Nian Wang1, Leonard E. White2, Gary Cofer1, Yi Qi1, and G. Allan Johnson1
1Department of Radiology, Duke University, Durham, NC, United States, 2Department of Neurology, Duke University, Durham, NC, United States
MRI (dMRI) encompasses a broad range of scales, physical mechanisms and models
and applications from clinical to the basic sciences. The recent development of
compressed sensing allowed us to extend the spatial and contrast resolution to
define more subtle brain architecture beyond the meso scale, solidly in the
microscopic domain. We report here dMRI at spatial resolution down to 25 μm
i.e. voxels that are more 500,000 times smaller than that of the routine clinical
To explore the
cytoarchitecture of the mouse brain that is revealed in the scalar dMRI images with increased spatial and contrast resolution.Introduction
has been widely used to probe the structure of the mouse brain, but directly
correlating MRI findings to histology is still challenging due to the limited
spatial resolution and limited understanding of the various image contrasts
derived from water relaxation or diffusion properties1,2. Magnetic
resonance histology has the potential to become an indispensable research tool
to mitigate such challenges3. Diffusion MRI (dMRI) has
pushed the contrast boundary of MR histology, again driven by technical
advances in gradients and novel encoding strategies4. In the present
study, we used high spatial resolution MRI datasets, including diffusion MRI
(dMRI) at 25 µm and quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) at 21.5 µm to map
the contrast differences and similarities to conventional histopathology.Methods
Animal experiments were carried out in compliance with the local animal
care and use committee. Five wild-type adult male C57BL/6 mice were chosen for
MR imaging. Brains were perfused using a transcardial perfusion with a 1:10
mixture of ProHance-buffered formalin. MR images were acquired using a 9.4 T 8.9-cm
vertical bore magnet MRI system. We used a modified three-dimensional
diffusion-weighted spin-echo pulse sequence to support k-space under sampling. Acceleration factors of 4.0 (67 μm) and 5.12 (25 μm) were used to accelerate the
acquisition5,6. The diffusion sampling protocol included 61
unique diffusion directions with a b-value of 4000 s/mm2 and 6
non-diffusion-weighted (b0) measurements. All the other parameters kept the
same: FOV = 18.8 mm x 12.8 mm x 12.8 mm; TE = 15.2 ms; and TR =100 m. The 3D
multi-echo gradient echo scans were acquired at different spatial resolution:
21.5 μm with matrix size = 1024 × 512 × 512 and 6 echoes; 43 μm with matrix
size = 512 × 256 × 256 with 12 echoes; 86 μm with matrix size = 256 × 128 × 128
with 20 echoes. All the other parameters remained unchanged: FOV = 22 mm × 11
mm × 11 mm, flip angle = 65º, bandwidth (BW) = 125 kHz, and repeating time (TR)
= 100 ms. The tractography of generalized Q-sampling imaging was obtained by a
modified streamline tracking algorithm implemented in DSI Studio software with
maximum four fibers resolved in one voxel7. Results
Figure 1 illustrates FA, color-FA, and diffusion weighted (DW)
images at 67
µm (left panels of a, b, c) and 25 µm isotropic resolution (right panels of a,
b, c). The utility of the higher resolution images is evident upon close
inspection of the images, where the images in hippocampus, cortex, and
cerebellum regions (purple, green, and white arrows in c) are much sharper at
25 µm resolution. Histological structure in the olfactory bulb, including
differentiation of glomeruli, is more evident in the DWIs at 25 µm isotropic resolution (g), which is
comparable to the appearance of these layers in standard Nissl preparations (i).
The appearance of the barrel field in tangential slices (Figure 2) through the
FA datasets reflects this distinctive cytoarchitecture (b and c). The walls of
the barrels exhibit higher FA (c) and AD (e) compared to the centers of the
barrels, while the reverse contrasts are seen in DWIs (d). In order to
investigate the properties of the boundaries in CA1 and the dentate gyrus,
Figure 3 shows AD (a, c) and FA images (d, f) at 25 µm
isotropic resolution compared with a conventional Nissl stain (b) and the
acetylcholinesterase activity (AChE) (e). The cell-rich sp and sg layers show
higher axial diffusivity values than the other hippocampus regions. Additional
histological features are evident in the FA images (f) that bear striking
resemblance to histochemical features revealed by AChE reaction (e). Crossing
fibers are resolved across the hippocampus, especially in the plexiform layers
(so and slm) of the CA fields (Figure 4), which feature prominent intrinsic and
associational connections that intersect the basal (so) and apical (slm)
dendrites of pyramidal neurons at orthogonal angles. We further investigated
the appearance of the dorsal hippocampus in QSM imaging at different spatial
resolutions (Figure 5). The cell-dense layers are more paramagnetic than the
plexiform layers, resulting in close correspondence between the appearance of
the pyramidal and granule cell layers in the Nissl stain and in the
high-resolution QSM images (a and b). Discussion and Conclusion
QSM images and dMRI measurements generate multiple scalar images
with contrast dependent on widely varying physical properties. Compressed
sensing has enabled us to extend the spatial resolution to 25 um which now
enables mapping these multiple data sets to more traditional histologic statins.
This extension of MR histology allows for the visualization of detailed neuroanatomic
structures in the mouse brains,
including layers in the hippocampus, details of the cerebral cortex, barrel
area, and olfactory bulb. Combining these different
MRI metrics at such high spatial resolution further helps to reduce the
neuroanatomy ambiguity in subtle structures of the brain. Acknowledgements
This work was supported by the NIH/NIBIB National Biomedical
Technology Resource Center (P41 EB015897 to G. Allan Johnson), NIH 1S10OD010683-01 (to G. Allan Johnson), 1R01NS096720-01A1 (to
G. Allan Johnson) and Charles
E. Putman MD Vision Award of the Department of Radiology, Duke University
School of Medicine (to Nian Wang and Charles E. Spritzer).References
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