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Oscillating Gradient Diffusion-Encoding In Human Brain Shows Linear Frequency Correlation in High Amplitude and Slew Rate Head Gradient System
Ek T Tan1,2, Robert Y Shih3, Jhimli Mitra1, Yihe Hua1, Tim Sprenger4, Chitresh Bhushan1, Jennifer A McNab5, Matt A Bernstein6, and Thomas KF Foo1
1GE Research, Niskayuna, NY, United States, 2Radiology and Imaging, Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, NY, United States, 3Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, MD, United States, 4GE Healthcare, Stockholm, Sweden, 5Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 6Radiology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States


High gradient amplitude, high gradient slew rate, and high peripheral nerve stimulation thresholds are required for oscillating gradient spin-echo (OGSE) diffusion imaging on human MRI systems. With 200 mT/m amplitude and 500 T/m/s slew rate, the MAGNUS head gradient coil was used to evaluate OGSE imaging in six healthy subjects at frequencies up to 100 Hz and b=450 s/mm2. Comparisons were made against standard pulsed gradient spin-echo (PGSE) diffusion in-vivo, which show up to 27% increased OGSE diffusivity, excellent linear correlation with frequency, and correlation length scales of 0.8µm in white matter. Diffusivity changes were negligible in an isotropic phantom.


OGSE diffusion-encoding(1) provides length-scale selectivity as compared to standard PGSE diffusion. However, conventional human MRI is limited in gradient amplitude, maximum slew rates, and peripheral nerve stimulation; OGSE requires both high amplitude and the highest possible slew rates due to the rapidly switching OGSE waveforms. Consequently, it has been feasible to obtain in preclinical (animal) MRI systems frequencies of 300 Hz at b=500-1000 s/mm2 (2,3), whereas clinical MRI systems provide at best 62.5 Hz at b=100 s/mm2.(4,5) While gradient coil prototypes with either high amplitude (6) or high slew rate (7) have been demonstrated, whole-body peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS) further limits the attainable OGSE frequencies. This work evaluates OGSE feasibility and frequency-dependence in white matter using the microstructure anatomy gradient for neuroimaging with ultrafast scanning (MAGNUS) head-gradient (8) with simultaneously achievable 200 mT/m amplitude and 500 T/m/s slew rate, which has substantially higher PNS thresholds than in clinical whole-body MRI systems(9).


To determine maximum achievable OGSE frequencies and b-values, waveforms of sinusoidal-cosine and trapezoidal-cosine waveforms were analyzed over a range of hardware gradient amplitudes and slew rates. The PNS parameters used for conventional whole-body gradient were Gmin,body=23.5mT/m, SRmin,body=70.3T/m/s, and for MAGNUS head-gradient were Gmin,head=111mT/m, SRmin,head=145T/m/s (9).

Six healthy subjects (4M, 2F, age=32-59 years) were recruited under an IRB-approved protocol and imaged on the MAGNUS gradient installed on a 3T MRI scanner (MR750, GE Healthcare) with its whole-body gradient and RF coil removed. A custom-built 37-cm inner-diameter RF transmit/receiver coil was used, along with a 32-channel phased-array brain coil receiver (Nova Medical). The standard PGSE sequence was modified to enable OGSE with a nominal pulse width of 50ms. Standard PGSE DTI and OGSE DTI were acquired with one b=0s/mm2 and twenty b=450s/mm2 directions per frequency at five frequencies (20-100Hz) with 20 directions per frequency (TR/TE=7000/122ms, FOV=25.6cm, 128x128 matrix, slice thickness=3mm, echo spacing=428µs). A spherical 20% PVP phantom (11-cm diameter) was also imaged. The Johns Hopkins white matter atlas and deformable registration (10,11) were utilized for automated analysis. Wilcoxon signed rank-test was used for paired comparisons of DTI metrics from each parcel (p<0.05 indicates statistical significance).

To determine linear correlation of diffusivity with OGSE frequency, a disordered model for extra-axonal water was adopted (12,13), whereby diffusivity D was related to long-term diffusivity D and frequency f by D(f)=D+Aπ2|2πf|, and A0.2l2c where lc s the correlation length of a two-dimensional, disordered packing geometry.


Fig.1(a-d) shows trapezoidal cosine-OGSE provides higher b-values than sinusoidal cosine-OGSE with similar frequency spectra selectivity. Additionally, Fig.1e-f shows head-PNS limited trapezoidal-cosine-OGSE provides even higher b-values than body-PNS limited trapezoidal-cosine-OGSE because of faster ramps (0.9ms vs 2.5ms). Fig.2 shows increased OGSE diffusivity vs. PGSE that also increased with frequency. These patterns of increased diffusivity were observed in almost every white matter parcel (Fig.3). Table 1 summarizes results from all 50 parcels. Overall, OGSE diffusivity measures were higher than standard PGSE’s, and the increase was approximately linear with frequency; at 100Hz OGSE, the increase over PGSE were +15% to +27%. The number of parcels with statistically significant differences increased with frequency. In comparison, these effects were negligible in the static phantom (<3%).

