Understanding DCE MRI & Its Potential Clinical Applications
Choon Hua Thng1

1Oncologic Imaging, National Cancer Centre Singapore, Singapore


Basic mathematical concepts and relationships such as convolution, arterial input function, impulse residue function (IRF), microcirculatory parameters such as flow and permeability, tumor concentration time curve are explained qualitatively to facilitate understanding of tracer kinetic modelling and derivation of microcirculatory parameters by curve fitting. Common DCE MRI parameters such as Ktrans is explained. More complex models are discussed along with their benefits and trade-offs. Unique microcirculatory properties of the liver are explained relating to zero fractional interstitial space in normal liver and a positive value for cirrhosis. Potential clinical applications are briefly discussed.

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Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 27 (2019)