Emil Ljungberg1, Brian Burns2, Tobias Wood1, Ana Beatriz Solana3, Peder E.Z. Larson4, Gareth J. Barker1, and Florian Wiesinger1,3
1Neuroimaging, King's College London, London, United Kingdom, 2ASL West, GE Healthcare, Menlo Park, CA, United States, 3ASL Europe, GE Healthcare, Munich, Germany, 4Univeristy of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United States
Zero Echo Time (ZTE) imaging enables ultra-fast, near silent data acquisition.
In this work we demonstrate how contrast-to-noise, between white and gray matter
in the brain, with a ZTE acquisition changes with field strength. At low field
strength, maximum contrast is achievable with low RF power, which is promising
for implementation on low field systems. We demonstrate through in vivo
experiment that ZTE imaging can be performed at 1.5T/3T/7T, and how variable
flip angle data at, for instance, 1.5T can be used for synthesising high
quality T1-weighted MR images.
Arguably, RUFIS-type ZTE imaging can be considered the simplest MRI pulse
sequence possible1. RF excitation
is achieved with the readout gradient on via ultra-short hard pulses, such that the
RF excitation bandwidth encompasses the acquisition bandwidth (BWRF≥BWACQ)2, with centre-out
3D radial sampling resulting in nominal TE=0. The readout gradient is constant
throughout the experiment with only minor directional updates between
repetitions, resulting in near silent imaging. Together, this produces a motion-robust
acquisition with high sampling efficiency where almost 100% of the repetition
time is used for acquiring data (i.e. TR≈TACQ).
Here, we analyse steady-state ZTE contrast behaviour across field strengths. Theoretical
findings are substantiated by experimental ZTE images acquired at 1.5T, 3T, and
7T. Finally, we’ll briefly sketch requirements for a dedicated low-field
ZTE MR system.Theoretical Maximum Contrast and Flip Angle Constraints
The signal in a steady-state ZTE
acquisition (TR<<T1,α<<1 rad) can be expressed as3
S(\alpha,TR,T_1,PD)=\sin\alpha\frac{PD(1-e^{-TR/T_1})}{1-\cos\alpha\cdot{e^{-TR/T_1}}}\approx\frac{\alpha PD}{1+\frac{T_1 \alpha^2}{2 TR}}\quad\quad\quad\quad[1]
contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) between
two tissues A and B is achieved by finding the flip angle which
maximises the difference
CNR(A,B)=B_0\cdot\left( S(\alpha,TR,T_{1,A},PD_A)-S(\alpha,TR,T_{1,B},PD_B)\right)\quad\quad [2]
where the SNR is assumed to scale linearly with field strength4. Figure 1 shows the CNR
normalised by B0 between white matter (WM) and gray matter (GM) as a function
of TR and flip angle for different B0, assuming a B0-dependence
of T1 as described by Rooney et al.5. The change in T1 with B0 results in stronger relative CNR at low field (darker red color). The maximum
contrast at each TR, traced by the solid black line, shows how longer TR requires higher flip angle for optimal contrast.
For 3D radial sampling, the
TR can be limited to only include the acquisition time (TACQ) to maximize
encoding efficiency. To reduce chemical shift-artefacts at water-fat
interfaces, TACQ<Tip (in-phase time
for fat-water) which depends on the field strength6. Thus, the
longest TR for optimal sampling efficiency is TR=Tip which is indicated by the dashed vertical lines
in Figure 1.
With ZTE,
the maximum contrast is not always achievable due to the constraint on the RF
pulse width from the receive bandwidth (i.e. BWRF≥BWACQ). At high field strength,
higher readout-bandwidth is required which reduces the maximum pulse width and
thus flip angle2. The achievable B1-amplitude depends on the RF
system, which makes generalisations across field strengths and scanners
complicated. To demonstrate this limitation, we simulated RF systems with fixed
peak B1 across field strengths, TR=Tip, and a 64-point readout. The results (Figure 2) shows how the flip angle
for maximum contrast is only achievable with high peak B1 at low
field. However, since the SNR increases linearly with B0, the maximum CNR occurs at different field strengths depending on the
RF system.In vivo experiment
To demonstrate ZTE across field
strengths, a single healthy volunteer was scanned on three GE MRI scanners:
1.5T MR450w, 3T MR750, 7T MR950 (GE Healthcare, Chicago, WI). ZTE data were acquired
on 1.5T and 3T with TR=2.37ms, at BW=±15.625kHz, and α1.5T=[1.0,2.3,3.4,5.0,8.0]°, α3T=3.4°.
At 7T, data were collected with
TR=1.3ms, at BW=±31.25kHz and α7T=1.9°. The TR at 3T and 7T were close to the in-phase TR
described above. Quantitative T1-maps were calculated from the 1.5T
VFA data using QUIT7.
Our in
vivo experiments showed that 0.25°μs-1 was
achievable across scanners, corresponding to B1≈16μT, equivalent to the blue lines
in Figure
2. The results from the in vivo experiments show
excellent image quality at all field strengths (Figure 3). Images from 3T and 7T, where TR≈TIP, showed similar
off-resonance behaviour, indicated with arrows in Figure 3, while the artefacts were lower at 1.5T as expected. The quantitative T1 and PD-maps
obtained at 1.5T (Figure 4), were used to generate a synthetic
anatomical T1-image, showing strong WM/GM contrast.
Here we have shown that due to peak
B1 limitations, the theoretically maximum CNR for a given field strength can only be
achieved at low B0. However, with sufficient peak B1, higher field strengths
could still provide higher CNR from increased
SNR (Figure 2), but B02 dependent RF power absorption makes this practically impossible. Our in vivo
experiments showed that steady-state ZTE can be applied across field strengths for T1 and PD contrast,
however, ZTE can also be used with magnetisation preparation (MP-ZTE) to
achieve T1, T2, MT, and DWI contrast8–12.
The bandwidth limitation in ZTE introduces
a unique constraint on the acquisition, which in this work was shown to have
less impact on the CNR at low field strength. At low field, less powerful RF
amplifiers are required to obtain a given peak B1, compared to high
field, thus potentially reducing costs. With less power needed for RF
excitation, faster switching between transmit and receive can be achieved in
the RF system, which reduces the deadtime gap13. Furthermore, a low field MR system for ZTE could be
developed with low power gradient amplifiers, as the incremental gradient
updates in ZTE requires low slew rate, and low readout bandwidth requires low
gradient amplitude. We believe ZTE/MP-ZTE
offers an unexplored opportunity for low field imaging with low performance
requirements on the system and high contrast using a silent readout.Acknowledgements
E. Ljungberg is in receipt of a PhD studentship jointly funded by General Electric (GE) Healthcare and the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Biomedical Research Centre at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust and King’s College London. The views expressed are those of the author and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health and Social Care.References
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