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Dynamic glucoCEST MRI detects regional changes in cerebral glucose uptake in Alzheimer’s disease at 3T
Jianpan Huang1, Jiadi Xu2,3, Celia M. Dong4, Lin Chen2,3, Xiongqi Han1, Ed X. Wu4, Peter C. M. van Zijl2,3, and Kannie W. Y. Chan1,2,3

1Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, 2F.M. Kirby Research Center for Functional Brain Imaging, Kennedy Krieger Research Institute, Baltimore, MD, United States, 3Russell H. Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological Science, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States, 4Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China


Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is affecting over 50 million people globally. Altered glucose uptake is an early hallmark in AD. Here, we apply glucoCEST, in particular, dynamic glucose enhanced (DGE) MRI to study regional glucose uptake in AD at 3T. First, we optimize saturation parameters, and then we apply these parameters to study glucose uptake in AD mice. Moreover, we use a piecewise exponential fitting to extract specific changes related to glucose uptake and utilization. Results showed a global and regional decrease in cerebral glucose uptake in AD mice compared to WT, which could be an effective mean for early diagnosis.


Cerebral glucose uptake is one of the hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in mice overexpressing amyloid precursor protein (APP) (1, 2). We and others have demonstrated that glucose chemical exchange saturation transfer (glucoCEST) or dynamic glucose enhanced (DGE) MRI are capable of detecting glucose uptake and perfusion-related parameters in brain (3-13). Most of the DGE studies are performed at high fields (≥7T), where the CEST contrast is different from that at 3T, but a preliminary study at 3T has been published (14). Here, we aim to optimize and characterize glucoCEST and DGE at 3T. We found that saturation parameters and contributions to the DGE signal are quite different from those at high field. Furthermore, we applied optimized DGE saturation parameters to study glucose uptake in AD mice and quantitatively analyzed these findings by a piecewise exponential fitting. A lower glucose uptake was found in the brain of AD mouse compare to the age-matched WT, which could be valuable for AD diagnosis.


AD (APP/PS1) mice (n=5) and age-matched WT mice (n=5) at 18-month-old were imaged on a horizontal bore 3T animal scanner (Bruker BioSpec) equipped with a quadrature transmit coil and a mouse brain surface coil. For continuous-wave (CW) saturation power (B1) optimization, DGE images were acquired at a frequency of 1.2 ppm with B1 values from 0 to 2.0 μT with a fixed saturation time (tsat)=2 s. In tsat optimization, images were acquired with saturation time varied from 0.5 to 4 s with 0.5 s step size and a fixed B1=0.6 μT. All images were acquired using a RARE sequence with RARE factor=16 and image size=64×64. The detailed acquisition scheme is shown in Fig. 1. DGE curve was fitted by a piecewise exponential model:DGE={0t<trAe(1exp(t/T))ttr where tr indicates the time cerebral glucose starts to rising, T is the reciprocal of rising rate and Ae represents the amplitude of glucose uptake at equilibrium. Area-under-curve (AUC) maps were also calculated to evaluate the results (5).


We found that the optimum value of B1 at 1.2 ppm offset is between 0.5 and 0.7 μT on both WT and AD mice (Fig.2a). The enhancement remained steady when tsat is less than 2 s. Therefore, we chose saturation parameters of B1=0.6 μT and tsat=2 s in the DGE experiment. The fitting model can match the raw DGE data quite well (Fig 3d). In both raw and fitting results, a lower glucose uptake was observed in AD compared to WT. Interestingly, regional uptakes in thalamus, hippocampus and cortex are consistently lower in AD (Fig. 3e), which are significantly lower than WT according to Ae comparison (Fig. 3g). The largest decrease in DGE signal amplitude was found in cortex, namely 1.18±0.37%. This lower glucose uptake in AD than in WT was consistently observed in multiple animals (n=5; Fig. 3f). The regional differences in glucose uptake are shown in AUC maps (20 minutes) (Fig. 3b and c).


We and others have shown the DGE technique to study the neural pathology related to glucose uptake, especially in brain tumors. Our study highlights several new aspects. First, we optimized DGE saturation parameters at 1.2 ppm for CW-CEST and found that the optimal B1 at around 0.5 to 0.7 μT at 3T vs at >1.5 μT at high field (6, 7), which may result from scaling effect of strong MTC and DS (15). Second, we fitted the DGE data using a piecewise model, which assist us compare the DGE curve between AD and WT mouse. This provides some useful fitted parameters, such as tr and Ae, which are related to glucose perfusion in mouse brain. Third, we observed that the DGE signal was consistently lower in AD mice compared to WT mice. Interestingly, we found that the regional (such as thalamus, hippocampus and cortex) glucoCEST contrast of AD mice was significantly (Fig. 3g, P<0.05, <0.01 and <0.01 respectively) lower than that of WT mice. Overall, the hippocampus had the lowest glucoCEST contrast among these regions.


We optimized and applied DGE to study glucose uptake and utilization in AD and WT mice at 3T. The results showed that both saturation parameters and CEST contrast are different from those at high field. Moreover, we applied an exponential fitting to analyze the DGE data to study regional changes. We observed a significantly lower glucose uptake in AD mouse, especially in hippocampus, cortex and thalamus. These findings at 3T are valuable for clinical translation of DGE, especially for early diagnosis in AD and disease stratification.


CityU 9610362, 9042620, 7200516, 7004859 and 6000612.


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Fig 1. The imaging scheme of glucoCEST and DGE at 1.2 ppm in AD and WT.

Fig 2. DGE parameter optimization on whole brain of WT and AD mice. (a) B1 optimization on WT and AD mouse brain with fixed 2 s tsat. (b) tsat optimization on WT and AD mouse brain with fixed 0.6 μT B1. (c) Some glucose enhancement maps of WT mouse brain included in (a) and (b). (d) Some glucose enhancement maps of AD mouse brain included in (a) and (b).

Fig 3. DGE results comparison between AD and WT mice. (a) T2 weighted image of mouse brain with thalamus (orange), hippocampus (blue) and cortex (purple) highlighted. (b) AUC map (20 minutes) of WT mouse brain. (c) AUC map (20 minutes) of AD mouse brain. (d) Comparison of DGE raw data and fitting curve between WT and AD whole brain. (e) Comparison of DGE fitting curve in thalamus (orange), hippocampus (blue) and cortex (purple) between WT and AD brain. (f) Comparison of DGE fitting between WT (n=5) and AD (n=5) whole brain. (g) Comparison of regional Ae between WT (n=5) and AD (n=5) brain.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 27 (2019)