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Author:Stephen Bawden Scott Willis Hannah Williams James King Guruprasad Aithal Penny Gowland
Institution:Loughborough University NIHR Nottingham Digestive Diseases Biomedical Research Centre, Nottingham University hospitals NHS trust and University of Nottingham School of Physics, University of Nottingham
Session Type:Digital Poster
Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019
Session Time:17:00
Session Name:MRS/MRSI Applications
Program Number:2273
Presentation Time:17:00
Room Number:Exhibition Hall
Computer Number:Computer 149
Author:Ali Alyami Caroline Hoad Konstantinos Argyriou White Jonathan Uday Bannur Khalid Latief Christopher Clarke Phillip Lung Penny Gowland Gordon Moran
Institution:Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust St Mark's Hospital and London North West Healthcare NHS Trust University of Nottingham Jazan University
Session Time:13:45
Session Name:Pancreas/GI
Program Number:1674
Presentation Time:13:45
Computer Number:Computer 67
Author:Neele Dellschaft Simon Shah Christopher Bradley Lopa Leach Nia Jones Richard Bowtell Penny Gowland
Institution:Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust University of Nottingham
Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019
Session Time:15:45
Session Name:Fetal & Placental Imaging
Program Number:4061
Presentation Time:15:45
Computer Number:Computer 32
Author:Hannah Williams Caroline Hoad Robert Scott Gordon Moran Guruprasad Aithal Luca Marciani Penny Gowland
Institution:University of Nottingham
Program Number:1678
Computer Number:Computer 71
Author:Joshua McAteer Emma Doran Christopher Mirfin Paul Glover Susan Francis Penny Gowland
Session Time:14:45
Session Name:Kidney: Clinical & Preclinical
Program Number:1914
Presentation Time:14:45
Computer Number:Computer 139
Author:Christoph Arthofer Shahideh Safavi Andrew Cooper James Harkin Saleh Alenazi Penny Gowland Charlotte Bolton Ian Hall
Institution:National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Nottingham Biomedical Research Centre University of Nottingham
Session Name:Second Wind: Xenonphobic
Program Number:1899
Computer Number:Computer 123
Author:Hannah Williams Emma Doran Stephen Bawden Christopher Mirfin Penny Gowland
Session Name:What Are We, Chopped Liver?
Program Number:1801
Computer Number:Computer 24
Author:Andrew Carradus Olivier Mougin Hans Hoogduin Penny Gowland
Institution:University Medical Center Utrecht University of Nottingham
Session Time:14:30
Session Name:CEST, MT & Beyond
Program Number:3998
Presentation Time:14:30
Computer Number:Computer 144
Program Number:3999
Computer Number:Computer 145
Author:Laura Bortolotti James Smith Penny Gowland Richard Bowtell
Institution:SPMIC, University of Nottingham
Session Date:Thursday, 16 May 2019
Session Time:08:15
Session Name:Motion Correction: Brain
Program Number:4431
Presentation Time:08:15
Computer Number:Computer 58
Author:Penny Gowland
Session Type:Member-Initiated Symposium
Session Name:MRI of the Placenta & Fetus: Challenges & Opportunities
Program Number:
Presentation Time:14:09
Room Number:Room 516AB
Computer Number:
Author:Andrew Carradus Olivier Mougin Hannah Williams Caroline Hoad Penny Gowland
Program Number:1675
Computer Number:Computer 68
Author:Emma Doran Stephen Bawden Richard Bowtell Penny Gowland Paul Glover
Session Name:Simulating RF Safety & SAR
Program Number:4157
Computer Number:Computer 132
Program Number:4156
Computer Number:Computer 131
Program Number:4432
Computer Number:Computer 59
Author:Andrew Carradus Emma Doran Olivier Mougin Christopher Mirfin Hans Hoogduin Stephen Bawden Penny Gowland
Session Name:Novel Developments in CEST
Program Number:5006
Computer Number:Computer 113