Feasibility of dynamic DTI exercise response and resistance dependence in quadriceps muscle
Eric E. Sigmund1, Steven H. Baete1, and Danielle Costanzo1
1Radiology, NYU Langone Health, New York, NY, United States


We describe measurement of resistance dependence diffusion metric exercise response in thigh muscle with a multiple echo diffusion tensor imaging (MEDITI) on a clinical 3 T scanner. With radial imaging, accelerated diffusion encoding, and compressed sensing reconstruction, spatial resolution of 3.4 mm and temporal resolution of 16 s was achieved. Using an MR-compatible ergometer with pneumatic resistance and force/displacement monitoring, post-exercise recovery of DTI metrics in the rectus femoris following quadriceps extension was monitored as a function of resistance. Significant dependences of response on resistance were observed.


Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) of skeletal muscle probes myofiber architecture at rest, with extension, and in pathology. Exercise challenge has been widely employed with diffusion imaging for further diagnostic value (1-14). A key aspect of understanding exercise response of MR contrast is quantitative exercise control (15-18). A method (MEDITATE) for compressing directional encodings has been demonstrated using multiple echoes (19,20). A spatially-resolved variant (MEDITI) with a multi-spoke Single Trajectory Radial (STAR) k-space trajectory (21) and compressed sensing reconstruction, has shown dynamic DTI of calf muscle (8). In this work, we evaluated MEDITI in thigh muscle following in-scanner exercise in normal controls to probe the dependence of diffusion parameters on the level of exertion.


In this HIPAA-compliant, IRB-approved study, 3 normal controls (2 M , 1 F, ages 25 ± 2 y) provided written informed consent for a thigh muscle MRI in a Siemens Prisma 3 T scanner. Subjects were positioned prone with one leg in an MR-compatible quadriceps extension ergometer (Ergospect Quadspect) (Figure 1) that provides real time control of pneumatic resistance and force / displacement measurement, with an anterior 4-channel flexible RF coil under the rectus femoris. Non-fat suppressed T1-weighted imaging was performed for localization and planning. Subjects first performed maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) against very high resistance. After 5 minute rest, subjects performed two bouts of repeated quadriceps extension for up to 3 minutes followed by 15 minute recovery. All subjects performed two bouts of resistance (23.7 ± 2.4 % and 37.4 ± 0.7 % MVC). Final MVC was determined from the larger of the pre-exercise measurement or the maximum achieved during exercise.
MEDITI (Fig. 1a) captures 11 echoes with a 5-petal STAR-trajectory, with intershot angle increments according to the GRASP-scheme (Golden Radio Angle Radial Sparse Parallel), FOV = 220 mm, resolution 3.43 mm, total echo times TE=80-218 ms, isotropic b-values: 157-772 s/mm2, flip angles 61°/73°/85°/45°/85°, TR=2 s, and 10 mm slice thickness. A saturation band was used to suppress residual signal from the non-active leg. Image reconstruction was performed on a high performance computer cluster using custom-written code in MATLAB. Self-navigation corrected phase errors prior to dynamic reconstruction. Sparsifying transforms exploit the similarity between diffusion weighted images along the echo and the time dimensions to avoid undersampling artifacts(22) :
$$\hat X = \arg {\min _U}\left\{ {\left\| {E \cdot X - Y} \right\|_2^2 + {\lambda _{PCA}}{{\left\| {PC{A^{{t_{echo}}}}X} \right\|}_1} + {\lambda _{PCAt}}{{\left\| {PC{A^t}X} \right\|}_1} + {\lambda _{TV}}{{\left\| {T{V^{xy}}X} \right\|}_1}} \right\}$$
with X the time-series of images to be reconstructed, Y its k-space, E the multicoil encoding matrix, including coil sensitivities (23) and the NuFFT-transform, PCA the Principal Component Analysis transform, TVxy the in plane total variation transform and λPCA, λPCAt and λTV regularization parameters. Readouts from 4 TRs were combined for temporal resolution of 16 s. Time points during exercise were identified in a NuFFT reconstruction and edited out prior to final reconstruction. A cylindrical diffusion tensor model generated mean diffusivity (MD), axial (λ1), and radial (λrad) diffusion maps. Normalizing the post-exercise period by the average pre-exercise map generated diffusion response maps, which were temporally smoothed. Rectus femoris (RF) compartments were segmented on T2-weighted images (transverse / longitudinal weighting times 80 / 70 ms) and each recovery $$$nU\left( t \right)$$$ was fit to a gamma variate decay with baseline:
$$nU\left( t \right) = \frac{{U\left( t \right)}}{{{{\left\langle {U\left( t \right)} \right\rangle }_{rest}}}} - 1 = {R_{0U}} \cdot {\left( {\frac{t}{{TTP}}} \right)^\alpha }\exp \left( {\alpha \left( {1 - \frac{t}{{TTP}}} \right)} \right) + {l_0}_U + {l_{1U}}t$$
Total response $$${R_{0U}} + {l_0}_U + {l_1}_UTT{P_U}$$$, time to peak (TTP), and exponent α were computed for diffusion/T2w metrics. Parameters were compared at the group level between exercise bouts and between parameters with two-sided Student’s t-tests.


