This lecture explains the principles of model-based reconstruction methods and their linearization using dictionaries for MR parameter mapping.
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13) Cieszanowski, A, W Szeszkowski, M Golebiowski, D Bielecki, M Grodzicki, and B Pruszynski. "Discrimination of benign from malignant hepatic lesions based on their T2-relaxation times calculated from moderately T2-weighted turbo SE sequence." Eur Radiol 12 (2002): 2273-2279.
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17) Deoni, M, B Rutt, T Arun, C Pierpaoli, and D Jones. "Gleaning multicomponent T1 and T2 information from steady-state imaging data." Magn Reson Med 60 (2008): 1372-1387.
18) Doneva, M, P Börnert, H Eggers, A Mertins, and J, Lustig, M Pauly. "Compressed sensing for chemical shift based water-fat separation." Magn Reson Med 64 (2010): 1749-1759.
19) Doneva, M, P Börnert, H Eggers, C Stehning, J Senegas, und A Mertins. „Compressed Sensing Reconstruction for Magnetic Resonance Parameter Mapping.“ Magn Reson Med 64 (2010): 1114-1120.
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22) Huang, C, C Graff, E Clarkson, A Bilgin, and M Altbach. "T2 Mapping from Highly Undersampled Data by Reconstruction of Principal Component Coefficient Maps Using Compressed Sensing." Magn Reson Med 67 (2012): 1355-1366.
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25) Lustig, M, D Donoho, and J Pauly. "Sparse MRI: The application of compressed sensing for rapid MR imaging." Magn Reson Med 58 (2007): 1182-1195.
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30) Petzschner, F, I Ponce, M Blaimer, P Jakob, and Breuer F. "Fast MR Parameter Mapping Using k-t Principal Component Analysis." Magn Reson Med 66 (2011): 706-716.
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33) Sumpf, T, A Petrovic, M Uecker, F Knoll, and J Frahm. "Fast T2 mapping with improved accuracy using undersampled spin-echo MRI and model-based reconstructions with generating function." IEEE Trans Med Imaging 33 (2014): 2213 - 2222.
34) Sumpf, T, M Uecker, S Boretius, and J Frahm. "Model-based nonlinear inverse reconstruction for T2 mapping using highly undersampled spin-echo MR." J Magn Reson Imaging 34 (2011): 420-428.
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36) Tran-Gia, J, D Stäb, T Wech, D Hahn, and H Köstler. "Model-based Acceleration of Parameter mapping (MAP) for saturation prepared radially acquired data." Magn Reson Med 70 (2013): 1524-1534. 37) Tropp, J, and A Gilbert. "Signal recovery from random measurements via orthogonal matching pursuit." IEEE Trans Inf Theory 53 (2007): 4655-4666.
38) Tsao, J, P Boesiger, and K. Pruessmann. "k-t BLAST and k-t SENSE: dynamic MRI with high frame rate exploiting spatiotemporal correlations." Magn Reson Med 50 (2003): 1031-1042.
39) Velikina, J, A Alexander, and A Samsonov. "Accelerating MR parameter mapping using sparsity-promoting regularization in parametric dimension." Magn Reson Med 70 (2013): 1263-1273.
40) Welsh, C, E DiBella, G Adluru, and E Hsu. "Model-based Reconstruction of Undersampled Diffusion Tensor k-space Data." Magn Reson Med 70 (2013): 429-440.
41) Wu, Y, et al. "Accelerated MR diffusion tensor imaging using distributed compressed sensing." Magn Reson Med 71 (2013): 763-772.
42) Zhang, T, J Pauly, and I Levesque. "Accelerating parameter mapping with a locally low rank constraint." Magn Reson Med, 2014.