Arzu Ceylan Has Silemek1, Jean-Philippe Ranjeva2,3, Bertrand Audoin2,3, Christoph Heesen1,4, Stefan M. Gold1,5, and Jan-Patrick Stellmann2,3
1Institut für Neuroimmunologie und Multiple Sklerose (INIMS), Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE), Hamburg, Germany, 2CRMBM AMU-CNRS , Marseille, France, Marseille, France, 3CEMEREM, APHM, CHU Timone, Marseille France, Marseille, France, 4Klinik und Poliklinik für Neurologie, Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany, 5Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, and Berlin Institute of Health (BIH), Klinik für Psychiatrie & Psychotherapie und Medizinische Klinik m.S. Psychosomatik, Campus Benjamin Franklin (CBF), Berlin, Germany
Visual backward masking paradigm (VB) distinguishes between
conscious and unconscious processes and evaluates fundamental brain functions
and cognition. Delayed consciousness was shown as related with white matter
damage in early Multiple Sclerosis (MS). However, it is unknown, if regional
brain activity and structural connectivity are related to delayed consciousness
in MS. We investigated the impaired access to consciousness in MS[25(MS)/37(controls)]
using task-based-fMRI based on the VB and its relation with structural
connectivity. Lower activation was detected in unconscious-processing in MS
vs controls. Strong relationship between VB-performance and lower structural
connectivity in ventral-attention/visual/default-mode networks supports the
sensitivity of VB in MS.
Cognitive impairment is
common in Multiple Sclerosis (MS)1. Visual backward
masking that distinguishes between conscious and unconscious processing is an established
paradigm in cognitive neuroscience2. In the paradigm,
when there is a delay between a fast stimuli followed by a backward mask,
subjects could not perceive the stimuli until the delay exceeds 50 msec3. Previously, the
regions in the human cortex that are related to unconscious and conscious
perception have been demonstrated in healthy controls (HC)4 and schizophrenia
patients5 using task-based
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). In addition, the impaired access
to consciousness has been shown as related to white matter damage in early MS6. However, it is
unknown if the regional activity is altered based on the paradigm in MS.
Therefore, we aimed to investigate the impaired access to consciousness in MS using
task-based fMRI based on the visual backward masking paradigm. Furthermore, we
hypothesized that altered structural connectivity in MS would be related to the
objective performance of the visual backward masking paradigm. Methods
IRB was taken and all
participants gave written informed consent.
Subjects: The study included 25 MS patients [(15 Relapsing-Remitting/7
Primary-Progressive/3 Secondary-Progressive MS) median disease duration=7 (range=1-20)
year, median Expanded Disability Status Scale=2.5 (range=1.5-6)] and 37 age-sex-education
matched HC (p>0.05).
protocol: All participants underwent 3T (Siemens/Prisma)
and the protocol included diffusion tensor imaging (single shell; 32 direction;
b=1000s/mm2; TR/TE=7200/90msec; FOV=240mm; matrix=128x128; voxel
size=1.9×1.9×2.0mm; 54 axial-sections; no gap), and 3D T1-weighted
(TR/TE=1800/2.3msec; FA=8; FOV=250mm; matrix=288x288) sequences. Functional
multiband (MB) echo planar imaging (MB=2; TR/TE=2000/30msec; 60 slices; voxel
size=2x2x2mm; FOV=224mm×224mm; matrix=112x112) was used for task-based fMRI.
fMRI design: The target was a number (1,
4, 6 or 9) and was presented for 16 msec in one of four locations relative to
the central fixation point. The mask that included another number (1, 4, 6 or
9) and 3 letters (E, M, E) surrounded the area of the target and was presented
for 150 msec at one of eight possible stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA)s: 8, 16,
33, 50, 66, 83, 100, 150 msec. Subjects were asked to compare the target with
5. Each trial took 2 sec, had a fixed answering time and each block for each
SOA involved 40 trials.
data: The inflection point, that is the
SOA where the accuracy suddenly increases and participants switch from
unconscious to conscious processing, was calculated by Taylor regression7.
fMRI analysis: Slice timing, realignment,
co-registration and spatially normalization to Montreal Neurological Institute anatomical
template were performed using SPM128. First level analysis of each subject included 3
experimental conditions as consciousness (SOAs>50msec), unconsciousness (SOAs<50msec)
and resting. Then, the group differences of conditions were extracted by two-sampled
Structural connectivity: Structural connectivity based on probabilistic tractography was
extracted using MRITRIX39 as described in Beeson et al10. After lesion filling, automated procedure for
the volume measurement was performed using Freesurfer11. Finally, gray-matter parcellation of 80 regions
(total=160) for each hemisphere was specified based on the Destrieux atlas12 to perform the structural connectivity analysis.
The location of each node in one of seven main functional sub-networks (Yeo
atlas) was determined on the FreeSurfer fsaverage13.Results
Objective performance obtained during FMRI revealed that MS needed longer SOA to access consciousness and reached a lower accuracy rate than HC (Fig.1). When we compared the
unconscious processes (SOA<50msec), there
were widespread decreased activations in the bilateral precuneus and middle temporal,
right angular, posterior cingulate gyrus and hippocampus, left lingual, middle
cingulate and superior temporal gyrus in patients compared HC (p<0.05,FWE)
(Fig.2). In contrast, in conscious processes (SOA>50msec), there was only a decrement
in the left angular gyrus in patients compared to HC (Fig.3). When we compared the
difference in brain activation between conscious and unconscious processing, we
observed a decreased activation in the left superior parietal and right inferior
temporal gyrus in MS (Fig.4).
association between global structural connectivity and the infection point
differed significantly between MS and HC (p=0.00893) such as we observed a tendency for an inverse correlation
in patients while it was positively correlated in HC (r=0.35, p=0.033) (Fig.5a).
Analyzing the same metric for seven Yeo networks, higher nodal structural
connectivity was correlated with lower behavioral inflection point mainly in
ventral attention, default-mode and visual networks in MS (r>-0.4, p<0.001)
while HC showed consistently an inverse correlation (Fig.5b).Discussion and Conclusion
We detected lower activation in brain regions
that are sensitive to masking effect in MS patients compared to HC and it was
pronounced in unconscious processing. These regions were mentioned as major for
masking effect in HC4. Moreover, this impaired performance in is
related to a loss of structural integrity of certain functional networks known
to be important for cognitive functioning. Thus, the visual backward masking
paradigm assessed by task-based fMRI seems to be sensitive to the detection of
impaired unconscious processing in MS. This is highly relevant in MS as
conceptually unconscious processing is a fundamental feature which might be
related to several MS impairments such as attention, social cognition or
fatigue. This paradigm may provide a powerful tool to further explore the
development and impact of delayed access to conscious processing on other
bodily functions during the course of MS.Acknowledgements
No acknowledgement found.References
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