Brain aging and sexual dimorphism in myelination investigated using magnetic resonance myelin water fraction imaging
Mustapha Bouhrara1, Abinand C. Rejimon1, Luis E. Cortina1, Nikkita Khattar1, and Richard G. Spencer1
1NIA, NIH, Baltimore, MD, United States


Changes in brain myelination with age and sex have been the subject of intense MRI study. However, most studies have used nonspecific methods to probe myelin, including DTI and relaxation times. We investigated age- and sex-related differences in brain myelin water fraction (MWF), a surrogate of myelin content, in a large cohort of unimpaired participants, spanning a wide age range. We observed a quadratic relationship between MWF and age in all brain regions investigated, suggesting that myelination continues until middle age followed by a decrease through older age. Sexual dimorphism in this process was observed in several brain regions.


To investigate differences in myelin content in the brain with normative aging and sex. Our main goals are to characterize the regional association of myelination with age and sex in specific brain regions, to provide reference values for MWF in the adult brain, and to develop further insights into regional brain maturation and aging in a large life-span sample of healthy adults.


Subjects and MRI:
The study cohort consisted of 106 subjects (55.1±21.3 years) of 48 women (53.4±20 years) and 58 men (56.7±22.5 years) spanning the age range between 22 and 94 years. Participants underwent a mini-mental state exam (MMSE men = 28.5±1.5; women = 29±1.4). Age and MMSE were not statistically different between men and women. For each participant, a whole brain MWF map was derived using BMC-mcDESPOT (1-3). For this, ten 3D spoiled-gradient-recalled-echo (SPGR) images acquired with flip angles (FAs) of [2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20]°, echo time of (TE) 1.37 ms and repetition time (TR) of 5 ms, and ten 3D balanced steady-state free-precession images acquired with FAs of [2 7 11 16 24 32 40 60]°, TE of 2.8 ms, TR of 5.8 ms, and radiofrequency excitation pulse phase increments of 0o or 180o to account for off-resonance effects (4). All images were acquired with a voxel size of 1.6 mm × 1.6 mm × 1.6 mm. Further, we used the DAM to correct for B1 inhomogeneity (5). The DAM protocol consists of two fast spin-echo images acquired with FAs of 45° and 90°, TE of 102 ms, TR of 3000 ms, and acquisition voxel size of 2.6 mm × 2.6 mm × 4 mm. All images were obtained with a field-of-view of 240 mm × 208 mm × 150 mm and reconstructed on the scanner to a voxel size of 1 mm × 1 mm × 1 mm.

Image processing and statistical analysis:
For each participant, a whole-brain MWF map was generated using the BMC-mcDESPOT analysis (1-3). Further, the averaged SPGR image over FAs was nonlinearly registered to the MNI space and the computed transformation matrix was then applied to the corresponding MWF map; this analysis was performed using the FSL software (6). Fourteen regions of interest (ROIs) were defined encompassing white matter (WM) and deep gray matter (GM) regions of the brain (Figure 1). Ten WM ROIs were derived from the MNI structural atlas, while the four deep GM regions were derived from the JHU atlas (6). Finally, For each ROI, the effects of age and sex on myelination were investigated using linear regression with the mean MWF within the ROI as the dependent variable and sex, age, and age2 as independent variables (7). Interactions between sex and age as well as sex and age2 were dropped if found not significant.


Figure 2 shows the average MWF maps by age decade over the adult lifespan. In agreement with Arshad’s and colleagues recent study (7), visual inspection and quantitative ROI analysis (Figs. 2-3) show increases in MWF values from early adulthood until middle age, followed by reduced MWF in several brain regions, suggesting progressive myelination followed by reductions in myelin. Different regions exhibit different pattern associations between MWF and age, with the occipital regions myelinating early and demyelinating late as compared to more anterior regions. This is in line with the retrogenesis (first in-last out) hypothesis, which suggests that anterior brain regions develop full myelination more slowly and then demyelinate more rapidly in response to aging and neurodegeneration, while posterior brain regions, which myelinate more rapidly, are also better preserved during these processes (8-10). Finally, the more posterior brain regions, especially the occipital and parietal lobes, exhibited greater MWF values as compared to the more anterior brain regions, while the lowest MWF values were found in the deep GM regions, as expected.

A quadratic dependence on age, age2, was significant in all brain regions except in the genu of the corpus callosum. Further, all ROIs exhibited non-significant interactions between age2 and sex. However, the main effect of sex was significant in the parietal lobes, the body of corpus callosum, and the splenium. In these brain regions, women had 8-10% higher myelin content than men. Interaction between age and sex was also significant in the whole brain, the temporal lobes, and the body of corpus callosum. In these regions, women showed a non-significant trend to greater reduction in MWF with age as compared to men. These trends indicate potential lines of investigation in larger cohorts. Indeed, the sex differences we observed in myelin are consistent with previous demonstrations that proliferation of oligodendrocytes and myelin proteins are regulated differently in males and females (11-13). A recent study suggests that sex steroids may influence this differential regulation, possibly contributing to sex differences in myelin maintenance and repair (14).


We showed that myelin content follows an inverted-U shaped association with normal aging; this indicates brain maturation with respect to myelination until middle age followed by decreased myelination with advancing age. We also found significant sex differences in a several brain regions, with women exhibiting higher myelin content than men.


This work was supported by the Intramural Research Program of the National Institute on Aging of the National Institutes of Health.


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Figure 1. Visualization of the white matter and deep gray matter ROIs used in our analysis. 1) Frontal lobes, 2) Parietal lobes, 3) Occipital lobes, 4) Cerebellum, 5) Splenium of corpus callosum, 6) Body of corpus callosum, 7) Genu of corpus callosum, 8) Internal capsule, 9) Temporal lobes, 10) Insula, 11) Caudate, 12) Putamen and 13) Thalamus.

Figure 2. Myelin water fraction (MWF) represented as averaged participant maps calculated over 10-year intervals. Results are shown for three representative slices. Visual inspection of MWF maps shows an increase in MWF values from early age until middle age, that is, 40-49 year, followed by a more rapid decrease in several brain regions. This suggests progressive myelination continuing into middle age followed by a decline in myelin content at older ages.

Figure 3. Regional myelin water fraction (MWF) differences as a function of age. For each ROI, the coefficient of determination, R2, and the significance of the linear regression model, p, are reported. All regions investigated show an inverted U-shaped trend of MWF with age, but with differences in detail between regions in MWF associations with age.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 28 (2020)