Quantitative assessment of water fraction, relaxation time, and frequency shift using a multi-compartment model can be useful in understanding diseases and disorders affecting the human brain. We aimed to explore tissue microstructure information contained in voxel signals by analysing voxel compartment water fraction, $$$T_2^*$$$ and frequency shift derived from 7T multi-echo gradient recalled echo MRI data. We recruited four patients with focal cortical dysplasia and compartmentalised normal and dysplastic cortical regions. Parameterisation of tissue characteristics in focal cortical dysplasia can potentially delineate cortical areas which have undergone microstructural changes. This provides a promising framework for studying neurodegenerative processes.
We received ethics approval from the local ethics committee and written informed consent was obtained from four patients (aged 33-54) with clinically diagnosed FCD. The data were acquired using a 3D GRE-MRI sequence on a 7T whole-body MRI research scanner (Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany) with a 32 channel head coil (Nova Medical, Wilmington, USA) using the following parameters: TE1=4.98ms with echo spacing of 3.13ms and 9 echoes, TR=60ms, flip-angle=15o, voxel-size=1mm$$$\times$$$1mm$$$\times$$$1mm and matrix size=280$$$\times$$$242$$$\times$$$160. A brain mask for each participant was created using MIPAV (Medical Imaging Processing and Visualisation, https://mipav.cit.nih.gov).7 iHARPERELLA (http://people.duke.edu/~cl160, STI Suite)8 was used to compute tissue phase at each echo time point. These 9 echo points were interpolated to 17 echo points. The normal and FCD regions were segmented manually using MIPAV, and an example is shown in Fig 1. Signal fitting was performed in a region of interest (ROI) from each slice using the three compartment model:9
$$s\left(t\right)=\left[A_{my}e^{-\left(\frac{1}{T_{2,my}^*}+2\pi i\Delta f_{my}\right)t}+A_{ax} e^{-\left(\frac{1}{T_{2,ax}^*}+2\pi i\Delta f_{ax}\right)t}+A_{ex}e^{-\left(\frac{1}{T_{2,ex}^*}+2\pi i\Delta f_{ex}\right)t}\right]e^{-2\pi i\Delta f_{bg}t} $$
where $$$A_{my}$$$, $$$A_{ax}$$$ and $$$A_{ex}$$$ are volume fractions for the myelin, axonal, and extracellular compartments, respectively, and corresponding $$$T_{2,my}^*$$$, $$$T_{2,ax}^*$$$ and $$$T_{2,ex}^*$$$ and $$$\Delta f_{my}$$$, $$$\Delta f_{ax}$$$ and $$$\Delta f_{ex}$$$ are the compartment relaxation times and frequency shifts. Fitting was performed in MATLAB (MathWorks, Natick, MA) using a non-linear curve fitting method (lsqnonlin). We used a term to cater for background offset,9 expressed in terms of a background frequency shift ($$$\Delta f_{bg}$$$). The steps involved in computing tissue parameters has been summarised in Fig 2. We performed a one-way ANOVA to test whether compartment parameters had significant differences between normal and FCD cortical regions.
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