Sune N. Jespersen1,2 and Valerij G. Kiselev3,4
1CFIN/MINDLab, Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark, 2Department of Physics, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark, 3Faculty of Medicine, University Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 4Department of Medical Physics, University Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
We discuss tissue microstructure from the point of view of biophysical
modeling, using the so-called Standard Model of diffusion in the brain as our
primary example. We review its assumptions, potential regimes of validity,
validation studies, and approaches for parameter estimation. Prominent among
these are “orthogonal measurements”, where e.g. diffusion pulse sequences
employing generalized q-space trajectories may play an important role.
Target audience
Students and
scientists interested in learning about tissue microstructure imaging with
diffusion. Some prior knowledge of diffusion and diffusion MRI, corresponding
e.g. to what was covered in the preceding lectures of the course, is assumed.Methods
Lecture and exercises. Bring paper and
Starting from
some general considerations about modeling diffusion in tissue as a sum of
Gaussian compartments, we will introduce the so-called ”Standard Model”, an
overarching framework widely used to describe water diffusion in the brain. The
Gaussian compartments of this model correspond to axons or neurites and extra
axonal space, and is described in terms of the diffusivities of the
compartments as well as the orientation distribution of axons. Notably, axons
in this picture are approximated as having zero radius (sticks), due to the
insensitivity of typical diffusion sequences to their small radii (~1 μm). Distances on
such a small scale requires correspondingly large gradients to achieve
sufficient signal attenuation from intra-axonal spins. We will discuss the conditions under which it
can be expected to hold, such as long diffusion times, and present evidence for
its validity. Difficulties with estimating model parameters from typical data will
be explained, due to an inherent model degeneracy at low b values, as well as potential
strategies to overcome them. Among promising strategies are extensions of the
classical Stejskal-Tanner diffusion pulse sequence, such as double diffusion
encoding and free waveforms. Double diffusion encoding, for example, extends
the conventional pulse designed by adding an additional independent diffusion
encoding block, substantially increasing the degrees of freedom of the
sequence. In this context, we will highlight the nature of the new information
achievable from such sequences, such as diffusion covariance tensors,
microscopic anisotropy and more. Other strategies (orthogonal measurements)
include sampling data along additional dimensions such as diffusion time and
echo time. Finally, we will discuss various scenarios leading to deviations
from the standard model. Depending on the diffusion time, such properties could
include deviations from stick geometry of neurites caused e.g. by axonal
undulation, beading, spines, branching/curvature, finite radii. There could
also be a substantial contribution from additional compartments such as cell
bodies and other cell types, as well as heterogeneity in e.g. axonal
populations reflected in distributions of T2 values and diffusivities. The
basic compartmental assumption could be compromised by exchange between
The authors would like to thank Dmitry Novikov and Els Fieremans for discussions, and for hospitality during a sabbatical at CBI/NYU for SJ. SJ acknowledges funding from Aarhus University Research Foundation (AUFF), the Lundbeck foundation, and Augustinus Fonden.References
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