Echo-Planar-Imaging is widely used for fMRI, but generates a high level of acoustic noise This could potentially affect activation power, especially for auditory experiments. One established way to reduce acoustic noise is to use a sinusoidal readout gradient combined with a constant phase-encoding gradient. However, this data-sampling scheme is only suitable for lower acceleration factors. This study investigates an alternative EPI sampling scheme with similar acoustic-noise properties that can be used with high acceleration factors in both phase-encoding and slice-encoding directions. Acoustic noise is further reduced by using readout segmentation to reduce the readout gradient amplitude and slew rate.
All data were acquired with a prototype sequence on a MAGNETOM Terra 7T system (Siemens Healthcare GmbH, Erlangen) with a single-channel-transmit, 32-channel-receive head coil (Nova Medical, Wilmington MA, USA). Approval for the study was granted by the local ethics committee.
By prolonging the duration of the PE blips in the VB case, the amplitude and slew rate decreases, leading to reduced acoustic noise (compare Fig. 1). In contrast to standard blipped EPI, data are acquired throughout the blips with the VB method. This results in non-Cartesian parts of the trajectory at the k-space edges (compare Fig. 1) which can be reconstructed with non-Cartesian PI methods, like ESPIRiT7. If the non-Cartesian deviations are sufficiently small, Cartesian PI methods, like GRAPPA8, can also be used with acceptable results. The same concepts also apply for slice GRAPPA9 due to the similarity between a 3D k-space and an SMS-accelerated acquisition10. Simulations using a Shepp-Logan phantom as well as measurements were performed to investigate the effect of data sampling during the PE and slice-encoding blips. In addition, acoustic noise measurements were performed to determine the effect of the duration of the blipped-PE gradient gradient on the level of acoustic noise.
The VB sampling scheme was combined with RO segmentation, which provides the option to match the echo spacing to the gradient frequency response function (FRF) of the MR system being used (compare Fig. 2).
A finger-tapping fMRI experiment was performed with a spatial resolution of 1mm. The overall scanning time was the same for both acquisitions with a reduced slice coverage for the RO-segmented scheme. Data analysis was performed using Brain-Voyager (Brain Innovation, Maastricht, Netherlands) with a minimal post-processing protocol consisting of motion correction, high-pass filtering and slice-time correction.
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