Grzegorz Kwiatkowski1, Frank Kober2, and Sebastian Kozerke1
1Institute for Biomedical Engineering, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS, CRMBM, Marseille, France
The feasibility of accelerating arterial spin labelling (ASL)
by exploiting spatiotemporal correlations for assessing myocardial perfusion in
small animals is demonstrated. Based on numerical simulations and
retrospectively undersampled in-vivo data, three-fold acceleration yields
errors below 16 ± 10 % in myocardial blood flow quantification and hence the
method is considered promising to shorten the long scan times of myocardial ASL in
small animals.
Arterial spin labelling (ASL) cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR)
is a method to quantitatively map myocardial blood flow in the heart muscle
without the need for exogenous contrast agents1. Flow sensitive alternating inversion recovery (FAIR) pulsed ASL
perfusion MR has become a method of
choice for pre-clinical, small animal studies2–5. However, ASL suffers from long acquisition times on the
order of 15 – 60 min6, which are challenging in animals with rapidly changing,
unstable physiology, e.g. during stress protocols. To this date, undersampling
in the k–t domain has been employed to accelerate various CMR protocols7–9. However, the concept of k–t sparsity in ASL has not been fully
explored. Accordingly, the objective of the present work was to exploit spatiotemporal
correlations for accelerating of myocardial ASL perfusion imaging.Methods
Numerical phantom: Simulations of magnetization recovery after
slice-selective/global inversion were performed using the MXRCAT framework10,11 (Fig. 1). A midventricular short-axis slice was used. The longitudinal
magnetization in the slice
$$$M_{sl}(t)$$$ and in the entire sensitive volume
$$$M_{gl}(t)$$$ was
simulated according to12:
$$\left\{ \begin{array}{ll}M_{sl}(t) \approx M_{\infty}\\M_{gl}(t) = M_{\infty} - (M_{\infty} - M_{0})\exp(-\frac{t}{T_{b}})\end{array} \right.$$
for blood and
$$\left\{ \begin{array}{ll}M_{sl}(t) = M_{\infty} - (M_{\infty} - M_{0})\exp(-\frac{t}{T^{\ast}_{t,sl}})\\M_{gl}(t) = M_{\infty} - (M_{\infty} - M_{0})\exp(-\frac{t}{T^{\ast}_{t,sl}}) + [M_{0,b}-M_{b}(0)]P\frac{\exp(-\frac{t}{T_{b}} - \exp(-\frac{t}{T^{\ast}_{t,gl}}))}{T^{-1}_{b}-T^{\ast, -1}_{t,gl}}\end{array} \right.$$
for tissue, where $$$M_{\infty/0}$$$ is the magnetization after
inversion/at the steady-state, $$$T_{b/t}$$$ is the relaxation time of
blood/tissue and $$$P$$$ is the perfusion factor.
Data acquisition: All MR data were recorded with a 9.4 T small animal MRI
scanner (Bruker BioSpec, Ettlingen, Germany) equipped with a quadrature 80 mm
T/R volume resonator and a 2x2 receive-only phased array. All animal
experiments were performed with adherence to the Swiss Federal Act on Animal
Protection and were approved by the Cantonal Veterinary Office Zurich. Female
C57/BL6 mice were used, age 6–8 months. The FAIR ASL sequence was used as
described previously2 with following acquisition parameters: TE/TR: 1.8/240 ms, field-of-view:
30 x 30 mm2, acquisition matrix: 128 x 64 (nfrequecny x nphase),
NA = 3, number of inversion recovery points: 32, inversion applied ~ 10 s.
Image reconstruction: The fully sampled data were reconstructed in ParaVision 6.0.1
(Bruker). Retrospective undersampling (acceleration factors R=1.8, 2.8 and 4) was
performed using either Poisson-like random undersampling (k–t SPARSE)13 with the Fourier transform along the time or using sheared-grid
undersampling with subsequent principal component analysis along time (k–t PCA)14.
Perfusion quantification: All data were quantified in MatLab 2018b (Mathworks, Natick,
MA) using a home-built routine. The slice-selective/global inversion T1
maps were obtained using a three-parameter fit:
$$S(t) = A[1-B\exp(-\frac{t}{T_{1}})]$$
The mean blood flow (MBF) maps were calculated pixel-wise
$$MBF = \frac{\lambda}{2T_{b}}(1+\frac{M_{\infty}}{M_{0}})(\frac{T^{\ast}_{t,gl}}{T^{\ast}_{t,sl}}-1)$$
$$\left\{ \begin{array}{ll}M_{\infty} = A, \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; T^{\ast}_{t,gl} = T_{1}\\M_{0} = A(B-1), \; T^{\ast}_{t,sl} = T_{1}\end{array} \right.$$.Results
Simulations: The numerical phantom yielded the relation between
acquisition parameters (SNR, acquisition matrix) on the reconstruction
accuracy. Examples of simulated and retrospectively undersampled data for
SNR=15 are given in Fig. 2. An analysis of mean MBF obtained for different
undersampling factors and different SNR levels, using reconstruction with k–t
SPARSE/k–t PCA is shown in Fig. 3.
In-vivo data: Examples
of image reconstructions from retrospectively undersampled in-vivo data
recorded in a mouse at rest is shown in Fig. 4. A comparison of reconstruction accuracy
for k–t SPARSE/k–t PCA for all acceleration factors tested is summarized in
Fig. 5.Discussion
The present study has demonstrated the potential benefit of
accelerating ASL perfusion MR measurements with k–t undersampling. The
numerical simulations have demonstrated that all key features of ASL
measurement are reproduced up to three-fold undersampling. Both, k–t PCA and k–t
SPARSE could be used to reconstruct the undersampled data. k–t SPARSE
outperformed k–t PCA for acceleration factors up about three. Reconstruction
with k–t PCA resulted in overestimation of the perfusion values, for all
acceleration factors associated with spatiotemporal fidelity issues described
previously15. The reconstruction with both, k–t SPARSE and k–t PCA did not
depend significantly on the global SNR level. Our analysis of in-vivo data agreed well with the
results obtained using the numerical phantom, indicating that k–t SPARSE might
be better suited for acceleration of ASL perfusion imaging, provided a modest
acceleration factor is used.
The potential advantages of reducing the acquisition time of myocardial
ASL perfusion include reduced variability and increased robustness toward
physiological noise16 which are especially relevant in small animal measurements.
Future work
should focus on comparing reconstruction strategies prospectively and at
different vasodynamic states to confirm the applicability of accelerated ASL
for measuring perfusion reserves in small animals.Acknowledgements
This project has received
funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under
grant agreement No 820374.References
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