Benjamin Marty1,2, Harmen Reyngoudt1,2, Jean-Marc Boisserie1,2, Pierre-Yves Baudin3, and Pierre G. Carlier1,2
1NMR Laboratory, Neuromuscular Investigation Center, Institute of Myology, Paris, France, 2NMR Laboratory, CEA/DRF/IBFJ/MIRCen, Paris, France, 3Consultants for Research in Imaging and Spectroscopy, Tournai, Belgium
Recently, MR fingerprinting with water and fat
separation was proposed to quantify water T1 (T1H2O) in the muscles
of patients with neuromuscular disorders. In this study, we investigated the
sensitivity of T1H2O as a quantitative biomarker of disease
activity, by comparing it with fat suppressed T2-weighted (FatSup-T2w) imaging
and quantitative water T2 (T2H2O) mapping, in a dataset of 61 subjects with different
NMDs. We observed a significant increase of T1H2O values in muscles
with FatSup-T2w signal hyperintensities. We also investigated different
hypothesis explaining the moderate correlation (ρ = 0.54) observed between T1H2O and T2H2O
in the muscles of these patients.
edema, inflammation and necrosis are different pathophysiological processes
leading to intra- and/or extracellular water accumulation in muscles of
patients with neuromuscular disorders (NMDs). These events, often referred to as
“disease activity”, can be detected, sometimes before intramuscular fat
infiltration begins, using muscle NMR imaging. Indeed, they are associated with
hyperintense signals on fat suppressed T2 weighted (FatSup-T2w) images, which is
currently part of the routine radiological examination performed in patients with
suspected NMDs1. Because this qualitative approach has some
limitations (i.e. a low sensitivity when the involvement is homogeneous, a high
sensitivity to B1 inhomogeneities and to proton density), water T2 (T2H2O),
as measured by multi spin echo (MSE) sequences, is considered as a reference biomarker
of disease activity2, and is often used in longitudinal clinical
trials. However, the long acquisition time of MSE sequences restricts T2H2O
quantification to small volumes, which limits a more systematic use of this
method. Recently, we have proposed MR fingerprinting with water and fat separation (MRF T1-FF) to quantify water T1 (T1H2O) in the skeletal muscles
of NMD patients3. This acquisition is fast, and could potentially
tackle the limitations of MSE sequences. Because T1H2O is tightly
linked to water mobility, its value also increases when water accumulates in
the intra or extracellular compartments. Here, we investigated the sensitivity
of T1H2O as a quantitative imaging biomarker of disease activity, by
comparing it with qualitative FatSup-T2w and quantitative T2H2O mapping,
in a large dataset of patients with different NMDs.METHODS
scanned the legs of 61 patients with different NMDs (Figure 1) at 3T (PrismaFit,
Siemens). The MRF T1-FF sequence was acquired with the following parameters:
1400 spokes, varying TE, TR and FA, 5 slices, Tacq = 10s/slice3.
A bi-component fitting was applied to generate T1H2O and fat
fraction (FFMRF) maps. A MSE sequence was acquired (17 echoes from
9.5 ms to 165.5 ms) from which T2H2O and FF (FFMSE) maps
were obtained by fitting the signal decay with a bi-component EPG model4.
Reference FF were obtained using a 3-pt Dixon sequence (FFDixon). Finally,
a FatSup-T2w (short tau inversion recovery, TI = 220ms) Turbo Spin Echo was
acquired with the following parameters: TE/TR = 47/3100ms. For each muscle, the
mean T2H2O, T1H2O and different FF values (FFMRF,
FFMSE and FFDixon) were measured and a binary score was
attributed based on the presence of hyperintense signals on FatSup-T2w images (0:
no hyperintensity, 1: presence of hyperintensities).RESULTS
Figure 2 represents
FatSup-T2w images, T2H2O and T1H2O maps obtained on a 36 year-old
woman with necrotizing myositis. Hyperintense signals were detected on the
FatSup-T2w images in the right and left gastrocnemius and in the left soleus
muscles. These regions also had increased T2H2O and T1H2O
For the entire
patient group, we found a moderate correlation between T1H2O and T2H2O
values (ρ =
0.54, p<0.001, Figure 3). Muscles were gathered in 4 groups according to their
FFDixon values (Group 1: FFDixon < 0.1; Group 2: 0.1
< FFDixon < 0.3; Group 3: 0.3 < FFDixon <
0.6; Group 4: FFDixon > 0.6). The correlation level between T1H2O
and T2H2O highly depended on FFDixon (ρ = 0.63, ρ =
0.68, ρ = 0.07 and ρ = -0.01 for Group 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively).
Over the 708
muscles assessed on the FatSup-T2w images, 119 had a FatSup-T2w score of 1. T1H2O
and T2H2O values were significantly higher in the muscles with a
FatSup-T2w score of 1 than in other muscles (T1H2O = 1296±122 ms VS 1202±57
ms and T2H2O = 35.7±2.3 ms VS 33.6±2.3 ms, p < 0.001). These
difference were also observed within the different fat fraction groups (Figure
4). T2H2O in muscles with a FatSup-T2w score of 0 were significantly
lower in Groups 3 and 4 than in groups 1 and 2 (p<0.05).
For some subjects,
high T1H2O values were observed in muscles with normal (or slightly
increased) T2H2O and low FF (< 0.3). These regions were typically
characterized by strong hyperintensities on FatSup-T2w images and artificially
overestimated FFMSE values compared to FFDixon and FFMRF
In this
study, we quantified T1H2O and T2H2O in a broad
population of patients with NMDs. We compared the quantitative information
provided by these two methods to the standard semi-quantitative FatSup T2w
approach to detect disease activity. We observed a significant increase of T1H2O
and T2H2O values in muscles with FatSup-T2w signal hyperintensities.
Contrary to T1H2O, T2H2O globally decreased at high FF,
which partly explains the poor correlation between both variables in some
muscles. Also, the T2 approach, which separates water and fat components based
on their T2 values, can be biased in some situations and misclassify a fluid
collection as fatty tissue. In conclusion, we showed that T1H2O can
be considered as a robust quantitative biomarker of disease activity in
patients with NMDs. The MRF T1-FF sequence, with its short acquisition time, is
compatible with clinical research and could be performed on large patient
cohorts to further investigate the role of T1H2O for monitoring these
pathological processes in NMD patients.Acknowledgements
No acknowledgement found.References
1- Wattjes et al., Eur Radiol (2010); 20: 2447-2460.
2- Carlier et al., J Neuromuscul Dis (2016); 3: 1-28.
3- Marty
et al., Magn Reson Med (2019); doi: 10.1002/mrm.27960.
4- Marty
et al., NMR Biomed. (2016); 29(4):431-43.