Alexandru V Avram1,2, Kadharbatcha Saleem1,2, Frank Q Ye3, Cecil Yen4, Michal E Komlosh1,2, and Peter J Basser1
1NICHD, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, United States, 2The Henry Jackson Foundation, Bethesda, MD, United States, 3NIMH, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, United States, 4NINDS, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, United States
We quantified the alignment between the DTI reference frame
(DRF) and the cortical reference frame (CRF) throughout the entire cerebral
cortex in a macaque brain, and found relatively good correspondence, especially
in regions with high curvature such as the gyral walls and the cortical sulci.
Based on this correspondence, we analyze cortical diffusion signals in the CRF
and construct a simple model of cortical diffusion with distinct radial
(columnar) and tangential (sheet-like) diffusion processes in cortical layers.
The variation of model parameters with cortical depth reflects architectonic
features described in a histologically defined digital macaque brain atlas.
Diffusion MRI (dMRI) analysis in anisotropic tissues such as white
matter (WM) can be simplified considerably by using the diffusion tensor
imaging (DTI)1 reference frame (DRF). The
DRF is coincident with the dominant orientation of the underlying tissue
microanatomy and provides a basis for making useful simplifying assumptions in
the construction of many WM tissue models, such as CHARMED2
or AxCaliber3. In tissues with low
anisotropy, such as gray matter (GM), due to the similarity of the principal
diffusivities, the DRF is poorly defined and prone to sorting bias4 preventing
the construction of a continuous and anatomically-consistent DRF tensor field
approximation. Nevertheless, recent studies5-7 suggest that at high spatial resolution diffusion anisotropy in the cortex
varies with the folding geometry, i.e., the cortical reference frame (CRF),
showing preferentially radial and tangential components8-10 which evoke cortical columns and layers11,12,
respectively, that can be observed with post-mortem histological staining.
We conduct a whole-cortex analysis of the alignment between
the DRF and the CRF in the macaque brain and explore the possibility of
employing the latter to construct eloquent, simplified models of water diffusion
in the cortex. We analyze tissue model parameters in cortical
regions-of-interest (ROIs) obtained from a histologically-defined macaque brain
atlas13,14. dMRI models that reveal
columnar (radial) and sheet-like (tangential) diffusion components in the
cortex could automate in vivo cortical architectonic mapping, improve
the clinical characterization of neuroinflammatory and neurodegenerative
diseases, and advance our ability to study the developmental timelines of
cortical cyto- and myelo-architecture15,16 inter alia.METHODS
We acquired 101 diffusion-weighted
images (DWIs) of a perfusion-fixed macaque brain17 at 7T using a 250µm isotropic resolution,
FOV=78x64x72cm, TE/TR=33.3/250ms. We used multiple b-values (100,600,1500,2800,4800,7200,10000s/mm2)
with gradient orientations (3,4,8,12,18,24,32 respectively) uniformly sampling
the unit sphere for each b-shell and across shells, and gradient pulse parameters
δ=8ms and Δ=16.1ms. We also conducted a magnetization transfer (MT) prepared
gradient-echo experiment, segmented18 the
WM and GM, reconstructed the GM/WM and pial cortical surfaces19 and computed intermediate surfaces corresponding
to cortical layers using the equivolumetric principle20,21. We registered22 the histologically-defined D99 digital
rhesus macaque brain atlas13,14 to the EPI distortion-corrected DWIs23 allowing for correlation analysis between
dMRI parameters and histological stains in corresponding cortical areas.
We quantified the relative alignment between the CRF and the DRF throughout the cortex by
measuring the radial and tangential deviations, angles $$$\theta$$$
and $$$\phi$$$, respectively
(Fig.1), and found relatively small deviations which justified dMRI analysis in the CRF. Consequently, we analyzed the DWIs (interpolated at
each vertex of each layer surface) in the CRF using a simple two-component “stick-and-disc”
tissue model that accounts for separate (non-exchanging) radial and tangential
diffusion processes in each cortical layer (Fig.2):
where $$$E_{c}(\mathbf{g})$$$ is the diffusion signal
attenuation as a function of the applied gradient $$$\mathbf{g}$$$;
$$$f$$$ represents the signal fraction of the radial diffusion component;
while the scalars $$$D_{r}$$$ and $$$D_{t}$$$ define the cylindrically
symmetric degenerate rank-1 (radial) and rank-2 (tangential) diffusion tensors
aligned with the cortical surface normal, $$$\widehat{n}$$$, and the tangent
plane defined by the minimum and maximum Gaussian curvature orientations,
$$$\widehat{c_{1}}$$$ and $$$\widehat{c_{2}}$$$, respectively (Fig.1). We
computed cortical depth profiles of $$$f$$$, $$$D_{r}$$$ and $$$D_{t}$$$
and quantified their statistics in regions-of-interest (ROIs) obtained from the
histologically-defined D99 macaque brain atlas.RESULTS
Matching the axes of the DRF and CRF
(Fig.1) in regions with very low anisotropy, allows reordering of the diffusion
tensor axes (i.e., sorting of the principal diffusivities) to produce a more continuously-varying
tensor field approximation in the cortex. Moreover, the relatively small
deviations between the DRF and CRF (Fig.2) suggest that the CRF may provide a well-defined
anatomically-consistent and continuous reference fame for use in dMRI analysis,
especially in regions with high curvature.
The largest misalignment is observed in regions with
negative curvature (i.e., gyral crowns) and low
diffusion anisotropy (e.g., the superior temporal gyrus) where the DRF is poorly-defined
(Fig.2). Significantly better alignment can be
observed in cortical areas with high curvature along the gyral walls and in the
The mid-cortical layer
shows the largest values of f (Fig.4), consistent with the increased presence of
radial projections in histological observations of cortical myeloarchitecture (Fig.3).
The largest difference between Dr and Dt, was also found in the mid-cortical
layers, suggesting the presence of strong diffusion processes along cortical columns,
in agreement with previous findings8-10 (Fig.4). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS
Our results point to a remarkable correspondence between structural
and functional reference frames across multiple length scales. The DRF describes
a physiological process (water diffusion) at the microscopic scale (~5μm) while
the CRF characterizes brain anatomy (cortical folding) at the macroscopic and
mesoscopic scales (~500μm). The correspondence between these two reference
frames (Fig.2) suggests that biological structures at the meso- and macroscopic
scales may arise from processes at the microscopic scale, which would determine
local transport properties, particularly the diffusion of various molecules
(e.g., growth factors) during development15.
Concurrently, our results also imply that, from the cortical
surface geometry, one could infer information about the microscopic tissue
organization, which may simplify dMRI analysis within cortical areas, and among
cortical layers, primarily by reducing the number of degrees of freedom in
analyzing signals and constructing tissue models. Acknowledgements
This work was supported by the Intramural Research Program of
the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human
Development, “Connectome 2.0: Developing the next generation human MRI scanner
for bridging studies of the micro-, meso- and macro-connectome”, NIH BRAIN
Initiative 1U01EB026996-01 and the CNRM Neuroradiology/Neuropathology
Correlation/Integration Core, 309698-4.01-65310, (CNRM-89-9921). We thank Drs.
Paul Taylor and Daniel Glen for helpful discussions and Dr. Bernard Dardzinski
for providing the RF coil used in this experiment. References
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