A method is proposed for correcting the effects of stimulated echoes in T2 mapping based on fast spin echo sequences. In contrast to existing techniques, the proposed method does not require a priori knowledge of the radio frequency pulse profiles. A linear relationship between uncorrected apparent T2 (T2app) and corrected T2 values with B1-dependent regression parameters was found which facilitates the conversion of T2app into T2 maps. In vivo results show that corrected T2 values correspond closely to reference values and have an improved consistency across protocols.
Correction Method: The correction comprises two steps, employing numerical simulation of signal decay curves Ssim(TE) in fast SE sequences:
$$$ S_{sim}(TE=n\cdot ES)=S("RF",FA_{ex},FA_{ref},ES,n,B1,T1,T2) $$$ [Eq. 1]
Here, "RF" comprises all RF pulse profiles, ES is the echo spacing and n is the echo number.
Step 1: Determination of pulse profiles
For each protocol, Sacq(TE) is measured on a gel phantom with known T1 and T2 in regions where B1 is approximately 1.0. Subsequently, decay curves Ssim(TE) are simulated for the phantom T1 and T2 and B1=1, using different combinations of excitation and refocusing pulse profiles. The Ssim(TE) best matching Sacq(TE) is identified, yielding the approximate pulse profiles.
Step 2: Finding the relationship between T2app and T2
Using these pulse profiles, Ssim(TE) is simulated for different T2 and B1 values and T2app is determined via mono-exponential fitting. For each B1, a linear relationship is fitted:
$$$ T2(T2app) = K1(B1)+K2(B1)\cdot T2app $$$ [Eq. 2]
K1(B1) and K2(B1) are then fitted according to:
$$$ K1(B1)=P1(1)\cdot (B1-1)^{2}+P1(2)\cdot (B1-1)+P1(3) $$$ [Eq.3a]
$$$ K2(B1)=P2(1)\cdot (B1-1)^{2}+P2(2)\cdot (B1-1)+P2(3) $$$ [Eq. 3b]
MR protocols: Experiments were performed on a 3T whole body scanner, equipped with a body TX-coil and an 8-channel phased-array head RX-coil. Unless stated otherwise, for all protocols, the geometrical parameters were: FOV=256x176mm2, resolution=1x1mm2, 9 axial slices (thickness/gap: 2.5mm/2.5mm).
"TSE17" protocol: ES=17.1ms, TE=[17,86,103,120,188]ms, duration: 5:50min.
"MESE35" protocol: ES=35ms, TE=[35,70,105,140,175,210]ms, duration: 5:56min.
T2-Reference: SE-EPI, resolution=2x2mm2, 11 slices (thickness/gap: 2mm/2mm), TE=[50,90,120]ms, 2 averages, duration: 5:20min.
B1-Mapping: As described previously6, resolution=4x4mm2, 45 slices (5mm, no gap), duration: 47s.
Phantom Experiment: The phantom was a glass sphere filled with agarose gel doped with 0.11mmol/L Gd-DTPA. For both TSE17 and MESE35, approximate pulse profiles were derived as described above. The relationship between T2app and T2 was fitted according to Eq.[2] for T2 values between 40 and 100ms and B1 values between 0.8 and 1.2, and the parameter arrays P1 and P2 were determined according to Eq.[3].
In Vivo Experiment: Measurements were performed on six healthy subjects who gave written informed consent before participation. For each subject, T2 measurements via TSE17 and MESE35, T2 reference measurement and B1 mapping were performed. T2app maps were fitted and converted into corrected T2 maps via Eqs.[2,3], using the parameters obtained from the phantom experiment.
Phantom Experiment: For P1 and P2, the following values were found:
TSE17: P1=[45.8, 1.91, 2.48]ms; P2=[-2.41, -0.344, 0.730]
MESE35: P1=[-57.8, -4.85, -4.84]ms; P2=[-1.73, -0.183, 0.903]
In Vivo Experiment: Figure 1 shows uncorrected T2app (red) and corrected T2 values (blue) versus reference values, pooled over all subjects, acquired with TSE17 (left) and MESE35 (right). For orientation, a straight line denoting equality is included. In contrast to T2app, corrected T2 values match the reference values. Figure 2 shows uncorrected T2app (left) and corrected T2 maps (right) of a healthy subject, acquired with the protocols TSE17 (top) and MESE35 (bottom). The corrected T2 maps look nearly identical, in contrast to the T2app maps.
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