DCE-MRI data is generally acquired using spoiled gradient Recalled(SPGR) echo sequence which is highly sensitive to B1 inhomogeneity. The error introduced due to B1 inhomogeneity effect on SPGR sequence is propagated to various perfusion parameters calculated in DCE-MRI. These parameters are used in various clinical analysis such as grading of tumor patients. This study had evaluated the change in perfusion parameters due to B1 inhomogeneity on 35 patients. Further simulations were done to evaluate its clinical significance. This study concluded that the change in perfusion parameters because of B1 inhomogeneity can change grading of glioma patients.
At high field MRI scanner(≥3T), there can be a substantial transmit B1 field inhomogeneity(B1FI) depending upon RF coil used and tissue 1-5. In general, dynamic-contrast-enhanced(DCE) MRI data is acquired using fast GRE sequences6,7 which are highly sensitive to B1FI8-12. It has been shown previously that substantial B1FI errors were introduced in the perfusion-parameters derived from DCE-MRI data of human brain13. This study is aimed to find out the clinical significance of B1FI propagated errors on DCE-MRI obtained perfusion-parameters by investigating its potential influence on tumor grading of Glioma-patients.
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