Emerging Technologies: Flexible, Lightweight, Optical & Wireless
Fraser Robb1

1GE Healthcare, Cleveland/Akron, OH, United States


Phased coil arrays have changed dramatically since their earliest inception with increasing complexity and channel density. These changes have led to the development of an innovative fully flexible coil design with highly integrated electronics, which can be placed easily within todays modern coil arrays to reduce the design complexity associated with the large number of channels. Recently, research has been done to improve the interface between RF coils and MRI systems by transferring the data over wireless or optical connections within the scanner bore. The evolution of all of these new technologies can provide a fully wireless, or lightly tethered, future for coil arrays and allow potential the realization of a patient-friendly phased array.

Target Audience

The research engineer or scientist interested in the next generation of coil arrayconstruction, coil element flexibility and novel methods of coil / system interfaces to the MRIscanner.


Since the earliest research on phased arrays1 there has been work on improving performance and clinical utility especially with the advent of parallel imaging2 and massively parallel arrays3. Additionally, research into the development of lightweight flexible coils has been reported recently by a variety of authors utilizing novel materials4,5 and flexible conductor constructions,6,7,8,9,10. Essential to the future success of flexible coil research is the development of new integrated pre-amplifier technologies, which can be placed near to the coil elements. For example, a pre-amplifier has been used to receive RF signals in a glove array used for dynamic magnetic resonance imaging of the hand11. Additionally, the miniaturization of the digital receiver footprint has recently been elegantly demonstrated with an integrated CMOS receiver design,12, 13.

Lightweight and flexible coil elements in an array have been shown to provide improved customer comfort, compliance and clinician acceptance14. To take full advantage of the light weight flexible coil design, it is desirable transfer data from the RF coil array to the MRI system via a lightly tethered with slimmer cabling or a fully wireless link that completely “cuts-the-cord” of the RF connection. To accomplish this, a number of completely new wireless coil technologies are required to be developed including wireless power transfer15, wireless data transmission16, wireless clock syncing17 and wireless decoupling18. The wireless decoupling can be enabled by using lower power voltage controlled RF MEMs19,20 and GaN HEMT21 devices, which have been created and tested with positive results inside RF coil arrays.. These devices potentially require less power for decoupling than traditional PIN diodes, which is an important consideration for the success of future wireless technologies. Lastly, an application of wireless data transfer within the bore has recently been performed to enable wireless B0-shimming with non-magnetic battery packs over a WIFI control22 data link. This technology is compatible with the flexible conductor constructions23, which will be useful in future clinical applications.


Flexible, lightweight coils are now a reality and current research would indicate the potentialfuture of lightly tethered or wireless interface with the MRI system.


Greig Scott, Stanford University

Dean Darnell Duke University


1. “The NMR Phased Array” by PB Roemer, WA Edelstein, CE Hayes, SP Souza, OM Mueller: Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Vol 16, 192–225, (1990). 2. “Simultaneous acquisition of spatial harmonics (SMASH): fast imaging with radiofrequency coil arrays.” By DK Sodickson and WJ Manning: Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Vol 38(4) :591-603, (1997). 3. “128-Channel Body MRI With a Flexible High- Density Receiver-Coil Array, by CJ Hardy, RO Giaquinto, JE Piel, KW Rohling, L. Marinelli, DJ Blezek, EW Fiveland, RD Darrow, TK Foo: Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 28:1219–1225 (2008). 4. “A flexible mercury-filled surface coil for MR imaging.” by J A Malko, E C McClees, I F Braun, P C Davis and J C Hoffman: American Journal of Neuroradiology March 1986, 7 (2) 246-247; \ 5. “Liquid metal based deformable transmitter for MR imaging: A feasibility study” by Q. Duan, H. Lu, C. Cooper, X. Zong, J.H. Duyn, M.D. Dickey and S. Wang. Abstract #3503, ISMRM Singapore (2016). 6. “Stretchable Coil Arrays: Application to Knee Imaging Under Varying Flexion Angles” by JA Nordmeyer-Massner, N. DeZanche, and K.P. Pruessmann: Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 67:872–879 (2012). 7. “Screen-printed flexible MRI receive coils” by J.R. Corea, A.M. Flynn, B. Lechêne, G. Scott, GD. Reed, PJ. Shin, M. Lustig & AC Arias: Nature Communications, Volume 7, Article number: 10839 (2016). 8. “Development and Clinical Implementation of Next Generation Very Light Weight and Extremely Flexible Receiver Arrays for Pediatric MRI” by S.S. Vasanawala, R. Stormont, Scott Lindsay, T. Grafendorfer, J.Y. Cheng, J.M. Pauly, G.C. Scott, J. X. Guzman, V Taracila, D.Chirayath and F.Robb: https://arxiv.org/abs/1705.00224 Archive April_2017: 9. “Characterization and evaluation of a flexible MRI receive coil array for radiation therapy MR treatment planning using highly decoupled RF circuits.” By K. McGee, R. Stormont, S. Lindsay., V. Taracila, D. 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Pruessmann, G. Troster, Q. Huang: IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 11(6):1245-1255 (2017). 14. “Evaluation of a flexible 12-channel screen-printed pediatric MRI coil” by S. Winkler, J. Corea, B. Lechene, K. O'Brien., J. Bonanni, A. Chaudari, M. Alley, V. Taviani., T. Grafendorfer, F. Robb, G. Scott, J. Pauly, M. Lustig, A. Arias, S. Vasanawala S.: Published Online, Feb 26, Radiology (2019). 15. “A RF Gated Wireless Power Transfer System for Wireless MRI Receive Arrays” by K. Byron, F. Robb, P. Stang, S. Vasanawala, J. Pauly and G. Scott.: Concepts in Magnetic Resonance, Vol. 47B, Issue 4, October (2017). 16. “A Millimeter-Wave Digital Link for Wireless MRI” by K. Aggarwal, K.R. Joshi, Y. Rajavi, M. Taghivand, J.M. Pauly, A.S. Poon, G. Scott: IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging, 36(2), p574- 583, Feb. (2017). 17. “Software Synchronization of Independent Receivers by Transmit Phase Tracking” by G. Scott, F. Robb, J. 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Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 27 (2019)