Multivariate Structural and Diffusion MRI Measures Correspond to Mild Cognitive Impairment in Parkinson’s disease
Virendra R Mishra1, Jessica Caldwell1, Karthik R Sreenivasan1, Xiaowei Zhuang1, Zhengshi Yang1, Dietmar Cordes1,2, Jeffrey Cummings1,3, Zoltan Mari1, Aaron Ritter1, and Irene Litvan4
1Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health, Las Vegas, NV, United States, 2University of Colorado, Boulder, Boulder, CO, United States, 3Department of Brain Health, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV, United States, 4University of California, San Diego, San Diego, CA, United States


Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) affects approximately 30% of individuals with Parkinson’s disease (PD). However, no reliable imaging methodology currently exists to identify PD-MCI within PD. We hypothesized that multivariate analysis of sophisticated diffusion-MRI (dMRI) voxelwise measures, volumetric measures, and dMRI-derived graph-theoretical network measures will provide a set of imaging measures that are both sensitive and specific to PD-MCI. Our preliminary analysis with 22 PD-MCI and 15 PD-non-MCI participants suggest that beyond single tensor dMRI voxelwise measures, network measures, and structural MRI-derived measurements might provide both sensitive and specific measures for further multivariate analysis to identify imaging markers corresponding to PD-MCI.


Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) affects approximately 30% of individuals with Parkinson’s disease1. However, no reliable imaging methodology currently exists to identify PD-MCI in PD. We hypothesized that multivariate analysis of sophisticated diffusion MRI (dMRI) voxelwise measures, conventional volumetric measures, and dMRI-derived graph-theoretical network measures will provide a set of imaging measures that are both sensitive and specific to PD-MCI.


Participants: We recruited 37 PD participants and conducted a comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation1,2 to identify PD-MCI and PD-non-MCI (PD-nMCI) participants. For diagnostic accuracy, PD-MCI was classified after applying a threshold of 1.5 standard deviations1,2 below appropriate norms on at least two neuropsychological tests following Movement Disorders Society (MDS) criteria1. Based on clinical presentation and neuropsychological evaluations, a consensus diagnosis of PD-MCI was made by a practicing neurologist and a trained neuropsychologist. All participants were scanned with the following parameters on a 3T Siemens Skyra MRI scanner: 3D T1-weighted MRI acquisition: Isotropic spatial resolution=1mm3, inversion time (TI)=900ms, repetition time (TR)=2300ms, echo time (TE)=2.96ms. dMRI acquisition: Number of b-values=3, b-values=500s/mm2, 1000s/mm2, 2500s/mm2 (multi-shell dMRI data was acquired in the same run), number of diffusion-encoding directions at each shell=71, number of non-diffusion weighted images (b0)=25, isotropic spatial resolution=1.5mm3, TR=5218ms, TE=100ms, multiband factor(MB)=3, acceleration factor (GRAPPA)=2, phase encoding direction= P>>A. We also acquired a b0 image with the same parameters but with opposite phase encoding direction (A>>P) for eddy-current distortion correction3. Total acquisition time=28 minutes. Pre-processing: Eddy-current distortion correction was performed using eddy tool in FSL 6.0, and translational head motion during the scan was computed for each participant. Volumetric analysis: FreeSurfer 6.04 was utilized to generate cortical/subcortical volume, cortical thickness, and curvature measures for each participant. dMRI analysis: We computed single-tensor (ST) measures (fractional anisotropy (FA), radial diffusivity (RD), axial diffusivity (AxD), mean diffusivity (MD)), utilizing the lower shell dMRI data (b=500s/mm2, 1000s/mm2) using dtifit toolbox in FSL 6. Additionally, in-house estimation of whole-brain free-water fraction (fiso) was performed for each participant utilizing the lower shell dMRI data (b=500s/mm2, 1000s/mm2), and fiso-ST measures (fiso-FA, fiso-MD, fiso-AxD, fiso-RD) were estimated for all participants. Diffusion kurtosis imaging5 (DKI) measures (axonal kurtosis (AK), extra axonal diffusivity (EAD), radial kurtosis (RK), axonal water fraction (AWF), mean kurtosis (MK)), and neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging (NODDI)6 measures (KAPPA, orientation dispersion index (ODI), intracellular volume fraction (FICVF), isotropic volume fraction (FISO)) were also estimated for all participants using dMRI at all three-shells using appropriate toolboxes. All dMRI-derived measures for a representative participant are shown in Fig.2A. Network construction: AAL atlas7 was used to generate 90 nodes of the network in each subject’s native diffusion space after appropriate transformation8. Whole-brain tractography was performed using diffusion toolkit (http://www.trackvis.org/dtk/)9. Fibers smaller than 10mm10 or having FA<0.2 were removed from any further analysis. Each internode connection (edge) was weighted by the product of the number of fibres and average FA of the fibres connecting the two nodes. Graph-theoretical measures: Various global and local graph-theoretical measures were computed using GRETNA11 for each participant. Statistical analysis: Nonparametric comparisons between the means of each dMRI measure/volumetric measure/cortical thickness measure/graph-theoretical measure between groups, and also correlations of these measures with clinical measures were performed using permutation analysis of linear models (PALM)12 in FSL. In addition, network-based statistic (NBS)13 was used to statistically quantify differences in the weighted structural connectivity pattern between the groups. Significance was established at pcorr<0.05.


