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3D R2* Mapping of the Placenta During Early Gestation Using Free-Breathing Multiecho Stack-of-Radial MRI at 3 T

Author:Tess Armstrong  Dapeng Liu  Thomas Martin  Rinat Masamed  Carla Janzen  Cass Wong  Teresa Chanlaw  Sherin Devaskar  Kyunghyun Sung  Holden Wu  

Institution:University of California Los Angeles  

Session Type:Digital YIA Poster  

Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

Session Time:13:45  

Session Name:Digital Poster: Young Investigator Awards  

Program Number:0106  

Presentation Time:13:45   

Room Number:Room 520A-F  

Computer Number:

5-Minute Double-Echo in Steady-State with Separated Echoes for Comprehensive Whole-Joint Knee MRI Assessment with and without a Proton-Density-Weighted Sequence

Echo Planar Time-resolved Imaging (EPTI)

Prediction of Peripheral Nerve Stimulation Thresholds of MRI Gradient Coils using Coupled Electromagnetic and Neurodynamic Simulations

SPARKLING: variable-density k-space filling curves for accelerated MRI