Richard J Dury1, Yasser Falah2, Penny A Gowland1, Nikos Evangelou2, Susan T Francis1, and Molly G Bright1,3
1Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre, University on Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 2Division of Clinical Neurology, University on Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 3Clinical Neurology, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom
3D-EPI arterial spin labelling
(ASL) at 7T has been shown to provide advantages over 2D-EPI, however its
reproducibility has not been determined. Here we assess the data quality of 7T 3D-EPI
pulsed ASL data in healthy volunteers (HV) and Multiple Sclerosis (MS) patients
demonstrating significantly higher temporal SNR (tSNR) in MS patients. On comparing
repeats from two scans, acquired ~3 weeks apart, we observe good
reproducibility of CBF estimates with a coefficient of variation of 14.7% in HVs
and 12.1% in MS patients. This ASL method can be used to evaluate perfusion
longitudinally in clinical cohorts.
We evaluate the use of 3D-EPI pulsed
arterial spin labelling (ASL) at 7T to provide repeatable and robust data for
longitudinal clinical studies. ASL benefits from higher field strength due to
the increased signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and longer T1 relaxation
time of blood and tissue. Compared to 2D-EPI ASL, a 3D-EPI readout provides increased
spatial coverage, increased SNR, and has lower SAR, with the benefit of having
each slice acquired at a consistent PLD and thus background suppression time1.
We employ this protocol in repeat scans of healthy volunteers (HV) and patients
with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) to determine its feasibility for clinical studies.Methods
Acquisition: 8 healthy volunteers (2 males, 6 females, mean age of 40±9y)
and 12 MS patients (5 males, 7 females, mean age of 38±8y) were scanned a
median of 22 days apart on a 7T Phillips Achieva scanner with a 32-channel
receive coil. FAIR ASL data were acquired using a single-shot 3D-EPI readout
(spatial resolution=2×2×3mm3, 18 slices, TE/TR=15/42ms, flip
angle=14°, SENSE=2 (in FH and AP), selective/non-selective width=50/300mm). The
bottom of the axial imaging volume was aligned with the ACPC line. Five ASL scans
were acquired at post-label delays (PLDs) of 700 and 1000ms (21 label-control
repeats each), and 1300, 1600 and 1900ms (43 label-control repeats each). An M0
map using the same imaging parameters was acquired for CBF calibration. Inversion
recovery data were acquired to compute a T1 map for segmentation.
analysis: The T1 map was segmented (FSL, FAST2) to obtain a
grey matter (GM) mask. ASL data for each PLD were motion corrected (FSL,
MCFLIRT3) and co-registered, and perfusion-weighted images (PWI) were created
by subtracting label-control image pairs. Temporal SNR (tSNR) maps were calculated,
defined as the mean PW signal divided by the standard deviation for each PLD
(Fig.1.A). The median tSNR value within the GM mask and for each slice was computed.
After discarding outlying PWIs
associated with large head movements4, perfusion values were calculated by
combining ASL data from all PLDs (FSL BASIL5 using spatial priors6 and fit
for microvascular components7), and calibrated using the M0 image8
to yield quantitative perfusion maps in ml/100g/min (Fig.1.B). The mean GM
perfusion and the coefficient of variation (CoV) between scanning sessions was calculated.
Data from 3 MS
patients and 1 HV were discarded due to either severe head motion or coil
constraints in
individuals with larger head sizes[BM1] .
An example perfusion map and GM tSNR map for each PLD are shown in Fig.1; SNR
was significantly higher for all PLDs in the MS group compared to the HV group
(p<0.05, un-paired t-test, two-tailed, Fig.2). Shown in Fig.3, significant
correlation was observed between the GM perfusion values across visits (r=0.75,
p=8×10-4), and the CoV of GM perfusion was 18.7±21.4% (HV) and
11.3±10.4% (MS). tSNR of individual PLD scans also significantly correlated
between visits (r=0.71, p=1×10-13) with CoV of 14.7±12% (HV) and
10.7±8.79% (MS). When tSNR is assessed slice-by-slice, it is consistent across
the central slices with only minimal loss on the upper and lower slices. (Fig.4).
Mean GM perfusion can be successfully
acquired and reproduced using a 3D-EPI FAIR ASL scheme at 7T in both HV and MS
groups. The observed CoV for both cohorts falls below 20%, which is the
expected variability observed between-session using 3T ASL data using the same
labelling scheme9. The smaller CoV and significantly increased tSNR in the
MS group potentially reflects greater familiarity with the scanner environment.
ASL data can be repeatedly acquired
at 7T with high resolution and good coverage using a 3D-EPI readout, with the
benefit of having each slice acquired at the same PLD with similar tSNR. This
acquisition protocol is appropriate for longitudinal studies of perfusion
changes in MS.
This work was funded by the Medical Research Council.
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