Gradient nonlinearity causes systematic errors in the measurement of DTI parameters. These errors can be greatly reduced if the actual fields generated by the gradient coils is known. Although the gradient field maps are known to the manufacturers, many users do not have access to them. We describe a method for measuring the gradient field maps using a set of diffusion weighted images of an isotropic diffusion PVP phantom. We use the field maps to analyze a DTI study of the phantom and compare the results to analysis performed without the field maps. The results show that the method works well.
The signal Sq in voxel q of a diffusion weighted image of an isotropic diffusion phantom with is
(1) $$$S^q=S_0^q exp(-D\ tr(\bf b))$$$
where $$$S_0^q$$$ is the signal in voxel q without diffusion weighting, D is the diffusivity of the phantom, and tr(b) is the trace of the b-matrix.
For an ideal gradient set, the b-matrix is typically expressed as a dyad
(2) $$$b_{ij}=\kappa G_iG_j$$$
where κ is a constant that depends on the timing of the pulse sequence and Gi is the prescribed gradient sensitization in the i(=x,y,z)-direction. The effect of non-linear gradients can be taken into account by writing1
(3) $$$G_i={{\partial B^i}\over {r_j}}G^p_j$$$
where $$$G^p_j$$$ is the prescribed gradient, Bi is the field produced by gradient coil i (=x,y,z), and ri = x, y, or z for i=1, 2, or 3, respectively.
The field produced by the gradient coils is
(4) $$$B^i(r,\theta,\phi)=\sum_{l,m} \alpha_{lm}(c_{lm}^ir^lP_{lm}cos(\theta))cos(\phi)+s_{lm}^ir^lP_{lm}(cos(\theta))sin(\phi))$$$
where (r, θ, φ) are the spherical coordinates of an image point, Plm(x) is the associated Legendre polynomial, αlm is a normalization constant, and slm and clm are expansion coefficients. Manufacturers also use expansion (4) to describe the fields produced by the gradient coils, but a source of confusion and possible error is different values for the normalization constants.
To estimate the expansion coefficients, we acquire a set of diffusion weighted images and find the values of cilm and silm that minimizes χ2. In addition to the clm and slm, best fit values of diffusivity D and unattenuated signal S0 also have to be computed. Due to B0 inhomogeneity, S0 is a function of position, so it cannot be described by a single parameter. To reduce the number of parameters and thereby increase the stability of the fit, we divide the diffusion weighted images by the unattenuated reference image and fit the attenuation function
(5) $$$A={S\over S_0}$$$.
(6) $$$\chi^2=\sum_{q}(A^{qp}_{measured}-A^{qp}(c_{lm}^i,s_{lm}^i))^2 $$$
where the superscript q labels the voxel and the superscript p labels the image, and A is defined by Eqs 1-5, and $$$A^{qp}_{measured}$$$ is the normalized diffusion image p.
The problem of minimizing χ2 is not well defined because Eq 1 depends only on the product of the expansion coefficients and the diffusivity D. We therefore further assume that the gradients are properly calibrated and set the terms that describe the "ideal" gradient to 1.
The minimum number of images required to determine the expansion coefficients clm and slm for a single gradient is 2: an unweighted image and an image with diffusion weighting in the desired direction (x, y, or z only). In practice, the contribution of the imaging gradients to the diffusion weighting causes a systematic error in the derived fit parameters. To reduce the effect of the imaging gradients, we acquire a second image with the polarity of the diffusion pulses reversed. To compute expansion coefficients for all three gradients we therefore need 7 images.
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