The target audience of this talk are neuroscientists and clinicians including neurologists and neuroradiologists interested in the development and application of rapid brain MRI imaging.
The objectives are:
1. To be familiar with the latest available methodology for fast brain MR imaging
2. Learn how to obtain routine brain MRI examinations in 5 minutes
3. Learn how to perform and interpret a 6-minute comprehensive stroke MR imaging
4. Accelerate brain vascular imaging using highly under sampled methodology:
- Compressed sensing for brain vessel wall imaging and MRA
- k-t accelerated imaging for clinical brain 4D flow imaging
1. Barth M, Breuer F, Koopmans PJ, Norris DG, Poser BA. Simultaneous multislice (SMS) imaging techniques. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Jan 2016;75(1):63-81.
2. Jaspan ON, Fleysher R, Lipton ML. Compressed sensing MRI: a review of the clinical literature. The British journal of radiology. 2015;88(1056):20150487.
3. Breuer FA, Blaimer M, Heidemann RM, Mueller MF, Griswold MA, Jakob PM. Controlled aliasing in parallel imaging results in higher acceleration (CAIPIRINHA) for multi-slice imaging. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Mar 2005;53(3):684-691.
4. Huang F, Akao J, Vijayakumar S, Duensing GR, Limkeman M. K-t grappa: A k-space implementation for dynamic mri with high reduction factor. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2005;54:1172-1184
5. Nael K, Khan R, Choudhary G, et al. Six-minute magnetic resonance imaging protocol for evaluation of acute ischemic stroke: pushing the boundaries. Stroke. Jul 2014;45(7):1985-1991.