Average MVC was 561±96 N. Figures 2 and 3 show example MEDITI images from a volunteer thigh scan at rest and following each of 2 3-minute bouts of exercise 25% and 37% of MVC. Absolute T2-weighted (T2w) and mean diffusion (MD) maps are shown, as well as normalized maps (nT2w and nMD) highlighting changes from rest baseline. Activation in the rectus femoris is evident in nT2w and nMD maps, and at higher levels for the higher resistance. Temporal response curves for nT2w and nMD in the RF (Figure 4) illustrate the kinetics of exercise response at each resistance level and its representation by the gamma variate form. Figure 5 summarizes group results in which total response showed significant increases at higher resistance for all diffusion metrics. nT2w response was significantly greater than that of each of the diffusion metrics. TTP (64.4 ± 47.5 s) and α (2.8 ± 6.0) showed heterogeneity at the group level.


This study shows the feasibility of acquiring dynamic T2-weighted and DTI metrics in quadriceps muscle accompanying extension with a MR-compatible pneumatic resistance ergometer and the MEDITI sequence. Significant increases in diffusion metrics with increased normalized resistance were observed, and radial diffusion changes generally exceeded axial changes, consistent with DTI muscle exercise literature (7-11). This demonstration allows broader studies, both in sample size and range of exertion, to further scrutinize biological mechanisms of diffusion exercise response and their clinical application to neuromuscular disease.


This work was supported by the NIH (R21EB009435, S10OD021702).


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Fig. 1 (a) The MEDITI-sequence acquires a STAR-trajectory for each of 11 diffusion weighted echoes in each TR, alternating between b and b0-sets in subsequent TRs. The reconstruction algorithm exploits similarities between diffusion weighted images along techo- and t-dimensions. (b) Quadspect ergometer with subject on scanner. (c) Example T1-weighted axial image of the thigh using anterior 4-channel flexible coil.

Fig. 2: Example MEDITI images from a volunteer thigh scan at rest and following each of 2 3-minute bouts of exercise at 25% (bout 1) and 37% (bout 2) of maximum voluntary contraction (MVC). Absolute T2-weighted (T2w) and mean diffusion (MD) maps (10-6 mm2/s) are shown, as well as normalized maps (nT2w and nMD) highlighting changes from rest baseline. Activation in the quadriceps generally and the rectus femoris in particular is evident in nT2w and nMD maps, at higher levels for the higher resistance.

Figure 3: Dynamic image series of normalized response maps of T2-weighted (nT2w) and mean diffusion (nMD) imaging in a volunteer thigh muscle over two exercise bouts and recoveries. Activation in rectus femoris is evident in both maps.

Figure 4: Example response curves of T2-weighted (nT2w) and mean diffusivity (nMD) from the rectus femoris region in a volunteer following 2 bouts of exercise, along with gamma variate curve fits for each.

Figure 5: Total response of T2w and diffusion metrics as a function of resistance. All diffusion metrics show significantly higher response at higher resistance level.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 28 (2020)