Pre-Acquisition Adjustments (B0 Shimming, B1 Shimming & Water Suppression)
Vincent Oltman Boer1

1Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance, Copenhagen University Hospital Hvidovre, Hvidovre, Denmark


In this lecture, the most common pre-scan adjustments for MRS and MRSI will be discussed, as well as the most recent and upcoming developments.

For MRS studies, the pre-scan adjustments are an important factor for achieving best quality and reproducability.

Failing of even one of the adjustments can lead to severe loss in spectral quality.To perform a correct pre-scan adjustment, the user is required to monitor the different preparation steps before starting the actual experiment. Correct preparation of an MRS acquisition requires knowledge of the following steps:

  • B0 field shimming
  • Frequency determination
  • B1 field shimming and flip angle calibration
  • Water suppression


  • Appreciation of the different pre-acquisisiton optimization strategies
  • Selection of the appropriate preparation steps for the application at hand
  • Quality check the outcome of the preparation steps

B0 shimming

As a first step, the B0 field optimization or shimming is typically performed to homogenize the background static magnetic field. This is needed to improve the linewidth in the MRS spectra.

The background B0 field gets disturbed by the variations in susceptibility in the tissue, and is therefore performed for every subject and scan location. Many different sequences exist for performing this adjustment. The most commonly used and most robust are a measurement of the B0 field through projections1 and measurement of a 3D field map. From this data, the correction terms for the shim coils are calculated to perform an appropriate compensation of the field.

During an experiment, the B0 field can also show temporal variations, due to for example heating/cooling of the scanner or due to physiological sources. This can be corrected for with real-time updating based on MR measurements2 or external monitoring equipment3.

Frequency adjustment

Another pre-acquisition adjustment is the frequency adjustment (F0). This is a quick measurement of the water resonance frequency after the B0 shimming in a reference volume. For single-voxel MRS, this reference volume is typically the MRS voxel, or a slightly larger area that includes that. For MRSI, the frequency reference should also be taken inside the region of interest.

For some sequence types, for example MEGA-editing, special care should be taken to accurately determine the resonance frequency, as already a small offset for the reference frequency can have a large effect on the editing effiency.

With MRS of other nuclei than 1H, the signal intensity is too low to do a fast reference measurement. Here also the 1H water frequency is typically used to determine the resonance frequency through the known ratio of the gamma for 1H and the nucleus of interest.

B1 field shimming/flip angle calibration

In the pre-acquisition adjustment it is important to set the correct flip angle for the localization, water suppression and possible saturation RF pulses. This is performed as a pre-scan calibration where the flip angle is measured and adjusted, preferably in the same volume as the MRS voxel4.

When multi-channel transmit coils are used, a more elaborate calibration of the transmit field is required, where B1 field maps5-7 are acquired, and the correct drive for the channels is determined. This can be either a single setting for the whole scan8,9, a setting per pulse10, or even a variation within the RF pulses11.

Water suppression

The latest step in 1H pre-acquisition adjustment is to optimize and verify the water suppression. Different types of water suppression and the current approaches for optimization and quality assurance will be discussed.


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1. Gruetter R. Automatic, localized in vivo adjustment of all first- and second-order shim coils. Magn Reson Med. 1993 Jun;29(6):804-11.

2. Bogner W, Gagoski B, Hess AT, Bhat H, Tisdall MD, van der Kouwe AJW, Strasser B, Marjańska M, Trattnig S, Grant E, Rosen B, Andronesi OC. 3D GABA imaging with real-time motion correction, shim update and reacquisition of adiabatic spiral MRSI. Neuroimage. 2014 Dec;103:290-302

3. Wilm BJ, Duerst Y, Dietrich BE, Wyss M, Vannesjo SJ, Schmid T, Brunner DO, Barmet C, Pruessmann KP. Feedback field control improves linewidths in in vivo magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Magn Reson Med. 2014 May;71(5):1657-62

4. Versluis MJ, Kan HE, van Buchem MA, Webb AG. Improved signal to noise in proton spectroscopy of the human calf muscle at 7 T using localized B1 calibration. Magn Reson Med. 2010 Jan;63(1):207-11

5. Yarnykh VL. Actual flip-angle imaging in the pulsed steady state: a method for rapid three-dimensional mapping of the transmitted radiofrequency field. Magn Res Med 2007; 57: 192–200.

6. Nehrke K, Versluis MJ, Webb A, Börnert P. Volumetric B1 (+) mapping of the brain at 7T using DREAM. Magn Reson Med. 2014 Jan;71(1):246-56

7. Sacolick LI, Wiesinger F, Hancu I, Vogel MW. B1 mapping by Bloch-Siegert shift. Magn Reson Med. 2010 May;63(5):1315-22

8. Duensing G.R., et al., Transceive Phased Array Designed for Imaging at 3.0T. Proceedings of the 6th Annual Meeting of ISMRM, 1998: p. p 441.

9. Adriany G.R. et al, Transmit and receive transmission line arrays for 7 Tesla parallel imaging, Magn Reson Med 2005 Feb;53(2):434-445

10. Boer VO, Klomp DWJ, Juchem C, Luijten PR, de Graaf RA. Multislice 1H MRSI of the human brain at 7 T using dynamic B0 and B1 shimming. Magn Reson Med. 2012; 68(5) 662-670

11. Ma J, Wismans C, Zhipeng C, Klomp DWJ, Wijnen JP, Grissom WA. Tailored spiral in‐out spectral‐spatial water suppression pulses for magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging. Magn Reson Med. 2018 Jan;79(1):31-40

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 27 (2019)