Alina Lopatina1, Renat Sibgatulin1, Stefan Ropele2, Jürgen R Reichenbach1,3, and Daniel Güllmar1
1Medical Physics Group / IDIR, Jena University Hospital, Jena, Germany, 2Department of Neurology, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria, 3Michael Stifel Center for Data-driven Sciences, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Jena, Germany
Convolutional neural network (CNN) was
proposed to identify multiple sclerosis patients and healthy subjects while susceptibility-weighted
imaging (SWI) was used for MRI scans preprocessing in order to disclose
important features hidden in brain venograms. Using only one two-dimensional slice for each subject makes the proposed algorithm
easy-applied and useful for clinical practice.
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease of the central nervous system
characterized by forming lesions representing inflammation and demyelination
regions in the brain and spinal cord. Clinicians widely use magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) for diagnosing and monitoring the progress of this disease.
Although one can identify the disease pattern on different MR contrasts, expert
knowledge and experience are required to diagnose the disease correctly. Nowadays,
deep learning algorithms and mainly convolutional neural networks (CNN) show
remarkable progress in biomedical image analysis in order to support clinicians
in decision-making. Most of these applications using deep learning are aiming
to perform automate lesion segmentation based on FLAIR and/or T2-weighted
structural MRI. However, lesion patterns can be quite heterogeneous and are not
necessarily unique for MS. Additionally,
other contrasts like susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI)1 have
shown the potential to differentiate between healthy controls and MS cases,
e.g., central veins surrounded by plaques2, iron depositions3,
and changes in a venous volume over disease stages4,5. For these
reasons, we propose a CNN based algorithm for differentiating between MS
patients and healthy volunteers based on susceptibility-weighted images, not
requiring any lesion segmentation.Methods
In our study, we
collected data from 66 multiple sclerosis patients and 66 healthy subjects. The
data was acquired within a bilateral research project (Graz/Jena) on a 3T MRI
(Siemens Prisma), using a 20-channel head coil. The acquisition protocol
parameters for a T1w multi-echo-gradient echo sequence were as follows: alpha=
35°; TE(1-5)= [8,12; 13,19; 19,26; 24,33; 29,40 ms]; TR= 37 ms, matrix-size=
168x224, FOV= 168x224 mm, slice thickness= 1 mm, number of slices= 192.
We propose the
following architecture of the neural network with empirically adjusted
hyperparameters (Figure 1). The CNN consists of three convolutional layers with parametric
rectified linear unit (PReLU) activation functions followed by max-pooling
layers. One fully connected layer with PReLU activation and an output layer
with soft-max activation complete the structure of the model. Besides, we
applied dropout regularization to the output of the last max-pooling layer.
Every scan in
the dataset was preprocessed based on the SWI routine (Figure 2), where the original
T1-weighted magnitude image was multiplied four times with the phase mask,
which in turn was filtered with a kernel size of 128. Next, the minimum
intensity projection was computed over 14 slices. All images were standardized on
a single-slice basis by normalizing the signal intensity to zero mean and unit
variance. Only one two-dimensional transversal slice at a predefined slice
position of each subject was used as an input for the CNN.
In every iteration of a training epoch, a batch
of randomly augmented samples (Figure 3) replaces the corresponding input batch. This
in-place augmentation technique was used to avoid overfitting and increase
robustness to the new data. We set several data augmentation settings to our data
generator, such as image rotation from -20 to 20 degrees, shifting in width
range of [0, 20] pixels, and height range of [0, 12] pixels, scaling from 0.7
to 1.0 factor and horizontal flipping. The data generator in our model randomly
transforms an image according to the predefined settings.
We employed a hold-out validation to evaluate the performance of the
approach. In every experiment, the dataset was randomly split into train and
test sets each containing 33 samples per class.Results
Table 1 shows the results of 10 repetitions of the
experiment. The average accuracy is 94.54%, precision is 94.61%, specificity is
94.55%, and sensitivity is 94.65%. In some experiments, an accuracy increases
up to 98.48% due to 100% recognition of either MS or healthy class.
Figure 4
depicts how slices taken from different transversal positions starting from
downwards are affecting the performance of the CNN. These are statistical
results of two runs for each slice position. We can observe that there are high
fluctuations for slices 1-58. After that, the accuracy curve gradually
increases, reaching its maximum value at more than 90% and then decreases to 65%.Discussion and Conclusion
The proposed algorithm shows results distinct from
state-of-the-art CNN-based approaches for MS identification6,7. Although
these approaches gained an accuracy of more than 98%, some crucial differences are
making it challenging to compare adequately with our method. Thus, we used only one slice for each subject in each training run while
Zhang. et al.6 and Wang et al.7 used all the slices associated with lesions and applied different preprocessing
methods and image contrasts. Moreover, the proposed CNN has fewer layers preventing our model from overfitting.
The results showed that our approach has good
potential in MS diagnosis. Data augmentation helps to solve the problem of
available data limitation and contributes to a good performance of the neural
network. Besides, proper preprocessing reveals the brain venous system that has
useful features for distinguishing between MS patients and healthy controls. Using
only one slice of MRI scan for disease prediction is close to the current
clinical practice. Therefore, the proposed approach might be applied by
neuroradiologists as an independent opinion.
the future, we will continue the research taking into consideration different
echo times, number of slices and layers. We would also like to classify not
only MS patients and healthy subjects but different MS phenotypes.Acknowledgements
This study is financially supported by the Carl-Zeiss-Foundation
project "A Virtual Werkstatt for Digitization in the Sciences"), the German Research Foundation (RE-1123/21-1) as well as the Austrian Science Foundation (FWF I3001-B27).References
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