Daniel Güllmar1, Renat Sibgatulin1, Stefan Ropele2, and Jürgen R Reichenbach1,3
1Medical Physics Group / IDIR, Jena University Hospital, Jena, Germany, 2Department of Neurology, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria, 3Michael-Stifel-Center for Data driven sciences, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Jena, Germany
MR diffusion imaging in multiple sclerosis is a promising tool for deciphering
the mechanisms and processes during the disease progression. We employed new MR
diffusion acquisition techniques (like SMS) as well as advanced post-processing
(like NODDI, SMT) in order to investigate the differences in normal appearing
white matter of MS patients in contrast to healthy volunteers.
MR based quantitative metrics in MS were in the past mainly used to
characterize the lesions. Although some diffusion contrasts clearly enhance the contrast in order to identify and classify MS lesions, lesion information
itself does not necessarily correspond to the clinical parameters. Thus, the aim of the study was to measure and
analyze advanced and more complex diffusion measures using sophisticated
acquisition methods (SMS) as well as post-processing methods in the normal-appearing
white matter in MS patients and healthy controls. Besides the pure quantitative
description of the derived data, we wanted to answer the question if and to
what extent certain complex diffusion measures obtained for the NAWM are
suitable to differentiate multiples sclerosis patients from healthy volunteers.Material and Methods
The evaluated data where acquired in an ongoing
multi-site multiple-sclerosis study between the Jena University Hospital,
Germany, and the University Hospital in Graz, Austria. Both sites utilized a 3T
MRI (Siemens Prisma, 20 channel head coil (16 active channels)) and identical
MR imaging protocols. Patients were acquired in Graz and volunteer data were
mainly collected in Jena. The MR diffusion acquisition consisted of a advanced
multi-shell (three shells, 8x b@5s/mm2, 16xb@850s/mm2, 32x b@1680s/mm2, 48x b@2500s/mm2, 1.5 mm isotropic
resolution) multi-slice (SMS-slice-factor= 4) protocol. All volumes were
measured twice with reversed-phase encoding polarity to facilitate
susceptibility artifact compensation. The total number of acquired volumes was
208. The diffusion data preprocessing included denoising[4], topup[5], and eddy
current correction[6]. The ROI for the white matter was determined based on a
simulated GRE flash contrast (settings: alpha= 30°, TE= 5 ms, TR= 20 ms)
generated by multi-echo GRE data (5 echos, 2 flip angles, 1mm³ isotropic
resolution). The individual white matter mask was obtained by combining the
white matter segmentation of FSL-fast [7] and Freesurfer [8]. This procedure
excludes the brain stem and the cerebellum. The semi-automatically FLAIR-based
generated ROIs of the lesions in the MS subjects as well as the white matter
ROI mask was transferred by a linear operation to the diffusion data for each
subject, respectively. Lesion mask was additionally subtracted from the
determined white matter mask to define the normal-appearing white matter ROI.
Finally, the NAWM ROI was treated with a 2-d (in axial orientation) binary
closing and 3-d erosion operation. Further partitioning of the NAWM into tract
specific ROIs was realized by combing the NAWM ROI with white matter tract
segmentation based on the diffusion data. This tract segmentation was realized
by utilizing the software package TractSeg [9]. The main NAWM ROI and the selected sub-regions
are visualized for a selected subject in Fig. 1. Diffusion tensor metrics (FA,
RD, MD) were computed using the DTIFIT routine from FSL using weighted least
squares. The spherical mean technique (SMT, [1]) was used to map microscopic
diffusion anisotropy parameters. Neurite orientation dispersion and density
imaging (NODDI, [2]) was computed using the AMICO implementation [3]. Examples
of the evaluated diffusion metrics are shown in Fig. 2. The mean ROI values of
these diffusion quantities were compared against each other for total NAWM,
subdivisions of the NAWN and the lesions. Up to now 33 patients and 50
volunteers were included in the analysis.Results
For all
diffusion metrics except for extracellular mean diffusivity
(fitmcmicro_extratrans) the mean values of the NAWM ROIs were found to be
significantly (two-sample-ttest, alpha 0.001) different between MS and HC
subjects. Table 1. lists the effect sizes (by means of Glass Delta [10]) for
all comparisons, which were found to be significant (two-sample t-test <
0.001) different. The corresponding box plots for the comparison for the NAWM
are shown in Fig. 3. The largest significant difference effect was found for
the metric FIT_ISOVF (noddi isotropic volume fraction), followed by the
multi-compartment-extra-cellular transversal diffusivity. For the white matter
subdivisions, only the cortico-spinal-tract (CST) and the
superior-thalamic-radiation (STR) had a higher average effect size compared to
the NAWM region. The table contains also the effect sizes for the normal-appearing including lesion areas in order to be able to compare it to the effect
size of NAWM only.Discussion
investigated diffusion metrics (except the extra-cellular-mean diffusivity)
were found to be significantly different in the normal-appearing white matter
between MS patients and HCs. Further subdivision of the NAWM did not increase
the discrimination power, except for ROIs including
connections to the pre-central gyrus. Further analysis will address
more diffusion measures as well as testing metrics combinations in order to
increase the effect size for NAWM. It will also be interesting to investigate
if the variance of the mean values of the NAWM in the MS patient group could be
explained by clinical parameters of MS phenotypes.Acknowledgements
This study was financially supported by the German research foundation
(RE-1123/21-1) and the Austrian Science Foundation (FWF I3001-B27).References
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