Reproducible research requires robust methods for data management and analysis. We have developed a comprehensive analysis framework for diffusion MRI data based on a robust but flexible management of data and metadata, which enables rapid prototyping and sharing of code. The framework is tailored to deal with multidimensional diffusion MRI data featuring novel types of diffusion encoding strategies, such as b-tensor encoding. It also features routines for higher order tensor mathematics as well as adapted volume registration for motion correction, an analysis GUI and other tools.
Multidimensional data analysis GUI (‘mgui’): A graphical user interface for review of data, parameter maps, and real time fitting of data signals in ROIs. The user can draw ROIs, select a data analysis method, and directly obtain the result (Figure 2).
Examples of methods that are implemented:
Examples of parameter maps from different methods are shown in Figure 3. For each method, standardized functions take as input a signal vector and an experimental parameter structure and outputs a vector of fitted model parameters (‘method_name_1d_data2fit’ functions). Each method also has a function that predicts the signal given a model fit vector and an experimental parameter structure (‘method_name_1d_fit2data’). The experimental parameter structure, which is clearly documented, has fields with predefined names, e.g., ‘b’ for the b-value, ‘bt’ for the b-tensor, and ‘b_delta’ for the normalized anisotropy of the b-tensor.18 Dimensions of all such fields are given in non-scaled SI units.
Included is also the package for multidimensional data management (‘mdm’), comprising code to compile and manage the experimental parameter structure and to open and write various types of files. The multidimensional image operations package (‘mio’) has functions for image coregistration, smoothing, masking etc. Furthermore, tools are included (in ‘tools/gwf’) for gradient waveform analysis (Figure 4). The tensor maths package (‘tools/tm’) has vectorized functions for handling second and fourth order tensors.
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