Sprains, strains, tears and stress fractures are unfortunately common occurrences in athletes and weekend warriors alike. Detection and quantitation of subtle and, in some cases, subclinical damage to short-T2 tissues using advanced MRI methods, like ultrashort echo time (UTE) and zero echo time (ZTE) imaging, may help to guide the clinical management of injured patients as they recover and return to sport. Audience members will be introduced to common sports injuries involving short-T2 tissues and new and upcoming MRI techniques to diagnose, stage, and monitor tissue injury and recovery by assessing short-T2 tissue properties.
Sprained ligaments and strained tendons are among the most common of all sports injuries1. Both ligaments and tendons are made of dense viscoelastic networks of highly aligned collagenous fibers that give them tremendous strength under tension and also short-T2 times (<10ms)2. Consequently, healthy ligaments and tendons have little to no signal on standard GRE or FSE sequences. Meniscus injuries are also unfortunately frequent in many sports3 occurring in tissue with an abundance of type I collagen2 that similarly has almost no signal on conventional MRI. Cortical bone stress fractures account for up to 20% of sports medicine clinic injuries4, but due to extremely short-T2 times of mineralized bone and bone water, stress injuries are typically indirectly detected by conventional MRI after evolution of periosteal edema5. Although frank tears and fractures can be inferred from bright signal indicative of fluid infiltration on fluid-sensitive sequences, short-T2 techniques are required for direct imaging of ligaments, tendons and their entheses, intra-substance meniscal integrity, and bone stress injuries6-11.Methods & Results:
UTE: In UTE imaging, read gradients are ramped up as soon as possible after the RF pulse, data sampling begins during the ramp up, and center-out k-space trajectories capture short-T2* signal2,11. The shortest TEs typically achieved with UTE techniques range from microseconds to 1 millisecond. Variable echo time (vTE) GRE imaging, a variant of UTE, uses Cartesian k-space sampling with phase-encoding gradients to vary the effective echo time to achieve sub-millisecond TEs12-14.
Achilles Tendon. [UTE] and [vTE] T2* measurements of Achilles tendon discriminate patients with painful Achilles tendon from controls9,12,15,16. The short-component of bi-exponential T2* analyses provides greater sensitivity to tendinopathy12 with largest differences observed in the region of the calcaneus insertion12,16. Importantly, Achilles [UTE] or [vTE] T2* measures have been correlated to several clinical scoring systems9,12,16. While most short-T2 studies have been conducted at 3T magnetic fields, recent work has shown feasibility for [UTE] T2* imaging of Achilles tendon at low (0.35T) field strength17.
Patellar Tendon. Bi-exponential [UTE] T2* assessment of patellar tendinopathy in high-level athletes detects significant T2* differences compared to controls18, with focal elevations of the short-T2* component and decreased short-T2* fraction observed in proximal patellar tendon of all patient athletes18. In a separate study of basketball players, patellar tendon [UTE] T2* changes over a season of sport correlated to change in pathologic severity19.
Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) and ACL Grafts. ACL graft incorporation following reconstruction surgery has been monitored with [UTE] T2* imaging20,21. T2* indications of earlier maturation in some patients have implications for timing of return to sport21. In animal studies of bio-enhanced ACL repair, models that included volumes of tissue exhibiting short-T2* values (0-12ms)10,22 best predicted mechanical properties. A recent pilot report in women identified variations of T2* in native ACL tissue over the course of the menstrual cycle raising questions about possible periodic variations in ACL mechanical stiffness and whether T2* may be a biomarker for ACL injury risk23.
Menicsi. [UTE] T2* maps of menisci are sensitive to clinically occult intra-substance meniscal degeneration in patients with acute ACL tear7. In patients with knee pain and/or cartilage repair, meniscal [vTE] T2* values, particularly the bi-exponentially derived short-T2* components, differentiate normal menisci from intra-substance degeneration13. Longitudinal [UTE] T2* assessments following meniscal repair and partial menisectomy are sensitive to ultrastructural alterations in meniscus tissue not detected by conventional FSE imaging24.
Bone. Investigations of UTE imaging in cortical bone to assess bone water, macromolecular fraction, porosity and magnetization transfer (MT) effects have attempted to quantitate UTE biomarkers of early stage bone stress injury25-27. In an ex-vivo model of fibular fatigue fracture, UTE-MT imaging detected a decrease of macromolecular fraction and UTE-T2* following cyclic loading likely reflecting rupture to the cortical collagen matrix and increased water in cortical microcracks despite an unchanged bone mineral density25. Efforts are underway to increase scan efficiency to make UTE of bone more clinically applicable28.
ZTE: Zero echo time (ZTE) imaging is an even faster version of the UTE approach wherein the gradient is turned on while the RF signal is applied so that encoding of T2* signal can begin immediately after RF excitation without any delay due to electronic switching from transmit to receive29-31. ZTE imaging provides “CT-like” contrast for bone, and depicts subchondral bony Bankart lesions caused by recurrent anterior shoulder subluxations (a common injury in volleyball and tennis) better than conventional MRI32. Recently, a 3D-T1rho prepared ZTE sequence was proposed for bi-exponential T2* evaluation of semisolid short-T2 tissues including Achilles and patellar tendons, PCL and ACL33. A fundamental limitation of ZTE imaging is an inability to apply slab selection gradients during acquisition necessitating relatively low resolutions for in vivo applications (approximately 1mm isotropic). Further, while ZTE signal from bone likely arises from a combination of bone matrix protons, tightly bound water, and/or other relatively restricted molecules, the exact source of ZTE signal remains to be elucidated.
Discussion - How Low Should You Go?
Although UTE and ZTE sequences are becoming more widely accessible, the decision to employ any of these techniques should take into consideration whether or not acquisition of short or ultrashort echo images are strictly needed for diagnostic detection of the suspected injury. Additional factors to be considered include: the number and spacings of echo images needed for robust mono- or multi-exponential short-T2 signal quantification; innate regional variations of short-T2 signals across different tissues; and the potential for physical activity immediately prior to scanning to transiently alter the short-T2 signals of interest.1. Sports Injuries. 2019. https://medlineplus.gov/sportsinjuries.html. Accessed March 6, 2019.
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