Fuyixue Wang1,2, Zijing Dong1,3, Timothy G. Reese1, Lawrence L. Wald1,2, and Kawin Setsompop1,2
1A. A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown, MA, United States, 2Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology, MIT, Cambridge, MA, United States, 33Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT, Cambridge, MA, United States
An efficient quantitative mapping sequence based on 3D Echo-Planar Time-resolved Imaging (3D-EPTI) is proposed. The acquisition contains inversion recovery gradient echo readouts follow by GRASE-like readouts to provide sensitivity to T1, T2 and T2*. Fast k-TI-TE coverage is achieved by fusing highly-accelerated spatiotemporal CAIPI sampling with golden-angle radial-blade Cartesian under-sampling, where the reconstruction is performed using the subspace model. We demonstrate the high-efficiency of the proposed technique by obtaining multi-contrast images and quantitative maps at 1-mm isotropic resolution whole-brain in 3 minutes.
quantitative imaging is challenging: the acquisition of a series of images with
different contrast weightings is usually required to capture the signal
decay/recovery evolution, resulting in extensive acquisition time. With the
advent of acceleration techniques such as parallel imaging1,2 and compressed
sensing3,4, it has become more and more clinically feasible, but the combined
scan time for T1, T2, T2* mapping is still in the order of 10-20 minutes with
limited image quality.
In this
work, we developed a new technique, termed 3D echo-planar time-resolved imaging
(3D-EPTI), that takes advantages of i) the high-efficiency of EPI readout; ii)
spatial-temporal correlation across EPI readout; and iii) low-rank subspace reconstruction,
in order to achieve rapid simultaneous T1, T2, T2* mapping at high-resolution
with high SNR-efficiency. With 3D-EPTI, a time-series of distortion and blurring-free
images are produced which captures the MR signal evolution during the
acquisition. This signal evolution has been designed to provide high sensitivity
to MR relaxometry differences by utilizing an inversion recovery pulse followed
by small flip angle pulse train along with a GRASE readout. We demonstrate the
high efficiency of this technique in obtaining multi-contrast images and
quantitative maps at 1-mm isotropic resolution whole brain coverage in 3
minutes. Methods
readout: In EPTI5,
continuous EPI-readouts are performed using highly-accelerated k-t
CAIPI-sampling to efficiently sample the desired signal evolution in k-t space. As shown in
Fig.1a for 3D-EPTI, each EPTI-shot covers a block of the ky-kz-te space using a
zig-zag trajectory that samples complementary ky and kz along TE. This ensures
that the neighboring k-points within each EPTI-shot are acquired within a few
milliseconds apart and contain high signal-correlation to help reconstruct the
missing k-t data-points. This data can then be efficiently reconstructed via
subspace reconstruction to generate time-resolve distortion and blurring-free
images with a TE increment of ~1ms. Continuous EPTI-readout can be applied to
any sequences for high acquisition efficiency without any dead time.
design (Fig. 1b): The sequence utilizes an inversion recovery pulse followed
by a small-flip-angle GE train (IR-GE) to provide signal-evolution with T1
recovery interspersed with T2* decay. Subsequent to the small-flip-angle train,
an additional GRASE-like acquisition can be appended to provide additional signal
evolution with T2 and T2* decay. Each excitation/refocusing pulse is followed
by an 3D EPTI readout that covers a block of the 3D k-space to track the signal
evolution. However, acquiring the full-block 3D k-space for each time point
would require lengthy acquisition time. Therefore, we developed golden angle radial-blade
sampling, where different 3D-EPTI blocks acquired across multiple TRs at the
same TI form a diagonal radial-blade in ky-kz space, and different blade
angulations at different TIs compose a golden-angle radial-blade Cartesian
sampling pattern (Fig.1b bottom). This creates favorable spatio-temporal
incoherent aliasing for constrained reconstruction and permits further
acceleration through acquiring only 1-2 blade per time point.
Subspace reconstruction:
subspace reconstruction6 is used to
recover the images at different time points, which relays on the subspace bases
extracted from possible signal evolution curves generated using tissue and
acquisition parameters. A Hankel constrain is employed in the reconstruction to
improve the conditioning and SNR. A pixel-wise matching is used to obtain the
quantitative maps.
retrospective and prospective undersampling experiments were performed where 3D-EPTI
with IR-GE was used to obtain T1 and T2* maps. i) In retrospective experiment, EPTI
data across all ky-kz
blocks were acquired (20.5 minutes, at 1.1 mm isotropic resolution) and retrospectively
undersampled with the proposed golden angle sampling pattern with a single
blade to achieve an effective ~1minute scan time. In prospective experiment,
data were acquired at 0.8×0.8×1.6mm3 resolution in 1-minute with
whole-brain coverage (FOV =220×220×116 mm3).
In vivo simultaneous T1, T2 and T2* prospective
undersampling experiment was performed using IR-GE-GRASE 3D-EPTI. Data were
acquired at 1mm isotropic resolution in ~3 minutes with 2-radial blades. Non-selective
RF-pulse was used to achieve large coverage with readout direction along head-foot.
26 TIs (each with 53 TEs) and 6 GRASE (each with 39 TEs) time-points were acquired.
Other imaging parameters: FOV =224×180×224mm3, Ryblock×Rzblock=8×6; full block-sampling=29×29=841
blocks, dual-blade sampling=29×2 blocks; Total acceleration=8×6×29.Results
Fig.2a shows that 1-minute IR-GE
3D-EPTI provide comparable quantitative T1 and T2* maps to block-fully-sampled
EPTI data that requires 19× longer scan time, with consistent quality in all three
orthogonal planes (Fig.2b). The GIF in Fig.3 shows the multi-contrast images
across different TIs and TEs acquired in prospective experiment with IR-GE sequence
in only 1-minute, along with T1 and T2* maps across different slices. The whole-brain
zoomed-in T1 map illustrates the high-quality of the acquired quantitative
measurements. Fig.4 and Fig.5 show the results of in-vivo experiment using the IR-GE-GRASE
sequence. Thousands of whole-brain images were obtained in only 3 minutes with
different contrasts to track the signal evolution, and high-quality
quantitative maps including T1, T2 and T2* are calculated and presented in Fig.5.Conclusion
The high acquisition efficiency provided by 3D EPTI enables fast and
comprehensive quantitative mapping in 3 minutes at 1-mm isotropic resolution
whole-brain. Future work will focus on further validation and optimization of
this technique to push the clinical application of quantitative mapping using 3D-EPTI.Acknowledgements
This work was supported by the NIH NIBIB (R01-EB020613, R01-EB019437, R01-MH116173, U01-EB025162, and U01EB026996) and the instrumentation Grants (S10-RR023401, S10-RR023043, and S10-RR019307).References
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