Dielectric Tissue Properties & the MRI Methods for Its Quantification
Dong-Hyun Kim1

1Yonsei University, Korea, Republic of


The dielectric constant of in vivo tissue has been an active research area since the early days of the discovery of electromagnetic theory. Recently, methods to probe the dielectric properties (especially conductivity and permittivity) non-invasively has been presented to the MRI community. This course will present theoretical background regarding MREPT (MR Electrical Properties Tomography) and MREIT (MR Electrical Impedance Tomography) which measures the dielectric properties of tissue in vivo. The interactions between electromagnetic fields under certain dielectric properties will be explained. The link between Maxwell equation and Bloch equation will also be explored in the context of impedance tomography. Acquisition and reconstruction strategies for dielectric property mapping will be presented. The intended audience are those interested with quantitative methods for MR especially in dielectric properties. By the end of the talk, the audience should be able to basic understanding of the techniques.

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Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 27 (2019)