Linear fitting to the disordered model on a per-parcel basis resulted in good linear correlation (R2>0.85) and positive lc in most parcels (41/50 in MD, 30/50 in PD and 43/50 in RD). The mean (± standard deviation) values for long-term diffusivity were D,MD=911±72µm2/s, D,PD=1519±164µm2/s, and D,RD=640±111µm /s. The values for correlation length were lc,MD=0.802±156µm, lc,PD=0.837±0.172µm, and lc,RD=0.780±0.174µm. Fig. 4 shows D and lc maps, whereby fitting on a per-voxel basis; fitting was mostly reliable, except in the lc,PD maps due to noise.


The significant linear increase in diffusivity with OGSE frequency allowed for fitting to the disordered extra-axonal model. The lc,RD in the genu, body and splenium of the corpus callosum were 0.69, 0.98 and 0.76µm respectively, not dissimilar to the results of Burcaw et al(13) from rhesus monkey corpus callosum (0.65, 1.01, and 0.94µm). However, these were 3-5 times lower than in vivo human results of Fieremans, et al (14) acquired using STEAM preparation rather than OGSE. These differences could be due to longer mixing times in STEAM, or from the empirical A0.2l2c assumption.

Linear fitting was excellent in RD but less so in PD, which would support the notion of short-range disorder (linear relationship frequency) for RD and long-range disorder (quadratic relationship with frequency) for PD. Future work would focus on quadratic fitting with more frequency datapoints.


A strong linear trend for diffusivity increase with OGSE frequency was observed in human subjects. These preliminary results with b-value of 450s/mm2 and 100Hz were made feasible by the 200mT/m, 500T/m/s MAGNUS head-gradient. The higher head-PNS thresholds of MAGNUS allowed for higher b-values and higher OGSE frequencies.

Frequencies up to 200Hz with b=1000s/mm2 may be feasible by equipping MAGNUS with stronger gradient drivers. Ultra-strong gradients may enable clinical applications for probing human tissue microstructure at smaller diffusion times or length scales than previously possible, such as studying the axonal microstructure in normal appearing white matter of neurocognitive or neurodegenerative disease, and differentiating tissue cellularity in neuro-oncology.


This work was supported in part by CDMRP W81XWH-16-2-005 and NIH U01-EB024450. The views expressed in this manuscript are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, the Department of Defense or the U.S. Government.
The authors will like to thank Grant Yang, Flavio Dell’ Acqua, Steve Kecskemecti, Andy Alexander, Luca Marinelli, and John Schenck for useful discussions on brain microstructure modeling. We also thank Eric Fiveland, Joseph Piel and Keith Park for performing systems integration of the MAGNUS gradient.


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Figure 1. Waveforms and spectra for 80-Hz (a) cosine-OGSE with sinusoidal modulation and (b-c) trapezoidal modulation with (b) whole-body or (c) head-only gradient PNS, (maximum gradient amplitude=20 G/cm, nominal pulse width=50ms). Simulations show (d) higher gradient amplitudes (in G/cm) are required for high frequency and b-value in sinusoidal cosine-OGSE, and switching to trapezoidal cosine-OGSE improves b-values with (e) whole-body PNS and much more with (f) head-gradient PNS.

Figure 2. Representative DTI maps from a male subject (59 years), showing mean diffusivity (MD), parallel diffusivity (PD), radial diffusivity (RD) from PGSE and OGSE, demonstrating visible increase in diffusivity measures from PGSE to OGSE and with higher OGSE frequency.

Figure 3. Plots of DTI metrics by white matter parcel for PGSE and various OGSE frequencies in the subject of Fig. 2, showing the general trend of increased (a) mean diffusivity, and (b) radial diffusivity in most parcels going from PGSE to OGSE, and with higher OGSE frequency.

Table 1. Results of PGSE vs. OGSE metrics, showing mean (and standard deviation) across all subjects (n=6) and white matter parcels, the mean percentage increase at each OGSE frequency over PGSE, and the number of parcels (out of 50) with statistically-significant increase or decrease.

Figure 4. Representative maps of long-term diffusivity (D¥) and correlation length (lc) obtained from mean, parallel and radial diffusivity (MD, PD, RD respectively) using the disordered model from in a 41 year-old male subject.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 28 (2020)