High Temporal Resolution fMRI
Laura Lewis1

1Boston University, Boston, MA, United States


Whole-brain fMRI data can now be acquired at high temporal resolution – on timescales of hundreds of milliseconds. These ‘fast fMRI’ approaches have the potential to reveal new information about brain function. Both acquisition and analysis techniques need to be adapted for fast fMRI in order to exploit its full potential for neuroscience. This lecture will provide an overview of techniques for fast fMRI, how to design fast fMRI studies, and how to model and analyze fast fMRI data. Finally, we will discuss the advantages and limitations of fast fMRI, and highlight potential confounds in interpreting fast fMRI data.

Target Audience

Researchers interested in using new techniques for accelerated fMRI to study brain function, and MR physicists and engineers interested in the applications and limitations of fast imaging techniques for neuroscience.


Whole-brain fMRI data can now be acquired at high temporal resolution – on timescales of hundreds of milliseconds. These approaches have the potential to reveal new information about brain function. Both the acquisition and analysis of fMRI data need to be adapted for fast fMRI in order to exploit its full potential for neuroscience. In this lecture, we will provide an overview of techniques for fast fMRI. We will discuss how to model and analyze fast fMRI data, and how the properties of both hemodynamic and neural signals contribute to the data acquired in fast fMRI studies. We will include a focus on how different signal and noise sources contribute to fast fMRI data and approaches for distinguishing these signals in the analysis. Finally, we will discuss the limitations and advantages of fast fMRI. We will discuss which types of neural signals can and cannot be detected with fast fMRI, and highlight potential confounds in interpreting fast fMRI data.


This lecture will discuss:

· An overview of multiband acquisition, as well brief discussion of other techniques for fast acquisition (e.g. MR encephalography; limited slice prescriptions)

· The temporal properties of the hemodynamic response, and its consequences for signal properties of fast fMRI data: how fast are the underlying signals we measure?

· The contributions of neural, physiological and thermal noise signals to fast fMRI data

· Other signals detected in fast fMRI: inflow, eye movements, pulsations, multiband-related artifacts

· Spatial variability of the temporal properties of the fMRI response: across brain regions and across voxels with varying vascular anatomy

· Analysis considerations for fast fMRI data: how physiological noise correction and autocorrelation affect statistical inferences

· Applications of fast fMRI for resting state studies: how to design the acquisition and analysis

· Applications of fast fMRI for task-based fMRI studies: how to design the experimental paradigm and analysis

· The advantages and limitations of fast fMRI: what new information can we extract about neural activity, and what confounds to be cautious of in interpreting these data

· The future possibilities for fast fMRI: what are the ultimate temporal limits of fast fMRI at higher field strengths and higher spatial resolutions


Attendees will learn techniques for acquiring and analyzing accelerated fMRI data, and their potential applications in imaging the brain. They will be able to identify how analysis techniques should be updated for fast fMRI studies, and to design studies that take advantage of these methods, both in resting-state and task paradigms. They will become familiar with both the limitations and advantages of fast fMRI, and become equipped to use these approaches and evaluate their use in other studies.


The fast timescale of fMRI could potentially be very useful for advancing human neuroscience, as it provides the only noninvasive technique to track whole-brain dynamics over timescales of hundreds of milliseconds. However, these signals are small, noisy, and complicated by the presence of physiological and other noise sources. This lecture aims to provide attendees with the essential information for designing, analyzing, and interpreting fast fMRI studies.


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Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 27 (2019)