W., et al. "Computer-aided detection of
radiation-induced cerebral microbleeds on susceptibility-weighted MR
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Morrison, M., et al. "A user-guided tool
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Evaluating vascular injury and data labelling for machine learning."
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