Roman Fleysher1, Nelson Gil1, and Michael L Lipton 1
1Radiology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, United States
cluster analysis of any MR-derived metric necessitates non-linear registration
to a common brain template. Because quality of inter-brain
registrations is sensitive to the similarity between the
brains, the results of such analyses are sensitive to the
choice of the template. Despite judicious selection of the template
may reduce registration errors, inherently the results should not depend
on template choice. We show that a dramatic
reduction in this sensitivity is achieved by filtering out poorly
registered images. Consequently, voxel-wise cluster analyses of the
remaining data become more robust and less sensitive to the choice of
the template.
Voxel-wise analyses of brain
DTI, fMRI or any other MRI-derived metric, comparing groups or one patient to a
group, rely on registration to a brain template to ensure that homologous
regions are being compared. The neuroanatomical variability among individuals virtually ensures that
one brain can never be exactly mapped onto another.1-4 Because quality of inter-brain registrations
is sensitive to the similarity between them, results of voxel-wise analyses are sensitive to the choice of
the template.4
errors cause two main difficulties for studying sensitivity to the choice of
template: absence of the “ground truth” and comparison of results obtained over
different individual templates. In an ideal scenario (Fig 1), subject data is registered
to a master template without errors for a voxel-wise analysis to generate the
“ground truth”. The same analysis is performed over the various candidate
templates. Subsequently, clusters are carried over to the master template without
misalignment for comparison with the ground truth. If the clusters match the
ground truth, the candidate template may be termed as “good”. Otherwise, it is
“bad”. This ideal scenario would allow detailed analysis of the quality of the
individual morphisms and development of a criterion with which to screen and
filter out aberrant transformations thus converting a “bad” template into a
“good”, albeit for a subset of subjects.
In the present study, we develop an “induction” process
to manufacture the needed error-free morphisms. We then examine how template
selection affects the results of a voxel-wise fractional anisotropy (FA) analysis
that seeks to reproduce the well-known decline in white matter integrity with
age. We demonstrate that excluding poorly-registered images dramatically
increases robustness of the voxel-wise analysis to the choice of template.METHODS
This study was
approved by IRB and includes 96 datasets obtained as part of ongoing Einstein
Lifespan Study (ELS). Images were reviewed by an experienced neuroradiologist
and determined to be free of visible structural abnormalities. Imaging was
performed using a 3.0T Philips Achieva TX scanner (Philips Medical Systems,
Best, The Netherlands) utilizing its 32-channel head coil with the following
protocol. T1W: TR/TE/TI = 9.9/4.6/900 msec, flip angle 8deg, 1mm3 isotropic resolution, 128x116x220 matrix; DTI:
TR/TE = 10,000/65msec, 32 diffusion directions, b-value = 800 sec/mm2, 2mm3 isotropic resolution, 240x188x70 matrix; and
field map to remove EPI distortions in DTI and small distortions in T1W: TR/TE
= 20/2.4 msec, delta TE=2.3msec, flip angle 20deg, 4mm3 isotropic resolution, 64x64x50 matrix. DTI
data were eddy corrected and registered to T1W. All brain extractions and
registrations were visually inspected. All non-linear registrations (morphisms)
were performed using ART.2 Clusters of voxels where
FA was significantly correlated with age were identified by performing
voxel-wise t-test with gender as covariate at p=0.005 and retaining clusters of
100 or more contiguous voxels.
We recognize that even with the best available algorithms, morph errors between brains A and B can
never be turned off. However, a morphism can transform image A into another
image B'. Image B' does not match image B exactly, but transformation between A
and B' is exact by construction (Fig. 2A). When we take A to be the master
template, we refer to image B' as the “induced template” with image B being the
“inductor”. Specifically, we selected the JHU brain as the master template and
morphed it onto the 96 T1W images of the ELS as inductors to produce 96 induced
templates to be used as candidate templates (Fig. 2B). A similar induction
process is used to turn off morph errors between subjects and the master
template (Fig. 2C).
All 96 induced subjects were
morphed to all 96 induced templates (red arrows in Figure 1). Each of these
9216 morphisms underwent quality filtering based on displacement of anatomical landmarks
delineated by the ASEG module of FreeSurfer5 as previously reported.6 We defined a morphism as “good” if the mean displacement was less than 0.14mm
and as “bad” if it was more than 0.15mm. Morphisms in between are discarded
(Figure 3). To eliminate sensitivity to sample size introduced by these quality
cuts, we selected 30 subjects, 25 good and 25 bad templates such that all
subjects are morphed well to all good and poorly to all bad templates. RESULTS
the same data were used throughout, the
differences between FA clusters are not random but due to registration errors
(red arrows in Figure 1). Each of the 50 sets of clusters was compared to the gold standard set
using the Jaccard index (Figure 4) demonstrating
marked improvement when registration quality filtering is applied. Jaccard index between shifted and unshifted gold standard clusters shows
that “good” morphisms produce as good a match as a single diagonal 1mm voxel
Clusters in voxel-wise
analyses are sensitive to registration errors which makes them sensitive to the
choice of template. Filtering out poorly morphed images dramatically reduces
this sensitivity, making cluster analysis more template independent. To
eliminate spurious clusters such filtering should be performed even if the
template is study-specific. Filtering is especially important when the choice
of the template is dictated by some other considerations such as the individual
subject T1W image in subject-based analysis.4Acknowledgements
Support for this research was provided in part by the National Institute
on Aging, grant 5P01AG003949-34.References
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Characterization of
Registration Errors to Screen Aberrant Subject Results Prior to Voxel-Wise
Whole Brain Analysis. Proceedings of 25th
ISMRM 2017; 4684