Interacting Fluid Compartments of the Central Nervous System: A Holistic Mathematical Modelling Approach
Eleuterio F Toro1

1Laboratory of Applied Mathematics, University of Trento, Trento, Italy


We first describe all major fluid compartments of the central nervous system, their connections and their relevance to understand some neurological diseases. We then present a full-body, global mathematical model for the fluid dynamics includind heart, pulmonary circulation, respiration, arterial and venous trees, miscrovasculature, brain parenchyma and cerebrospinal fluid, We outline the equations and algorithms to solve these on a computer to produce subject-specific predictions. Validation of predictions against MRI measurements and is presented. We then apply the methods to study intra and extracranial venous outflow anomalies and their impact on cerebral haemodynamics in terms of increased intracranial pressure, reverse flow, altered shear stresses, altered fluid transport, altered perfusion.

TARGET AUDIENCE MRI specialists, bioengineers, physicists, mathematicians, physiologists, neuroradiologists, neurologists, cardiologists, physicians in general. OUTCOME/OBJECTIVES Attendees are expected to (i) appreciate the significance of the role of fluids in human physiology and pathology (ii) to approach physiology and disease in a holistic manner by considering the interacting dynamics of all relevant body fluid compartments. PURPOSE The problem I will address is the role of body fluid compartments and their dynamic interaction in the physiology and pathology of the Central Nervous System (CNS). The study started in 2010 and arose from scientific reports on cerebral venous outflow anomalies (intracranial and extracranial) and their potential role in disturbing CNS fluid physiology in the context of intracranial hypertension [1] and multiples sclerosis [2]. There have been more recent communications on the subject that include other diseases, notably Parkinson’s disease [3] and Meniere’s disease [4]. METHODS The problem has been studied (i) by first constructing a global anatomical picture of all major body fluid compartments, their connections and their interactions; (ii) through the use of MRI measurements and imaging aimed at identifying subjects with disorders in fluid compartments physiology; (iii) by constructing a full-body, global mathematical model for the fluid dynamics that includes heart, pulmonary circulation, respiration, arterial tree, miscrovasculature, venous tree, brain parenchyma and cerebrospinal fluid; (iv) by implementing numerical algorithms to solve the equations on a computer and produce theoretical subject-specific predictions ; (v) by validating numerical predictions against MRI measurements and published and (vi) by using the mathematical model to study specific conditions of interest. See [5], [6], [7]. RESULTS Computational studies of several pathologies of interest have quantitatively confirmed what was intuitively expected: alterations of the dynamics of one fluid compartment results in disturbances of the remaining ones. For example, cerebral venous outflow anomalies, intracranial or extracranial, result in disturbed CNS fluid physiology characterized by increased intracranial pressure, reverse flow, altered shear stresses, altered fluid transport, altered perfusion. See [8], [9], [10], [11]. These results have been confirmed by MRI measurements on patients with Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension [12]. DISCUSSION The computational results on specific subjects with a specific condition partially begin to explain a complex chain of events that starts by associating fluid dynamics pathologies with specific diseases. CONCLUSION The first conclusion has an immediate clinical value and arises from considering all major fluid compartments in a holistic view [12]; this can be put in practice through MRI techniques, not just through mathematical modeling. Our paradigm also points the way to future research that could include the construction of even more complex models incorporating more processes and phenomena of interest. Examples are transport of solutes in the full body and more refined models of fluid compartments, including for instance, the peripheral lymphatic system, the (CNS) glympatic system and the newly discovered meningeal lymphatic system. Some progress has been made in this direction [13], [14]. A challenging largely unresolved issue is that of parameters, eg mechanical, geometrical, physiological. See [15], [16]. In close collaboration with MRI specialists, the mathematical model, can be an effective tool for testing medical hypotheses.


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Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 27 (2019)