Alexandru V. Avram1,2, Kadharbatcha Saleem1,2, Frank Q Ye3, Cecil Yen4, Michal E Komlosh1,2, and Peter J Basser1
1NICHD, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, United States, 2The Henry Jackson Foundation, Bethesda, MD, United States, 3NIMH, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, United States, 4NINDS, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, United States
We apply high-resolution mean
apparent propagator (MAP)-MRI to quantify cortical architectonic features in a
fixed rhesus macaque brain. Cortical depth profiles of MAP-derived parameters,
such as the propagator anisotropy (PA), correlate well with histological stains
in corresponding brain regions, and may be used to automatically detect
boundaries between cortical areas with distinct cyto- and myeloarchitectonic
organization. Mapping cortical architectonic features non-invasively could
provide a new radiological tool for diagnosis of developmental and neurodegenerative
disorders and improve our understanding of how the human brain is organized and
The laminar and columnar tissue microstructure
revealed by histological analysis of the cortex1,2 forms the
biological basis for defining cortical regions with different cyto- and
myeloarchitecture specialized for functional processing. Given the limited
number of human brain specimen and the lack of three-dimensional (3D)
information in histological analysis, there is an urgent need for non-invasive
alternatives that quantify microstructural features for cortical architectonic
Diffusion MRI (dMRI), a non-invasive, 3D and quantitative clinical
tool is uniquely sensitive to tissue microstructure. Recent studies3,4 suggest
that high-resolution diffusion MRI can resolve cortical layers with different
cyto- and myeloarchitecture5-7 and has the potential to
automatically identify/classify areal differences8,9 throughout
the cortex.
In this study, we apply high-resolution mean apparent propagator
(MAP)-MRI10 to quantify features of the cyto- and myeloarchitecture throughout
the entire cortex in a fixed rhesus macaque brain. We analyze areal differences
between laminar profiles of MAP propagators in reference to a histologically
defined brain atlas and investigate the potential of MAP-MRI for automatic
cortical parcellation. The ability to map cortical architecture noninvasively
could improve our understanding of the structure and function in healthy and pathological
We scanned a perfusion-fixed macaque brain11 on a 7T scanner using MAP-MRI with an isotropic resolution of
250µm, FOV=78x64x72cm, TE/TR=33.3/250ms, 17 segments, 1.5 partial Fourier
acceleration, and 2 averages. We acquired 101 diffusion-weighted images (DWIs)
on multiple b-value shells (100,600,1500,2800,4800,7200,10000s/mm2)
with multiple gradient orientations (3,4,8,12,18,24,32, respectively) uniformly
sampling the unit sphere on each shell and across shells. The diffusion gradient
pulse durations and separations were δ=8ms and Δ=16.1ms. We also conducted a
magnetization transfer (MT) prepared gradient-echo experiment, performed gray
(GM) and white matter (WM) tissue segmentation12, extracted the
GM/WM and pial cortical surfaces13, and estimated intermediate
surfaces corresponding to 6 cortical layers using the equivolumetric principle2,14.
We registered15 the D99 digital macaque brain atlas16,17 to
the eddy-current and EPI distortion corrected18 DWIs and the MT
ratio (MTR) map to allow analysis in histologically-defined cortical regions.
We estimated the mean diffusion propagators at
each voxel using a MAP series truncation up to order 4, computed DTI
parameters: fractional anisotropy (FA); mean, axial, and radial diffusivities –
MD, AD, and RD, respectively; and MAP-MRI parameters, propagator anisotropy
(PA), non-gaussianity (NG) return-to-origin probability (RTOP), return-to-axis
probability (RTAP), and return-to-plane probability (RTPP), and derived fiber orientation
distribution functions (fODFs)19. We measured cortical depth
profiles by applying the same analysis to the DWIs interpolated at the vertices
of all cortical surfaces. We quantified the statistics of cortical depth
profiles (mean and standard deviation) across each histologically-defined
region-of-interest (ROI) from the registered D99 atlas16. Finally, we
applied simple k-means clustering to automatically classify the points on the
cortical surface based on their laminar profiles of DTI/MAP parameters.RESULTS
High-resolution MAP/DTI parameters showed good
contrast and fine anatomical details throughout the brain including the
cortical and subcortical regions (Fig. 1). Differences between cortical layers
could be best visualized using anisotropy parameters, such as the PA and FA, as
well as orientation information, such as the DEC map (Fig. 1) and orientation
distribution functions (Fig. 2). Figure 3 shows the average cortical depth dependence
of several MAP parameters in selected cortical areas: primary and secondary
visual cortices (areas V1 and V2, respectively) and primary sensory-motor areas
(S1 and M1, respectively). The PA and FA have very different profiles in these
four regions (Fig. 3) which correlate with the cytoarchitectonic features shown in
parvalbumin and SMI-32 stained histology sections (Fig. 4). Meanwhile, NG and
RTOP showed some areal differences in cortical depth dependence, but to a
lesser extent (Fig. 4). The decrease in RTPP and RTAP at more superficial
layers correlated well with an increase in radial and tangential cortical
diffusivities (Fig. 1) and may, to some extent, be attributed to re-hydration
of the sample before the MR experiment. Simple k-means clustering analysis
showed that distinct features of the MAP/DTI parameter depth profiles could be
automatically classified into cortical regions that reflect
histologically-defined parcellation (Fig. 5). DISCUSSION
Our results demonstrate that, at high spatial resolutions, dMRI in
general, and MAP-MRI, in particular, can be sensitive to differences in cyto-
and myelo-architectonic features in the cortex. In general, major challenges of
analyzing areal architectonic differences using histological 2D sections are
the variations in the relative thickness of the layers and in the relative
angle between the cortical surface and the histological section (Fig. 4).
Computing laminar profiles with respect to the local cortical geometry (Fig. 3)
simplifies the statistical quantitation of microstructural parameters and the
analysis of areal differences (Fig. 5).
The specificity of dMRI to cortical
cyto- and myelo-architecture could be further improved by using microstructural
tissue models that take into account the local cortical reference frame.
Ongoing studies in our lab aim at enhancing the automatic cortical parcellation
by including additional MRI contrasts (e.g., T1W, or T2W), using spatial
information in the k-means clustering analysis, and correlating imaging results
with histological analysis obtained from the same brain.
Mapping cortical architectonic features with clinical MAP-MRI20 could provide a new
neuroradiological tool for diagnosis of developmental and neurological
disorders, and could improve our understanding of how the human brain is
organized and connected. Acknowledgements
This work was supported by the Intramural Research Program of
the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human
Development, “Connectome 2.0: Developing the next generation human MRI scanner
for bridging studies of the micro-, meso- and macro-connectome”, NIH BRAIN
Initiative 1U01EB026996-01 and the CNRM Neuroradiology/Neuropathology
Correlation/Integration Core, 309698-4.01-65310, (CNRM-89-9921). We thank Drs.
Paul Taylor and Daniel Glen for helpful discussions and Dr. Bernard Dardzinski
for providing the RF coil used in this experiment. References
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