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Author:Chandan Ganesh Bangalore Yogananda Benjamin Wagner Gowtham Murugesan Sahil Nalawade Ananth Madhurantakam Joseph Maldjian
Institution:University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Session Type:Power Pitch
Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019
Session Time:08:15
Session Name:Pitch: Artificial Intelligence Neuro
Program Number:0018
Presentation Time:08:15
Room Number:Power Pitch Theater B - Exhibition Hall
Computer Number:
Session Type:Power Pitch Poster
Session Time:09:15
Session Name:Poster: Artificial Intellience Neuro
Presentation Time:09:15
Computer Number:Plasma 18
Author:Chandan Ganesh Bangalore Yogananda Sahil Nalawade Gowtham Murugesan Benjamin Wagner Ananth Madhurantakam Joseph Maldjian
Program Number:0019
Computer Number:Plasma 30