Li Feng1 and Fang Liu2,3
1Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Institute and Department of Radiology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, United States, 2Gordon Center for Medical Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 3Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin Madison, Madison, WI, United States
work presents a free-breathing motion-resolved golden-angle image reconstruction
method called XD-GRASP-Pro, which extends the original XD-GRASP (eXtra-Dimensional
Golden-angle RAdial Sparse Parallel MRI) method with imProved reconstruction performance
through an additional self-estimated/calibrated low-rank subspace-constraint. The
temporal basis used to construct the subspace is estimated from an intermediate
reconstruction step on the low-resolution portion of radial k-space, which
eliminates the need of using auxiliary data or a physical signal model that is
not always available. XD-GRASP-Pro were tested for high spatiotemporal
resolution motion-resolved liver MRI.
original GRASP (Golden-angle RAdial Sparse Parallel) imaging technique (1)
relies entirely on a 1D total-variation (TV) constraint enforced along the dynamic
dimension to remove streaking artifacts caused by undersampling. Despite the
convincing performance of temporal TV regularization as demonstrated in prior studies (1-4), it can cause noticeable blurring with visible residual
artifacts at high acceleration rates. The variant of GRASP for motion-resolved
MRI, called XD-GRASP (eXtra-Dimensional GRASP) (5), also employs TV constraints
along the motion dimensions generated by resorting the golden-angle radial
data. Building upon the recently proposed GRASP-Pro (imProved Sparse
Golden-Angle Radial imaging) technique (6), we aimed to extend XD-GRASP to
XD-GRASP-Pro in this work for high spatiotemporal resolution motion-resolved MRI.
This is achieved through
a combination of self-estimated subspace-constraint and spatiotemporal TV
constraint based on the recent innovation of low-rank subspace modeling (7). In
particular, we propose that the temporal basis used to construct the subspace
can be estimated from the low-resolution portion of radial k-space without the
use of auxiliary data or a physical signal model (which is not always available) as in prior works (8-11). GRASP-Pro/XD-GRASP-Pro
represents a different and new way of reconstructing dynamic radial datasets, in
which the low-resolution information (with a much lower undersampling factor
around the k-space center) is used to guide the reconstruction of
full-resolution images. In the following sections, the overall GRASP-Pro/XD-GRASP-Pro
framework is presented, followed by the demonstration of the technique in high-resolution
& XD-GRASP-Pro reconstruction: Figure 1 shows the overall workflow of
GRASP-Pro reconstruction. First, the low-resolution k-space (yL) is extracted
for a standard GRASP reconstruction with a spatiotemporal TV constraint (TVt
and TVs, Equation 1). Since radial sampling has a much lower undersampling
factor around the k-space center compared to the periphery, a low-resolution
image-series (mL) can be reliably reconstructed even at high acceleration
rates. This low-resolution image-series can be used to estimate a temporal
basis (U) for the dynamic images, under the assumption that mL shares similar
anatomic structure with the full-resolution images (m). Given the extensive
temporal correlation in m, the full-resolution dynamic images can be compressed
to a much lower dimensional subspace, represented by only the first K dominant
basis components (UK) and associated coefficients (VK). This leads to
highly-reduced degrees of freedom and thus improved reconstruction performance
(6). Subspace-constrained reconstruction can then be performed to reconstruct
VK, the coefficients to represent the fully-resolution image-series under UK
(Equation 2). A spatiotemporal TV constraint is added to further improve the
reconstruction performance, in which the temporal TV constraint (TVt) is applied along the
dynamic image dimension and spatial TV constraint (TVs) is enforced directly on the subspace.
With the above notations, it is then straightforward to extend GRASP-Pro to
XD-GRASP-Pro with self-navigation to generate one or more motion-resolved
dynamic dimensions.
$$\tilde{m}_{L}=arg\min_{m_{L}}\frac{1}{2}\parallel{Em_{L}-y_{L}}\parallel_{2}^{2}+\lambda_{1}TV_{t}(m_{L})+\lambda_{2}TV_{s}(m_{L})\quad\quad\quad[1]$$ $$\tilde{V}_{K}=arg\min_{V_{K}}\frac{1}{2}\parallel{E(U_{K}V_{K})-y}\parallel_{2}^{2}+\lambda_{1}TV_{t}(U_{K}V_{K})+\lambda_{2}TV_{s}(V_{K})\quad\quad\quad[2]$$
Evaluation: The proposed technique was evaluated
for high-resolution motion-resolved liver MRI. Two free-breathing liver MR
datasets were acquired on a 3T MR scanner (MAGNETOM TimTrio, Siemens) with the
following imaging parameters: FOV=320x320mm2, voxel size=1x1x5mm3,
TR/TE=3.40/1.68ms, flip angle=10o, number of slices=44 with 80% slice partial
Fourier. A total of 1000 spokes were acquired in each partition during
free-breathing and the total acquisition time was 138 seconds. For each data, both XD-GRASP
and XD-GRASP-Pro were performed to reconstruct 25 respiratory phases spinning
from end-expiration to end-inspiration (40 resorted spokes in each frame) with
a respiratory motion signal extracted from the acquired radial data (5). For
XD-GRASP-Pro, a 64x64 central k-space region was first reconstructed to generate
the temporal basis for subspace construction, and the first 6 (K=6) dominant basis components were kept for the subsequent subspace-constrained reconstruction.RESULTS:
Figure 2 and Figure 3 show the comparison of
XD-GRASP and XD-GRASP-Pro in reconstructing the two free-breathing liver MR
datasets. Due to the sorting of data into a large number of respiratory phases
(25 phases), XD-GRASP resulted in certain image blurring and residual
artifacts. This is caused by (1) the high undersampling factor and (2) the reduced
uniformity of k-space coverage in each motion phase after data sorting with an increased number of
temporal frames. XD-GRASP-Pro, on the other hand, enabled better delineation of
the hepatic vessels (yellow arrows) and improved overall image sharpness.
Full-respiratory-cycle cine movies (in GIF format) comparing XD-GRASP and
XD-GRASP-Pro in the two subjects are shown as Figure 4, in which XD-GRASP-Pro
(right column) produced better overall image quality with less residual streaking
artifacts compared to XD-GRASP (left column).DISCUSSION:
work demonstrated the performance of a new reconstruction technique called
GRASP-Pro and its variant XD-GRASP-Pro for highly-accelerated sparse
golden-angle radial MRI. GRASP-Pro/XD-GRASP-Pro employs a self-calibrating
subspace construction, eliminating the need of using auxiliary data or a
physical signal model for generating temporal basis. With the incorporation of
an explicit subspace constraint, XD-GRASP-Pro is able to reconstruct dynamic
radial image series with improved sharpness, less residual artifacts and
overall image quality, as shown in our initial results demonstrated for high-resolution motion-resolved liver imaging at high acceleration rates. Acknowledgements
The authors would like to thank Dr. Lihua Chen from the Southwest
Hospital in Chongqing, China for sharing the post-contrast golden-angle
stack-of-stars liver datasets,
which were retrospectively used to test the performance of XD-GRASP-Pro in this work. References
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