Hyperpolarized gas MR imaging has shown promising results since its first evaluations began in the mid 1990s. However, after implementation of hyperpolarized 3-He MRI was showing of interest, conflicts with other fields requiring this gas made long-term application and translation impossible.
This has driven developments of 129-Xe MRI as an alternative, and following hardware, polarization and sequence changes, this method is now surging in applications and is being used for a variety of pathophysiological processes (that even go beyond the lung).
This presentation will highlight some of the latest developments and will offer a glimpse at the future of hyperpolarized 129-Xe MRI.
1. Stewart NJ, Chan HF, Hughes PJC, et al. Comparison of 3He and 129Xe MRI for evaluation of lung microstructure and ventilation at 1.5T. J Magn Reson Imaging 2018 Mar 5 (Epub ahead of print]
2. Wang JM, Robertson SH, Wang Z, et al. Using hyperpolarized 129Xe MRI to quantify regional gas transfer in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Thorax 2018;73:21-28.
3. Rao MR, Stewart NJ, Griffiths PD, Morquay G, Wild JM. Imaging human brain perfusion with inhaled hyperpolarized 129Xe MR imaging. Radiology 2018;286:659-665.
4. Hersman FW, Ruset UC, Ketel S, et al. Large production system for hyperpolarized 129Xe for human lung imaging studies. Academic Radiology 2007;15:683-692.
5. Kirby M, Svenningsen S, Kanhere N, et al. Pulmonary ventilation visualized using hyperpolarized helium-3 and xenon-129 magnetic resonance imaging: differences in COPD and relationship to emphysema. J Appl Physiol 2013;114:707-715.
6. Kanhere N, Couch MJ, Kowalik K, et al. Correlation of lung clearance index with hyperpolarized 129Xe magnetic resonance imaging in pediatric subjects with cystic fibrosis. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2017;196:1073-1075.
7. Matin TN, Rahman N, Nickol AH. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: lobar analysis with hyperpolarized 129Xe MR imaging. Radiology 2017;282:857-868.
8. Ebner L, Kammerman J, Driehuys B, Schiebler ML, Cadman RV, Fain SB. The role of hyperpolarized 129Xenon in MR imaging of pulmonary function. Eur J Radiol 2017;86:343-352.