Mechanical response of the brain to shunt placement in normal pressure hydrocephalus
Matthew C Murphy1, Petrice M Cogswell1, Joshua D Trzasko1, Armando Manduca1, Matthew L Senjem1, Fredric B Meyer1, Clifford R Jack, Jr.1, Richard L Ehman1, and John Huston, III1
1Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States


Normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) is a neurological disorder characterized by abnormal gait, cognitive decline, and urinary incontinence. The hypothesized role of biomechanics in NPH pathogenesis supports a potential role for magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) in diagnosis and prediction of response to therapy. In this study, MRE was performed in 13 NPH patients before and after shunt placement to test the hypothesis that treatment would reverse NPH-driven changes to the brain’s mechanical properties. We observed that increased stiffness and decreased damping ratio at the vertex were largely reversed by shunting, while periventricular white matter softening was unaffected.


Normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) is a neurological disorder characterized by abnormal gait, cognitive decline, and urinary incontinence.1 Novel biomarkers to aid early and accurate diagnosis of NPH would be significant because, unlike other forms of dementia, symptoms due to NPH are potentially treatable by shunt placement. In particular, an effective biomarker would differentiate NPH from other causes of enlarged cerebrospinal fluid spaces (e.g., Alzheimer’s disease) and also predict response to shunting. Given the hypothesized role of biomechanics in NPH pathogenesis,2-4 initial studies of NPH using magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) have been performed, indicating a disease-specific pattern of mechanical property changes.5-8 In this study, we tested the hypothesis that these mechanical alterations would be reversed by shunt placement in patients shown to improve clinically.


Thirteen NPH patients (aged 75.1 ± 5.5 years, mean ± standard deviation) underwent MRE exams both before and after shunt placement after obtaining IRB approval and informed written consent. MRE data were collected with a single-shot spin-echo EPI pulse sequence using 60 Hz vibration and a final image resolution of 3 mm isotropic, as previously described.9 T1-weighted images acquired in the same exam were used for brain segmentation and to define regions of interest using an in-house template and atlas by unified segmentation in SPM.10, 11 An edge-aware neural network inversion (NNI) was used to estimate stiffness and damping ratio maps for each MRE exam.12 This inversion had a 7×7×7 voxel footprint, and was trained under the assumption of homogeneous material properties. Using the previously computed deformation fields, the mechanical property maps were warped to template space to allow voxel-wise modeling. To test the above hypothesis, a paired t-test was performed to compare the mechanical property maps before and after shunting. For each mechanical property, a family-wise error corrected P<0.025 was considered significant to maintain an overall 5% false positive rate using approximate permutation tests (1,000 permutations). To aid interpretation, the NPH participants both pre- and post-shunting were also compared against an age-matched (74.5 ± 9.3 years) amyloid-negative cognitively unimpaired (CU) group by computing mean difference maps for each mechanical property.13


Figure 1 shows the mean stiffness maps for the CU participants and the NPH patients both pre- and post-shunt placement, as well as the mean difference in stiffness between the two groups. As previously reported, stiffness alterations occur in a concentric pattern including periventricular softening and stiffening near the dural surface, particular at the vertex and in the occipital lobe. Analogous results for damping ratio are shown in Figure 2. Damping ratio is mostly reduced, particularly beginning at the level of the lateral ventricles and superior. The difference in mechanical properties before and after shunt placement is summarized in Figure 3. First considering stiffness changes, two significant clusters were found near the vertex in which stiffness was significantly reduced post-shunt. Considering damping ratio, one significant cluster (spanning both hemispheres) was identified, also at the vertex, in which the damping ratio was increased. Both of these changes made the mechanical properties more similar to the CU group in these particular regions, though the values did not fully return to those observed in CU participants. On the other hand, no significant changes in stiffness or damping ratio were observed in the periventricular white matter. Furthermore, Figures 1 and 2 show no obvious alterations in the periventricular white matter in the NPH group following shunt placement.

Discussion and conclusions

In general, NPH-driven mechanical changes near the vertex of the brain were largely reversed following shunt placement in these patients, each of whom improved clinically. This reversal suggests that mechanical alterations at the vertex represent a mass effect, where the compression on the brain parenchyma causes increased stiffness due to the nonlinear elastic behavior of brain tissue,14 as well as decreased viscosity. If we consider brain parenchyma as a poroelastic material, this latter observation may be explained as the removal of interstitial fluid due to NPH-driven compression that can be mitigated by shunt placement. On the other hand, the periventricular softening due to NPH was unaltered by shunt placement, suggesting an irreversible degenerative process. Freimann et al. previously used MRE to measure the mechanical properties in the brain of NPH patients before and after shunt placement.6 They reported an increase in the springpot parameter, α, which is consistent with our finding of increased damping ratio. However, they found no change in stiffness. This discrepancy likely arises from ROI selection since they examined one slice centered on the lateral ventricles, while in this study we have found most alterations occurring at the vertex. Taken together with previous studies, this work provides further support for evaluating MRE as a practical clinical tool for noninvasive diagnosis, shunting prognosis, and monitoring of NPH.


No acknowledgement found.


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Summary of stiffness (µ) changes between cognitively unimpaired (CU) participants and normal pressure hydrocephalus patients both pre-shunt (NPHpre) and post-shunt (NPHpost). The top three rows show the mean stiffness map in each case. The bottom two rows show the mean difference between the NPH group (before and after shunting) and the CU group.

Summary of damping ratio (ζ) changes between cognitively unimpaired (CU) participants and normal pressure hydrocephalus patients both pre-shunt (NPHpre) and post-shunt (NPHpost). The top three rows show the mean damping ratio map in each case. The bottom two rows show the mean difference between the NPH group (before and after shunting) and the CU group.

Mechanical property changes in the NPH group due to shunting. Differences were tested by paired T-test using an approximate permutation test. Only statistically significant clusters are shown (family-wise error corrected at cluster level, P<0.025 considered significant for each mechanical property).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 28 (2020)