Eric R. Muir1,2, Shengwen Deng2,3, and Shiliang Huang2
1Ophthalmology, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, TX, United States, 2Research Imaging Institute, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, TX, United States, 3Biomedical Engineering, University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, United States
intraocular fluid flow or clearance is involved with a variety of eye diseases
such as diabetic retinopathy, but there is a lack of non-destructive methods to
assess the permeability directly of water in the eye. In this study we
investigate the feasibility of different MRI sequences for direct imaging of deuterium
oxide inflow in the mouse eye. Balanced steady state free precession provided
high signal to noise ratio for imaging deuterium oxide in the intraocular fluid,
providing dynamic imaging of intraocular water inflow.
can be used to measure the permeability of water using deuterium oxide (2H2O)
as a tracer. Abnormal intraocular fluid flow or clearance is involved with a
variety of eye diseases such as diabetic retinopathy, for
which 2H2O MRI could potentially be applied to assess
intraocular fluid exchange. In this study we investigated direct
dynamic imaging of 2H2O inflow in the
mouse vitreous. The signal to noise ratio of different MR sequences for 2H2O
imaging was also investigated.Methods
was performed at 7T with 1500mT/m gradient (Bruker) with a double 1H
(6mm) / 2H (10mm) surface coil transceiver. Most scans used 3D balanced
steady state free precession (bSSFP) with: TE/TR=4/8 ms, field of view (FOV)=25.6x25.6x24mm, and
matrix=64x64x16. 3D FLASH scans were acquired with the same geometry and
TE/TR=3.14/175ms. 2D RARE scans were acquired with TE/TR=26/2000ms, echo train
length=4, FOV=25.6x25.6mm, matrix=64x64, and one slice with thickness=1.5mm.
Mice (male C57BL/6J,
31-36g) were anesthetized with isoflurane. 99.9% 2H2O was
mixed with 0.9% sodium chloride and injected by tail vein. 2H2O
was given either by multiple infusion periods (0.833ml/kg/min over 10min, 3
repeats per animal, n=4) or by multiple boluses (5ml/kg bolus given over 45s, 4
repeats per animal, n=3). For
analysis, the whole vitreous signal was summed, normalized by average mouse
vitreous volume, then normalized by two reference tubes of known 2H2O
concentration place to the sides of the eye. For bolus data the wash-in rate (linear
fitting) and area under the curve were calculated, after the pre-injection baseline
was subtracted for each bolus period to normalize the baseline to zero.
On a
10% 2H2O phantom, bSSFP showed much higher SNR compared to
FLASH and RARE (Fig 1). T1 and T2 were measured on the phantom (with
inversion-recovery EPI and multi-echo RARE, respectively) at room temperature to
be T1=451ms and T2=325ms. With this small T1/T2 ratio, bSSFP is expected to
provide high signal. Fig 2 shows example mouse eye images with structures
labeled with a reference 1H2O image and 2H2O bSSFP image.
Fig 3 shows 2H2O bSSFP and FLASH images from a mouse eye,
with bSSFP showing much higher SNR in the vitreous (which is 99% water) similar
to the phantom results. Dynamic 2H2O imaging was thus performed
using bSSFP, with Fig 4 showing dynamics of infusion and bolus administration. With
infusion, the 2H2O MRI signal began to increase soon
after injection began and quickly became steady when the infusion was stopped,
suggesting rapid equilibration between the blood and vitreous. Similarly, the
vitreous signal rapidly increased following bolus. From the bolus data, the relative area under the
curve (for 10.4 min after bolus) and wash-in rate of the rising slope of the normalized
vitreous 2H2O intensity were 10.7±2.8 and
0.31±0.14, respectively (12 trials from n=3 mice, mean±SD).Discussion
studies showed that bSSFP could give dramatically improved SNR for imaging 2H2O
inflow into the intraocular fluid. This was expected as bSSFP generally
provides high signal in fluids which usually have relatively small T1/T2 ratio.
Phantom and in vivo studies suggested that FLASH or RARE would not provide
sufficient SNR and spatial resolution for dynamic imaging of 2H2O
in the mouse eye. bSSFP 2H2O MRI showed the dynamics of
water inflow in the mouse vitreous, revealing different dynamics of 2H2O
bolus and infusion, suggesting rapid exchange of water across the blood retina
barriers and into the eye. With an external reference for normalization as used
herein, the method could potentially provide 2H2O
concentration in the vitreous, although correction for coil sensitivity and
possibly B0 would be needed for accurate quantification. This method
could be useful to study retina diseases in which the ocular permeability is
B. and Loddie Lee Whitehead Fellowship Fund in Ophthalmic ResearchReferences
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