22 PD-MCI and 15 PD-nMCI participants were identified in this study with no difference in demographics, global cognition, and head motion during the scan (Table.1). Significantly higher curvature in left-hemispheric precentral gyrus and lower cortical thickness in right-hemispheric insula was observed in PD-MCI (Fig.1). Furthermore, corpus-callosum (CC) volume was significantly associated with the dementia rating scale (DRS)-Memory score in PD-nMCI (Fig.1). All dMRI models suggested WM disorganization in CC and cingulate fibers in PD-MCI (Fig.2B). Similarly, the correlation between DRS-Conceptualization and almost all dMRI-derived measures were observed in both groups (Fig.3). AK, FICVF, and ODI showed a significantly different correlation between groups with DRS-Conceptualization (Fig.3). NBS revealed lower structural connectivity in PD-MCI encompassing posterior cingulate, cuneus, and Heschl gyrus (Fig.4A). Global network measures showed a significantly lower global hierarchy in PD-MCI, and a distinct correlation of path length, local efficiency, and global efficiency in PD-MCI (Fig.4B). Significantly higher nodal efficiency in right frontal inferior triangularis was observed in PD-MCI (Fig.4C). Path length of right caudate and left hippocampus showed a differential correlation with Brief Visuospatial Memory Test-Delayed Recall (BVMT-DR) and Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) score, respectively (Fig.4C). Global efficiency of right posterior cingulate also showed a differential correlation with DRS-Memory between groups (Fig.4C).


Our preliminary analysis suggests that both dMRI-derived voxelwise measures and cortical volume/thickness of CC, insula, and limbic cortex are sensitive measure to identify PD-MCI and differentiate PD-MCI from cognitively normal PD. Furthermore, distinct topographical disorganization involving visual and parietal cortex was observed in PD-MCI.


Beyond ST dMRI-derived voxelwise measures from NODDI or DKI, in addition to conventional network measures and structural MRI measurements might provide both sensitive and specific measures for further multivariate analysis to identify imaging markers corresponding to PD-MCI. Analysis with longitudinal data and multimodal analyses utilizing resting-state functional MRI are currently underway.


This research project was supported by the NIH COBRE grant 5P20GM109025, Keep Memory Alive-Young Investigator Award, and philanthropic funds from Peter and Angela Dal Pezzo, Lynn and William Weidner, and Stacie and Chuck Matthewson.


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Table.1: Demographics of the participants utilized in the study.

Fig.1: Boxplot of mean curvature of left hemispheric precentral gyrus and thickness of right hemispheric insula is shown, along with a significantly different correlation pattern between corpus callosum volume and DRS-Memory. Each scatter represents data from each participant. PD-MCI and PD-nMCI groups are shown in blue and orange scatter, respectively. Dotted regression line represents non-significant correlation.

Fig.2: (A) Various dMRI-derived measures for a representative participant are shown. (B). Regions showing a statistically significant difference between PD-MCI and PD-nMCI in each of dMRI-derived model are overlaid in red clusters. AxD: Axial diffusivity; fiso-AxD: Free-water corrected AxD; EAD: Extra-axonal diffusivity.

Fig.3: Regions that showed significant correlations for a specific dMRI-measure were overlaid on a glass brain, and shown in red clusters. Average dMRI-derived measure was extracted for each cluster and plotted as a function of DRS-conceptulization score for both PD-MCI and PD-nMCI. PD-MCI and PD-nMCI groups are shown in blue and orange scatter, respectively. Standard deviations are shown as error bars in the same color. Dotted regression line represents non-significant correlation.

Fig.4: (A) Paths showing weaker structural connectivity in PD-MCI are overlaid on a glass brain. (B) Left panel shows the boxplot of global hierarchy for both groups. Right panel shows the correlation between path length, local efficiency, and global efficiency with BVMT-DR and MoCA. (C) Left panel shows stronger (pcorr<0.001) global efficiency of right frontal inferior triangular gyrus for both groups. Right panel shows the correlation between various network measures and neuropsychological scores.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 28 (2020)