The purpose of this work is to increase GRE-MRE sequence flexibility by generalizing the multi-shot eXpresso approach. We show that Ristretto MRE allows for the fine-tuning of imaging shot durations in both multi-slice and 3D-MRE acquisitions permitting significant scan time reductions without loss of image quality.
“Ristretto” concept generalizes the eXpresso approach by acquiring an arbitrary
number of slices NS within an arbitrary number of wave periods NW
(Figure 1b). Hence, the number of slices per period is
allowed to be a rational number, which is given byx=NS/NW,while each imaging shot is of durationTR=T/x.In
addition, the delay can be omitted by distributing it evenly over all imaging
shots (Figure 1c). By interleaving the wave phases through
extending the delay by an integer factor ND (Figure 1d), the flexibility of the imaging shot duration
can be further increased to TR=T(NWNS+NDNPNS).N.B.:
ND must be chosen such that all phase offsets are acquired. The allowed
ND are given by integers not divisible by any prime factor of NP.
If NP is a power of 2, the delay ND can be any uneven number and
the repetition time can be chosen in steps ofΔTR=2TNSNP.In a typical 10 slice, 8 phase acquisition, this amounts to
The extended-no-delay-Ristretto scheme can be applied to 3D
encoding (Figure
where a slab is excited and phase encoding is employed along the slice
direction with interleaved acquisition of the motion phases for the same ky/kz-lines.
The shot duration is given byTR=TNDNP,
with NW=ND, while the same rule applies for
ND as with multi-slice Ristretto.
In Figure 3, the real-part of the complex displacement field of an ultrasound gel phantom is shown. eXpresso, Ristretto and no-delay-Ristretto show excellent agreement. With the chosen echo time of 9.2ms and 30 Hz wave frequency, eXpresso MRE only permits two shots per period. The use of Ristretto allows for 2.5 slices per period, reducing scan duration to 80%, while interleaved acquisition of the eight phases further reduces scan duration to 65%.
In Figure 4, fractional GRE-MRE is compared to multi-slice Ristretto and 3D Ristretto in the thigh. Displacement fields are in good agreement between all three techniques. eXpresso MRE cannot be applied as the high wave frequency does not allow for the acquisition of multiple slices per period. Multi-slice Ristretto can acquire 12 slices within 10.625 wave periods by interleaving the phase offsets. 3D Ristretto with NW=7 acquires the eight phases in reverse ordering.
In Figure 5, the standard eXpresso breast protocol using 3 shots per period is compared to multi-slice Ristretto, 3D Ristretto and a rapid 3D Ristretto scheme. Displacement fields and reconstructed shear wave velocities are in good agreement within the breast, however, the increased SNR in the 3D scans allows for the reconstruction of the stiffer areas in the region of the axial lymph nodes. By reducing the number of phases to four, making use of the increased encoding efficiency of Hadamard encoding7, and the high SNR of 3D acquisitions, 4D MRE of the breast and axial lymph nodes becomes feasible in under 2 minutes.
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