Vincent Gras1, Benedikt A. Poser2, Xiaoping Wu3, Raphaël Tomi-Tricot1, and Nicolas Boulant1
1Neurospin, CEA, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 2Department of Cognitive Neuroscience, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands, 3Center for Magnetic Resonance Research, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States
The 7T Human Connectome Project
(HCP) resting-state fMRI (RS-fMRI) protocol employs slice-accelerated multiband
(MB) EPI with a total of 10-fold acceleration (MB 5 and in-plane 2). Such
highly accelerated acquisitions provide exquisite temporal resolution at good sensitivity
in most cortical regions, but quickly become very SNR starved in transmit field
(B1+) deprived regions. This can be mitigated using parallel RF transmission
(pTX), which however usually comes at the expense of time-consuming calibrations
and pulse computations. This work shows experimentally with HCP-style RS-fMRI
scans that a plug-and-play alternative for B1+ mitigation using pTX is possible
with multiband Universal Pulses.
For the 7T Human Connectome
Project (HCP) resting-state fMRI (RS-fMRI) protocol, important sequence
developments have been done to enable short repetition times while maintaining
good spatial resolutions1,2. However, for such
whole-brain studies at 7T, the transmit B1+ field heterogeneity can still lead
to severe local deterioration of the signal, hence temporal SNR (tSNR) and BOLD
sensitivity. Recently, application of the parallel transmission (pTX) technology3 has been proposed to solve
this problem4. Specifically, the SMS-EPI
sequence used in HCP was modified to enable slice-specific RF shimming.
Importantly, there, RF shim weights were obtained by numerical optimization
from measured subject-specific B1+ maps.
In this work, by extending the Universal Pulse (UP) concept5 to SMS multi-band excitations,
we propose yet another alternative solution where such calibrations are made
unnecessary. In this approach, to better cope with inter-subject B1+ variability,
a broader class of pTX pulses than RF shims must be considered6. In this work, we hence use a
multi-band bipolar two-spoke pTX pulse design7–10 and validate our method with HCP-style
RS-fMRI scans on five healthy adults.Methods
Measurements on N=5 subjects were
performed on a Magnetom 7T Siemens (Siemens Healthineers, Erlangen, Germany) scanner
equipped with the Nova Medical (Wilmington, MA, USA) 8TX-32RX head coil, under
local SAR supervision. The RS-fMRI protocol consisted of a 15min fat-suppressed
SMS-EPI acquisition with following parameters: 90 axial slices of 1.6 mm
thickness (no gap), FOV=(208mm)2, matrix size 1302, in
plane resolution 1.6mm, flip angle (FA) 45°, TR=1s, TE=22ms, MB=5, FOV/3
CAIPIRINHA shift, in-plane GRAPPA acceleration=2 with FLEET reference scans,
partial Fourier=7/8, readout bandwidth=1832 Hz/pixel). This protocol was
repeated on each subject three times on different days, to compare (i) regular single-channel
transmission (sTX), (ii) sTX with dielectric (CaTiO3) padding11 and (iii) Universal Pulses pTX.
B1+ maps were also acquired to retrospectively validate excitation performance
by Bloch simulation (Normalized Root Mean Square (NRMS) deviation of the flip
angle and nominal GRE signal).
The multiband UP design consisted
of slice-specific bipolar two-spoke pulses and made use of a database of 10 B1+
and B0 maps, obtained in a previous study6. For each slice, the spokes
RF weights and k-space positions12 were optimized so as to
minimize the FA-NRMS deviation from the target FA, averaged across the field
maps database6.
For tSNR calculation, the MB-EPI acquisition
series were first corrected for rigid body motion using FSL McFLIRT and for
distortion using Topup. Analysis of the resting-state data was carried out with
nilearn and consisted in standardizing the time varying signals to
unit-variance, linear detrending and band-pass filtering (0.01-0.1Hz), and
regressing out the motion correction parameters and the physiological-noise-related
confounds with CompCor. For all voxels, the Pearson correlation coefficient
relative to a seed placed in the posterior cingulate cortex was then calculated
to obtain a representation of the default mode network13 (DMN).Results
The retrospective FA simulations maps
indicate that the NRMS deviation of about 25% in regular sTX acquisition is
reduced to only ~10% when using universal 2-spoke pTX excitations (Table 1), an
amelioration that is well exemplified by the native image comparison shown in
Figure 1. In terms of signal deviation, this translates to a very moderate 4-6%
using pTX-UPs, and a much larger (>14%) deviation in sTX. The dielectric
pads were helpful in compensating for B1+ drops in their direct
vicinity, but resulted in minimal reduction of the NRMS error due to the global
nature of the NRMS metric. Temporal SNR distributions are displayed in Figures
2-3 to demonstrate a marked gain using pTX mainly for the lower brain. Interestingly also, and in agreement
with the tSNR analysis, the seed-based DMN analysis indicate stronger
time-correlations between the posterior cingulate cortex and the temporal
cortex in the data acquired with pTX-UPs (Figure 4).Conclusions
Calibration-free pTX was
successfully implemented in a HCP-style RS-fMRI protocol at 7T through the
computation of slice-specific bipolar two-spoke penta-band UPs and their
integration into a SMS-EPI sequence. With this work, we report for the first
time universal multi-band pTX spokes pulses capable of enhancing BOLD
sensitivity (up to 2-fold tSNR gains were reported) in B1+ deprived regions.
This constitutes a promising outlook on whole-brain BOLD fMRI at ultra-high
field. Acknowledgements
This research received funding from the European
Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Program
(FP7/2013-2018), ERC Grant Agreement n. 309674. B.A.P. is funded by the
Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO 016.Vidi.178.052) and the
National Institute of Health (R01MH111444, PI Feinberg). X.W. was supported by
NIH grants U01 EB025144 and P41 EB015894 (PI K. Ugurbil).References
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